"""This is a command line interface for manipulating ORIGEN v2.2 TAPE9.INP files.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import argparse
from glob import glob
from pyne.utils import QA_warn
import numpy as np
from pyne import data
from pyne import ensdf
from pyne import nucname
from pyne import origen22
from pyne.xs.cache import XSCache
from pyne.xs.data_source import EAFDataSource, SimpleDataSource, NullDataSource
from pyne.dbgen.api import build_dir
from pyne.dbgen.decay import grab_ensdf_decay
[docs]def parse_ensdf(files):
"""Parses a list of ensdf files for origen."""
decays = []
branches = []
for f in files:
decs, brs = ensdf.origen_data(f)
decays = [x for x in decays if x[0] is not None]
branches = [x for x in branches if x[0] is not None]
return decays, branches
def _is_metastable_beta_decay_0(item, metastable_cutoff):
return (item[3] is not None) and (item[3] > metastable_cutoff) and \
(item[4] > 0) and (item[3] != np.inf) and (item[2] == 0)
def _is_metastable_beta_decay_x(item, metastable_cutoff):
return (item[3] is not None) and (item[3] > metastable_cutoff) and \
(item[4] > 0) and (item[3] != np.inf) and (item[2] > 0)
def _plus_eq_lib(lib, field, key, val):
lib[field][key] = lib[field].get(key, 0.0) + val
def _plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, field, nuc, key, val):
if nuc in origen22.ACTIVATION_PRODUCT_NUCS:
_plus_eq_lib(t9[1], field, key, val)
if nuc in origen22.ACTINIDE_AND_DAUGHTER_NUCS:
_plus_eq_lib(t9[2], field, key, val)
if nuc in origen22.FISSION_PRODUCT_NUCS:
_plus_eq_lib(t9[3], field, key, val)
if nuc not in origen22.NUCS:
# guess its classification
if nucname.anum in nucname.act:
# nuc is actinide
_plus_eq_lib(t9[2], field, key, val)
# default to activation product
_plus_eq_lib(t9[1], field, key, val)
def _eq_decay_t9(t9, field, nuc, key, val):
if nuc in origen22.ACTIVATION_PRODUCT_NUCS:
t9[1][field][key] = val
if nuc in origen22.ACTINIDE_AND_DAUGHTER_NUCS:
t9[2][field][key] = val
if nuc in origen22.FISSION_PRODUCT_NUCS:
t9[3][field][key] = val
if nuc not in origen22.NUCS:
# guess its classification
if nucname.anum in nucname.act:
# nuc is actinide
t9[2][field][key] = val
# default to activation product
t9[1][field][key] = val
def _set_branch_item(t9, nuc, key, item):
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'half_life', nuc, key, item[2] or 0.0)
if "%SF" in item[3] and item[3]["%SF"] != '?':
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_spont_fiss', nuc, key,
float(item[3]["%SF"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%EC" in item[3] and item[3]["%EC"] != '?':
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture', nuc, key,
float(item[3]["%EC"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%B+" in item[3] and item[3]["%B+"] != '?':
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture', nuc, key,
float(item[3]["%B+"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%EC+%B+" in item[3] and item[3]["%EC+%B+"] != '?':
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture', nuc, key,
float(item[3]["%EC+%B+"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%B-N" in item[3] and item[3]["%B-N"] != '?':
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_n', nuc, key, float(item[3]["%B-N"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%A" in item[3] and item[3]["%A"] != '?':
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_alpha', nuc, key, float(item[3]["%A"] or 0.0)/100.0)
if "%IT" in item[3] and item[3]["%IT"] != '?':
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_isomeric_transition', nuc, key,
float(item[3]["%IT"] or 0.0)/100.0)
[docs]def gendecay(decays, branches, metastable_cutoff=1.0):
"""This computes ORIGEN TAPE9 decay data based on ENSDF data.
decays : list
decay list from parse_ensdf()
branches : list
branches list from parse_ensdf()
metastable_cutoff : float, optional
minimum lifetime of metastable state (in seconds) to be included.
t9 : dict
a TAPE9 dictionary for the decay library
t9 = {1: {'_type': 'decay', 'title': 'PyNE Decay Data for Activation Products'},
2: {'_type': 'decay', 'title': 'PyNE Decay Data for Actinides & Daughters'},
3: {'_type': 'decay', 'title': 'PyNE Decay Data for Fission Products'},
for nlb, lib in t9.items():
for field in origen22.DECAY_FIELDS:
lib[field] = {}
longest = {}
longest2 = {}
for item in decays:
nuc = nucname.id(item[0])
key = nucname.zzaaam(nuc)
if _is_metastable_beta_decay_0(item, metastable_cutoff):
if 'B-' in item[5]:
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_minus_x', nuc, key, item[6]/100.0)
if 'B+' in item[5] or "EC" in item[5]:
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture_x', nuc,
key, item[6]/100.0)
if _is_metastable_beta_decay_x(item, metastable_cutoff):
key += 1
longest2[key] = longest2.get(key, 0)
if item[1] == longest2[key]:
if 'B-' in item[5]:
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_minus_x', nuc, key,
if 'B+' in item[5] or "EC" in item[5]:
_plus_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture_x', nuc,
key, item[6]/100.0)
#key, item[6]*item[8]/100.0)
elif item[1] > longest2[key]:
longest2[key] = item[1]
if 'B-' in item[5]:
#_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_minus_x', nuc, key, item[6]*item[8]/100.0)
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_minus_x', nuc, key, item[6]/100.0)
if 'B+' in item[5] or "EC" in item[5]:
_eq_decay_t9(t9, 'frac_beta_plus_or_electron_capture_x', nuc,
key, item[6]/100.0)
#key, item[6]*item[8]/100.0)
for item in branches:
nuc = nucname.id(item[0])
key = nucname.zzaaam(nuc)
if (item[1] == 0) and (item[2] > metastable_cutoff):
_set_branch_item(t9, nuc, key, item)
if (item[1] != 0) and (item[2] > metastable_cutoff):
key += 1
longest[key] = longest.get(key, 0)
if (item[2] <= longest[key]):
_set_branch_item(t9, nuc, key, item)
for nucs, hl in zip([origen22.ACTIVATION_PRODUCT_NUCS,
[t9[i]['half_life'] for i in range(1, 4)]):
for nuc in nucs:
key = nucname.zzaaam(nuc)
if key not in hl:
hl[key] = data.half_life(nuc)
return t9
[docs]def main_gen(ns):
"""Generates an open TAPE9.INP file. by default this only uses completely open
files = glob(os.path.join(ns.build_dir, 'ENSDF', 'ensdf.*'))
if len(files) == 0:
files = glob(os.path.join(ns.build_dir, 'ENSDF', 'ensdf.*'))
print("parsing ENSDF decay data")
decays, branches = parse_ensdf(files)
print("creating ORIGEN decay libraries")
t9decay = gendecay(decays, branches, metastable_cutoff=ns.metastable_cutoff)
print("creating ORIGEN cross section libraries")
xsc = XSCache(data_source_classes=[EAFDataSource, SimpleDataSource,
t9xsfpy = origen22.xslibs(xscache=xsc, verbose=True)
t9 = origen22.merge_tape9([t9decay, t9xsfpy])
origen22.write_tape9(t9, outfile=ns.filename)
_cmd_mains = {
'gen': main_gen,
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manipulates ORIGEN v2.2 '
'TAPE9.INP files.')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='cmd', help='available sub-commands',
description='the subcommands', dest='cmd')
gen = subparsers.add_parser('gen',
help='Creates a TAPE9 file based only on open data.')
gen.add_argument('-o', dest='filename', default='TAPE9.INP',
help='output filename')
gen.add_argument('-b', dest='build_dir', action='store', default=build_dir,
help='path to the build directory.')
gen.add_argument('--metastable-cutoff', dest='metastable_cutoff', default=1.0,
type=float, help='minimum cutoff value to be considered '
'metastable state, in sec.')
ns = parser.parse_args()
if ns.cmd not in _cmd_mains:
sys.exit('command {0!r} could not be found'.format(ns.cmd))
if __name__ == '__main__':