Source code for pyne.cccc

#!/usr/bin/env python

The CCCC module contains a number of classes for reading various cross section,
flux, geometry, and data files with specifications given by the Committee for
Computer Code Coordination. The following types of files can be read using

The ISOTXS reader was originally derived from Professor James Holloway's
open-source C++ classes from the University of Michigan and later expanded by
Nick Touran for work on his PhD thesis. DLAYXS was later added by Paul Romano.
RTFLUX was done by Elliott Biondo.

A description of several CCCC formats are available online for ISOTXS_, MATXS_,
RTFLUX_, and RZFLUX_. Other format specifications can be found in Los Alamos
Report LA-5324-MS_.


.. _MATXS:



.. _LA-5324-MS:


from __future__ import division
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np

from pyne.utils import QA_warn
from pyne.binaryreader import _BinaryReader, _FortranRecord


[docs]class Isotxs(_BinaryReader): """An Isotxs object represents a binary ISOTXS file written according to the CCCC specifications. :Attributes: **chi** : list of floats Fission yields by group. **emax** : list of floats Maximum energy bound for each group **emin** : float Minimum energy bound of set **fc** : dict Dictionary with file-control information **fileVersion** : int Version of the ISOTXS file. **label** : str File identification string **nuclides** : list of _Nuclides List of individual nuclides in the ISOTXS file. **vel** : float Mean neutron velocity in each group. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of the ISOTXS file to load. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(Isotxs, self).__init__(filename) # Initialize attributes self.fc = {} # file control info self.nuclides = [] # : List of nuclides in ISOTXS file.
[docs] def read(self): """Read through and parse the ISOTXS file.""" self._read_file_ID() self._read_file_control() self._read_file_data() # Read file-wide chi-distribution matrix if present. Note that if # file-wide chi is given as a vector, it will be read during # the read_file_data method. if self.fc['ichidst'] > 1: self._read_chi_data() # Read nuclide data for nucName in self.nucNames: # Create nuclide object nuc = _Nuclide(nucName) # Read nuclide name and global data self._read_nuclide_data(nuc) # Read nuclide cross sections self._read_nuclide_xs(nuc) # Read nuclide chi data if present if nuc.libParams['chiFlag'] > 1: self._read_nuclide_chi(nuc) # Read nuclide scattering matrix for block in range(self.fc['nscmax']): for subBlock in range(self.fc['nsblok']): if nuc.libParams['ords'][block] > 0: self._read_nuclide_scatter(nuc, block, subBlock) # Add nuclide to dictionary self.nuclides.append(nuc)
def _read_file_ID(self): """Reads the file identification block. This block is always present in the ISOTXS format and contains a label and file version number. """ # Get first record from file fileID = self.get_fortran_record() # Read data from file identification record self.label = fileID.get_string(24)[0] self.fileVersion = fileID.get_int()[0] def _read_file_control(self): """Reads the file control block. This block is always present and gives many parameters for the file including number of energy groups, number of isotopes, etc. """ # Get file control record fc = self.get_fortran_record() # Read data from file control record self.fc['ngroup'] = fc.get_int()[0] # Number of energy groups in file self.fc['niso'] = fc.get_int()[0] # Number of isotopes in file # Maximum number of upscatter groups self.fc['maxup'] = fc.get_int()[0] # Maximum number of downscatter groups self.fc['maxdown'] = fc.get_int()[0] self.fc['maxord'] = fc.get_int()[0] # Maximum scattering order self.fc['ichidst'] = fc.get_int()[0] # File-wide fission spectrum flag # Max blocks of scatter data (seems to be actual number) self.fc['nscmax'] = fc.get_int()[0] self.fc['nsblok'] = fc.get_int()[0] # Number of subblocks def _read_file_data(self): """Reads the file data block. This block is always present and contains isotope names, global chi distribution, energy group structure, and locations of each nuclide record. """ # Get file data record fileData = self.get_fortran_record() # Skip identification label of file fileData.get_string(12*8) # Read nuclide label for each nuclide self.nucNames = fileData.get_string(8, self.fc['niso']) self.nucNames = [name.strip() for name in self.nucNames] # Read file-wide chi distribution vector if self.fc['ichidst'] == 1: self.chi = fileData.get_float(self.fc['ngroup']) #: Mean neutron velocity in each group self.vel = fileData.get_float(self.fc['ngroup']) # Read maximum energy bound of each group self.emax = fileData.get_float(self.fc['ngroup']) # Read minimum energy bound of set self.emin = fileData.get_float()[0] # Read number of records to be skipped to read data for a given nuclide self.locs = fileData.get_int(self.fc['niso']) def _read_chi_data(self): """Reads file-wide chi-distribution matrix. In most cases, chi will be given as a vector, not a matrix, and thus in such cases this routine is not needed. """ raise NotImplementedError def _read_nuclide_data(self, nuc): """Read the following individual nuclide XS record. Load data into nuc. This record contains non-mg data like atomic mass, temperature, and some flags. """ # Get nuclide data record r = self.get_fortran_record() # Read nuclide data nuc.libParams['nuclide'] = r.get_string( 8)[0].strip() # absolute nuclide label nuc.libParams['libName'] = r.get_string( 8)[0] # library name (ENDFV, etc. ) nuc.libParams['isoIdent'] = r.get_string(8)[0] nuc.libParams['amass'] = r.get_float()[0] # gram atomic mass # thermal energy yield/fission nuc.libParams['efiss'] = r.get_float()[0] # thermal energy yield/capture nuc.libParams['ecapt'] = r.get_float()[0] nuc.libParams['temp'] = r.get_float()[0] # nuclide temperature (K) # potential scattering (b/atom) nuc.libParams['sigPot'] = r.get_float()[0] # density of nuclide (atom/b-cm) nuc.libParams['adens'] = r.get_float()[0] nuc.libParams['classif'] = r.get_int()[0] # nuclide classification nuc.libParams['chiFlag'] = r.get_int()[0] # fission spectrum flag nuc.libParams['fisFlag'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,f) cross section flag nuc.libParams['nalph'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,alpha) cross section flag nuc.libParams['np'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,p) cross section flag nuc.libParams['n2n'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,2n) cross section flag nuc.libParams['nd'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,d) cross section flag nuc.libParams['nt'] = r.get_int()[0] # (n,t) cross section flag nuc.libParams['ltot'] = r.get_int()[0] # number of moments of total xs # number of moments of transport xs nuc.libParams['ltrn'] = r.get_int()[0] # number of coord directions for transport xs nuc.libParams['strpd'] = r.get_int()[0] # Read scattering matrix type identifications for each scatter # block. Could be total, inelastic, elastic, n2n nuc.libParams['scatFlag'] = r.get_int(self.fc['nscmax']) # Read number of scattering orders in each scatter block. nuc.libParams['ords'] = r.get_int(self.fc['nscmax']) # Read number of groups that scatter into group j, including # self-scatter, in scatter block n. nuc.libParams['jband'] = {} for n in range(self.fc['nscmax']): for j in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.libParams['jband'][j, n] = r.get_int()[0] # Read position of in-group scattering cross section for group j, # scattering block n, counted from first word of group j data nuc.libParams['jj'] = {} for n in range(self.fc['nscmax']): for j in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.libParams['jj'][j, n] = r.get_int()[0] def _read_nuclide_xs(self, nuc): """Reads principal microscopic multigroup cross-section data for a single nuclide. """ # Get cross section record r = self.get_fortran_record() # PL-weighted transport cross section in group g for Legendre order l for l in range(nuc.libParams['ltrn']): for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['transport', g, l] = r.get_float()[0] # PL-weighted total cross section in group g for Legendre order l for l in range(nuc.libParams['ltot']): for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['total', g, l] = r.get_float()[0] # Microscopic (n,gamma) cross section in group g for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['n,g', g] = r.get_float()[0] # Read fission data if present if nuc.libParams['fisFlag'] > 0: # Microscopic (n,fission) cross section in group g for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['fis', g] = r.get_float()[0] # Total number of neutrons/fission in group g for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['nu', g] = r.get_float()[0] # Read fission spectrum vector if present if nuc.libParams['chiFlag'] == 1: # Nuclide chi in group g for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['chi', g] = r.get_float()[0] else: if nuc.libParams['fisFlag'] > 0: # Make sure file-wide chi exists assert self.fc['ichidst'] == 1, "Fissile nuclide %s in library but no individual or global chi!" % nuc # Set the chi to the file-wide chi distribution if this nuclide # has a fission cross section for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['chi', g] = self.chi[g] # Read some other important cross sections, if they exist for xstype in ['nalph', 'np', 'n2n', 'nd', 'nt']: if nuc.libParams[xstype]: for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros[xstype, g] = r.get_float()[0] # Read coordinate direction transport cross section (for various # coordinate directions) if nuc.libParams['strpd'] > 0: for i in range(nuc.libParams['strpd']): for g in range(self.fc['ngroup']): nuc.micros['strpd', g, i] = r.get_float()[0] def _read_nuclide_chi(self, nuc): """Reads nuclide-level fission spectrum matrix. In most cases, chi will be given as a vector, not a matrix, and thus in such cases this routine is not needed. """ raise NotImplementedError def _read_nuclide_scatter(self, nuc, block, subBlock): """Read nuclide scattering matrix. In some versions of the specification, the written description of the scattering matrix is wrong! The person who was typing that version had shifted their right hand one key to the right on the keyboard resulting in gibberish. The CCCC-IV pdf has the correct specification. """ # Get record r = self.get_fortran_record() # Copy values for number of groups and number of subblocks ng = self.fc['ngroup'] nsblok = self.fc['nsblok'] # Make sure blocks and subblocks are indexed starting from 1 m = subBlock + 1 n = block + 1 # Determine number of scattering orders in this block lordn = nuc.libParams['ords'][block] # This is basically how many scattering cross sections there are for # this scatter type for this nuclide jl = (m - 1)*((ng - 1)//nsblok + 1) + 1 jup = m*((ng - 1)//nsblok + 1) ju = min(ng, jup) # Figure out kmax for this sub-block. kmax = 0 for j in range(jl, ju+1): g = j - 1 # convert to groups starting at 0 kmax += nuc.libParams['jband'][g, block] # scattering from group j for order in range(lordn): # for k in range(kmax): for j in range(jl, ju+1): # There are JBAND values for scattering into group j listed in # order of the "from" group as from j+jup to j, from j+jup-1 to # j, ...,from j to j, from j-1 to j, j-2 to j, ... , j-down to j # anything listed to the left of j represents # upscatter. anything to the right is downscatter. n,2n on # MC**2-2 ISOTXS scatter matrix are reaction based and need to # be multiplied by 2 to get the correct neutron balance. g = j-1 assert g >= 0, "loading negative group in ISOTXS." jup = nuc.libParams['jj'][g, block] - 1 jdown = nuc.libParams['jband'][g, block] - \ nuc.libParams['jj'][g, block] fromgroups = list(range(j-jdown, j+jup+1)) fromgroups.reverse() for k in fromgroups: fromg = k-1 nuc.micros['scat', block, g, fromg, order] = r.get_float()[ 0]
[docs] def find_nuclide(self, name): """Returns a nuclide with a given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Path of the ISOTXS file to load. Returns ------- nuc : Nuclide Object containing microscopic cross sections and other data. """ for nuc in self: if == name: return nuc return None
def __iter__(self): for nuc in self.nuclides: yield nuc def __repr__(self): return "<ISOTXS File: {0}>".format(
[docs]class Dlayxs(_BinaryReader): """A Dlayxs object represents the data stored in a CCCC-format DLAYXS file. This file contains delayed neutron precursor yields, emission spectra, and decay constants reduced to multigroup form. Typically, the data in a DLAYXS file would be related to cross-section files in ISOTXS and GRUPXS. :Attributes: **isotopes** : list of strs Names of the isotopes in the DLAYXS file. **isotopeFamily** : dict Dictionary whose keys are the isotope names and whose values are **decay** : dict Dictionary whose keys are names of nuclides and whose values are decay constants for each delayed neutron family. **spectrum** : dict **nGroups** : int Number of energy groups **nIsotopes** : int Number of isotopes **nFamilies** : int Number of delayed neutron families **nu** : dict Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of the DLAYXS file to load. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(Dlayxs, self).__init__(filename) self.isotopeFamily = {} self.decay = {} self.spectrum = {} = {}
[docs] def read(self): """Read through and parse data in the DLAYXS file.""" self._read_file_ID() self._read_file_control() (decay, spectrum) = self._read_spectra() self._read_yield() for isotope in self.isotopes: self.decay[isotope] = {} self.spectrum[isotope] = {} for gDelay in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: family = self.isotopeFamily[isotope][gDelay-1] self.decay[isotope][gDelay] = decay[family] self.spectrum[isotope][gDelay] = spectrum[family]
def _read_file_ID(self): """Read file ID block""" id = self.get_fortran_record() self.label = id.get_string(24)[0] fileID = id.get_int()[0] def _read_file_control(self): """Read file control block.""" fileControl = self.get_fortran_record() self.nGroups = fileControl.get_int()[0] self.nIsotopes = fileControl.get_int()[0] self.nFamilies = fileControl.get_int()[0] def _read_spectra(self): """Read the decay constants and delayed neutron spectra""" fileData = self.get_fortran_record() self.isotopes = fileData.get_string(8, self.nIsotopes) # Read decay constants for each family. We will follow the convention # of the CCCC files that the families are indexed starting from 1. decay = {} for family in range(1, self.nFamilies+1): decay[family] = fileData.get_float()[0] # Read the delayed neutron spectra for each family spectra = {} for family in range(1, self.nFamilies+1): spectra[family] = fileData.get_float(self.nGroups) # This reads the maximum E for each energy group in eV as well as the # minimum energy bound of the set in eV. self.energySpectra = fileData.get_float(self.nGroups) self.minEnergy = fileData.get_float()[0] # Determine the number of families to which fission each isotope # contributes to delayed neutron precursors and the number of records # to be skipped to read data for each isotope ## nFamilies = fileData.get_int(self.nIsotopes) ## nSkip = fileData.get_int(self.nIsotopes) return decay, spectra def _read_yield(self): """Read the delayed neutron precursor yields""" for isotope in self.isotopes: yieldData = self.get_fortran_record()[isotope] = {} for gDelay in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:[isotope][gDelay] = yieldData.get_float(self.nGroups) self.isotopeFamily[isotope] = yieldData.get_int(6)
[docs]class Brkoxs(_BinaryReader): """A Brkoxs object represents data stored in a BRKOXS file from the CCCC format specification. This file is given in conjunction with an ISOTXS (or GRUPXS) file when the Bondarenko self-shielding method is to be used. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path of the BRKOXS file to read. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(Brkoxs, self).__init__(filename)
[docs]class Rtflux(object): """An Rtflux object represents data stored in a RTFLUX file from the CCCC format specification. This file contains regular (i.e. not adjoint) total fluxes. Attribute names mirror those described in the CCCC specification, found here: Attributes: ----------- hname: str Name of file ("rtflux" or "atflux") huse: str User identification string ivers: int File version ndim: int Number of dimenstions ngroup: int Number of energy groups ninti: int Number of fine mesh intervals in the first dimension nintj: int Number of fine mesh intervals in the second dimension nintk: int Number of fine mesh intervals in the third dimension iter: int Outer interation number effk: float Effective multiplication (k) nblok: int Number of Fortran data blocks flux: ndarray Fluxes in the form flux(i, j) where i is interval and j is energy group adjoint: bool Specify if fluxes are adjoint (e.g. for an atflux file) """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the RTFLUX file to be read. """ b = _BinaryReader(filename) fr = b.get_fortran_record() # read file identification self.hname = fr.get_string(8)[0].strip() self.huse = fr.get_string(8)[0].strip() self.ivers = fr.get_string(8)[0].strip() mult = fr.get_int(1) if self.hname == "rtflux": self.adjoint = False elif self.hname == "atflux": self.adjoint = True # read specifcations fr = b.get_fortran_record() self.ndim, self.ngroup, self.ninti, self.nintj, self.nintk, self.niter \ = fr.get_int(6) self.effk = fr.get_float(1)[0] if not self.adjoint: self.power = fr.get_float(1)[0] else: fr.get_float(1) self.nblok = fr.get_int(1)[0] # read fluxes flux = [] # This is the 1D binary spec, specified by CCCC. # It does not work the the PyNE binary reader, but using the 3D format # does work, as tested. # # if self.ndim == 1: # for m in range(1, self.nblok + 1): # fr = b.get_fortran_record() # print fr.num_bytes # jl = (m - 1)*((self.ngroup - 1)/self.nblok + 1) + 1 # jup = m*((self.ngroup -1)/self.nblok + 1) # ju = min(self.ngroup, jup) # flux += fr.get_double(int(self.ninti*(ju-jl+1))) # 3D binary spec for l in range(1, self.ngroup + 1): for k in range(1, self.nintk + 1): for m in range(1, self.nblok + 1): fr = b.get_fortran_record() jl = (m - 1)*((self.nintj - 1)/self.nblok + 1) + 1 jup = m*((self.nintj - 1)/self.nblok + 1) ju = min(self.nintj, jup) flux += fr.get_double(int(self.ninti*(ju-jl+1))) flux2 = [] num_intervals = self.ninti*self.nintj*self.nintk for i in range(self.ngroup): if not self.adjoint: flux2.insert(0, flux[i*num_intervals:(i+1)*num_intervals]) else: flux2.append(flux[i*num_intervals:(i+1)*num_intervals]) flux2 = np.array(flux2) flux2 = flux2.transpose() self.flux = flux2 b.close()
[docs] def to_mesh(self, m, tag_name): """This member function tags supplied PyNE Mesh object with the fluxes contained in the rtflux file. Parameters ---------- m: PyNE Mesh A PyNE Mesh object with same x, y, z intervals used to generate the rtflux file. tag_name: str The tag name to use to tag the fluxes onto the mesh. """ from pyne.mesh import HAVE_PYMOAB if HAVE_PYMOAB: from pyne.mesh import Mesh, NativeMeshTag else: warn("The PyMOAB optional dependency could not be imported. " "All aspects of the partisn module are not imported.", ImportWarning) if not m.structured: raise ValueError("Only structured mesh is supported.") mesh_dims = [len(x) - 1 for x in m.structured_coords] if mesh_dims != [self.ninti, self.nintj, self.nintk]: raise ValueError("Supplied mesh does not comform to rtflux bounds") temp = m.structured_ordering m.structured_ordering = 'zyx' m.tag = NativeMeshTag(self.ngroup, float, name=tag_name) m.tag[:] = self.flux m.structured_ordering = temp
[docs]class Atflux(Rtflux): """An Atflux object represents data stored in a ATFLUX file from the CCCC format specification. This file contains adjoint total fluxes. Note that this is the same format as RTFLUX. See Rtflux class for a complete list of atrributes. The RTFLUX/ATFLUX binary specification is found here: """ def __init__(self, filename): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the ATFLUX file to be read. """ super(Atflux, self).__init__(filename)
[docs]class Rzflux(_BinaryReader): """A Rzflux object represents data stored in a RZFLUX file from the CCCC format specification. This file contains volumetric averages of fluxes by broad energy groups for different geometric zones. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the RZFLUX file to be read. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(Rzflux, self).__init__(filename)
[docs]class Matxs(_BinaryReader): """A Matxs object represents data stored in a MATXS file. This file contains generalized cross-sections. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the MATXS file to be read. """ def __init__(self, filename): super(Matxs, self).__init__(filename)
[docs]class Spectr(_BinaryReader): """Reads ultra-fine group spectrum file from MC**2""" def __init__(self, filename): super(SPECTR, self).__init__(filename) self.fc = {} self.read1D() self.flux = self.read2D() def read1D(self): t1 = self.get_fortran_record() self.fc['eig'] = t1.get_float()[0] self.fc['buck'] = t1.get_float()[0] self.fc['emax'] = t1.get_float()[0] self.fc['deltau'] = t1.get_float()[0] self.fc['ngrp'] = t1.get_int()[0] self.fc['mgcsd'] = t1.get_int()[0] self.fc['ncsd'] = t1.get_int()[0] def read2D(self): t2 = self.get_fortran_record() flux = [] for g in range(self.fc['ngrp']): flux.append(t2.get_float()[0]) return flux
class _Nuclide(object): """Contains data about a single nuclide in an ISOTXS file. Originally, Touran had his own Nuclide class so this one is provided to supply the basic capabilities needed. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.libParams = {} self.micros = {} def __repr__(self): return "<Nuclide: {0}>".format( if __name__ == '__main__': lib = Isotxs('ISOTXS')