"""This module provides a way to grab and store raw data for radioactive decay."""
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import glob
import shutil
from zipfile import ZipFile
from pyne.utils import QA_warn
import urllib.request as urllib
except ImportError:
import urllib2 as urllib
import numpy as np
import tables as tb
from pyne import ensdf
from pyne.dbgen.api import BASIC_FILTERS
def _readpoint(line, dstart, dlen):
data = ensdf._getvalue(line[dstart:dstart + dlen])
error = ensdf._getvalue(line[dstart + dlen:dstart + dlen + 2])
return data, error
def _read_variablepoint(line, dstart, dlen):
sub = line[dstart:dstart + dlen + 2].split()
data = None
error = None
if len(sub) == 2:
data = ensdf._getvalue(sub[0])
error = ensdf._getvalue(sub[1])
return data, error
def grab_atomic_data(build_dir=""):
medfile = os.path.join(build_dir, 'mednew.dat')
local = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'mednew.dat')
if os.path.isfile(medfile):
# try to download first
# nndc url seems to be down
#url = 'http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nndcscr/ensdf_pgm/analysis/radlst/mednew.dat'
url = 'https://www-nds.iaea.org/workshops/smr1939/Codes/ENSDF_Codes/mswindows/radlst/mednew.dat'
conn = urllib.urlopen(url)
with open(medfile, 'wb') as f:
except Exception:
# use local copy if we can't download
shutil.copy(local, medfile)
def parse_atomic_data(build_dir=""):
i = 0
j = 0
medfile = os.path.join(build_dir, 'mednew.dat')
dat = np.zeros((103,), atomic_dtype)
with open(medfile, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if (-1) ** i == 1:
Z = int(line[0:3])
k_shell_fluor, k_shell_fluor_error = _readpoint(line, 9, 6)
l_shell_fluor, l_shell_fluor_error = _readpoint(line, 18, 6)
# Probability of creating L-shell vacancy by filling K-shell
prob, prob_error = _readpoint(line, 27, 6)
k_shell_be, k_shell_be_err = _readpoint(line, 36, 8)
li_shell_be, li_shell_be_err = _readpoint(line, 47, 8)
mi_shell_be, mi_shell_be_err = _readpoint(line, 58, 8)
ni_shell_be, ni_shell_be_err = _readpoint(line, 69, 8)
Kb_to_Ka, Kb_to_Ka_err = _read_variablepoint(line, 9, 7)
Ka2_to_Ka1, Ka2_to_Ka1_err = _read_variablepoint(line, 19, 7)
L_auger = ensdf._getvalue(line[29:36])
K_auger = ensdf._getvalue(line[36:42])
Ka1_X_ray_en, Ka1_X_ray_en_err = _readpoint(line, 43, 8)
Ka2_X_ray_en, Ka2_X_ray_en_err = _readpoint(line, 54, 7)
Kb_X_ray_en = ensdf._getvalue(line[65:69])
L_X_ray_en = ensdf._getvalue(line[70:76])
dat[j] = Z, k_shell_fluor, k_shell_fluor_error, l_shell_fluor, \
l_shell_fluor_error, prob, k_shell_be, k_shell_be_err, \
li_shell_be, li_shell_be_err, mi_shell_be, \
mi_shell_be_err, ni_shell_be, ni_shell_be_err, \
Kb_to_Ka, Kb_to_Ka_err, Ka2_to_Ka1, Ka2_to_Ka1_err, \
L_auger, K_auger, Ka1_X_ray_en, Ka1_X_ray_en_err, \
Ka2_X_ray_en, Ka2_X_ray_en_err, Kb_X_ray_en, L_X_ray_en
j += 1
i += 1
return dat
[docs]def grab_ensdf_decay(build_dir=""):
Grabs the ENSDF decay data files
if not already present.
build_dir : str
Major directory to place html files in. 'ENSDF/' will be appended.
# Add ENSDF to build_dir
build_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'ENSDF')
except OSError:
# Grab ENSDF files and unzip them.
iaea_base_url = 'http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/ensarchivals/distributions/dist19/'
cf_base_url = 'https://github.com/pyne/data/raw/master/'
ensdf_zip = ['ensdf_191004_099.zip',
'ensdf_191004_300.zip', ]
for f in ensdf_zip:
fpath = os.path.join(build_dir, f)
if f not in os.listdir(build_dir):
print(" grabbing {0} and placing it in {1}".format(f, fpath))
conn = urllib.urlopen(iaea_base_url + f)
with open(fpath, 'wb') as f:
if os.path.getsize(fpath) < 1048576:
print(" could not get {0} from NNDC; trying mirror".format(f))
conn = urllib.urlopen(cf_base_url + f)
with open(fpath, 'wb') as f:
# not using ZipFile context manager (with statement for Python 2.6)
zf = ZipFile(fpath)
for name in zf.namelist():
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, name)):
print(" extracting {0} from {1}".format(name, fpath))
zf.extract(name, build_dir)
level_dtype = np.dtype([
('nuc_id', int),
('rx_id', np.uint32),
('half_life', float),
('level', float),
('branch_ratio', float),
('metastable', int),
('special', 'S1'),
decay_dtype = np.dtype([
('parent', int),
('child', int),
('decay', np.uint32),
('half_life', float),
('half_life_error', float),
('branch_ratio', float),
('branch_ratio_error', float),
('photon_branch_ratio', float),
('photon_branch_ratio_err', float),
('beta_branch_ratio', float),
('beta_branch_ratio_err', float),
gammas_dtype = np.dtype([
('from_nuc', int),
('to_nuc', int),
('parent_nuc', int),
('child_nuc', int),
('energy', float),
('energy_err', float),
('photon_intensity', float),
('photon_intensity_err', float),
('conv_intensity', float),
('conv_intensity_err', float),
('total_intensity', float),
('total_intensity_err', float),
('k_conv_e', float),
('l_conv_e', float),
('m_conv_e', float),
alphas_dtype = np.dtype([
('from_nuc', int),
('to_nuc', int),
('energy', float),
('intensity', float),
betas_dtype = np.dtype([
('from_nuc', int),
('to_nuc', int),
('endpoint_energy', float),
('avg_energy', float),
('intensity', float),
ecbp_dtype = np.dtype([
('from_nuc', int),
('to_nuc', int),
('endpoint_energy', float),
('avg_energy', float),
('beta_plus_intensity', float),
('ec_intensity', float),
('k_conv_e', float),
('l_conv_e', float),
('m_conv_e', float),
atomic_dtype = np.dtype([
('z', int),
('k_shell_fluor', float),
('k_shell_fluor_error', float),
('l_shell_fluor', float),
('l_shell_fluor_error', float),
('prob', float),
('k_shell_be', float),
('k_shell_be_err', float),
('li_shell_be', float),
('li_shell_be_err', float),
('mi_shell_be', float),
('mi_shell_be_err', float),
('ni_shell_be', float),
('ni_shell_be_err', float),
('kb_to_ka', float),
('kb_to_ka_err', float),
('ka2_to_ka1', float),
('ka2_to_ka1_err', float),
('l_auger', float),
('k_auger', float),
('ka1_x_ray_en', float),
('ka1_x_ray_en_err', float),
('ka2_x_ray_en', float),
('ka2_x_ray_en_err', float),
('kb_x_ray_en', float),
('l_x_ray_en', float),
[docs]def parse_level_data(build_dir=""):
Builds and returns a list of nuclide decay data.
build_dir : str
build_nuc_data directory containing ENSDF folder
level_list_array : np.ndarray
array of level data
build_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'ENSDF')
level_list = []
files = sorted([f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, 'ensdf.*'))])
for f in files:
print(" building level data from {0}".format(f))
level_list = ensdf.levels(f, level_list)
level_list_array = np.array(level_list, dtype=level_dtype)
return level_list_array
[docs]def parse_decay_data(build_dir=""):
Builds and returns a list of nuclide decay data.
build_dir : str
build_nuc_data directory containing ENSDF folder
all_decay_array : np.ndarray
array of decay data
all_gammas_array : np.ndarray
array of gamma ray data
all_alphas_array : np.ndarray
array of alpha decay data
all_betas_array : np.ndarray
array of beta decay data
all_ecbp_array : np.ndarray
array of electron capture and beta plus decay data
build_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'ENSDF')
decay_data = []
files = sorted([f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(build_dir, 'ensdf.*'))])
for f in files:
print(" parsing decay data from {0}".format(f))
decay_data = ensdf.decays(f, decay_data)
all_decays = []
all_gammas = []
all_alphas = []
all_betas = []
all_ecbp = []
for item in decay_data:
if len(item[11]) > 0:
for subitem in item[11]:
if len(item[12]) > 0:
for subitem in item[12]:
if len(item[13]) > 0:
for subitem in item[13]:
if len(item[14]) > 0:
for subitem in item[14]:
all_decay_array = np.array(all_decays, dtype=decay_dtype)
all_gammas_array = np.array(all_gammas, dtype=gammas_dtype)
all_alphas_array = np.array(all_alphas, dtype=alphas_dtype)
all_betas_array = np.array(all_betas, dtype=betas_dtype)
all_ecbp_array = np.array(all_ecbp, dtype=ecbp_dtype)
return all_decay_array, all_gammas_array, all_alphas_array, \
all_betas_array, all_ecbp_array
[docs]def make_atomic_decay_table(nuc_data, build_dir=""):
"""Makes atomic decay table in the nuc_data library.
nuc_data : str
Path to nuclide data file.
build_dir : str
Directory to place xray data file in.
xrd = parse_atomic_data(build_dir)
db = tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'a', filters=BASIC_FILTERS)
# Make a new the table
if not hasattr(db.root, 'decay'):
db.create_group('/', 'decay', 'ENSDF Decay data')
atomic_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'atomic', xrd,
[docs]def make_decay_half_life_table(nuc_data, build_dir=""):
"""Makes a decay table in the nuc_data library.
nuc_data : str
Path to nuclide data file.
build_dir : str
Directory to place ensdf files in.
# Grab raw level data
level_list = parse_level_data(build_dir)
# Open the HDF5 File
db = tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'a', filters=BASIC_FILTERS)
# Make a new the table
if not hasattr(db.root, 'decay'):
db.create_group('/', 'decay', 'ENSDF Decay data')
ll_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'level_list', level_list,
'nuclide [nuc_id], level [keV], half life [s],'
'metastable [int]', expectedrows=len(level_list))
# now that the level data is in nuc_data we can build the decay data fast
decay, gammas, alphas, betas, ecbp = parse_decay_data(build_dir)
decay_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'decays', decay,
'parent nuclide [nuc_id], daughter nuclide '
'[nuc_id], decay [string], half life [s],'
'half life error [s], branch ratio [frac],'
'branch ratio error [frac],'
'photon branch ratio [ratio],'
'photon branch ratio error [ratio],'
'beta branch ratio [ratio],'
'beta branch ratio error [ratio]',
gamma_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'gammas', gammas,
'from_nuc [int], to_nuc [int], primary parent'
'nuc_id [int], child nuc_id [int]'
'Energy [keV], Energy error [keV], '
'photon intensity [ratio], '
'photon intensity error [ratio],'
'conversion e intensity [ratio],'
'conversion e intensity error [ratio],'
'total intensity [ratio],'
'total intensity error [ratio], '
'K conversion electron'
'intensity [ratio], L conversion electron'
'intensity [ratio], M conversion electron'
'intensity [ratio]',
alphas_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'alphas', alphas,
'from_nuc [int], to_nuc [int]'
'Energy [keV], Intensity [ratio],',
betas_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'betas', betas,
'from_nuc [int], to_nuc [int],'
'Endpoint Energy [keV], Average Energy [keV],'
'Intensity [ratio]',
ecbp_table = db.create_table('/decay/', 'ecbp', ecbp,
'from_nuc [int], to_nuc [int],'
'Endpoint Energy [keV], Average Energy [keV],'
'B+ Intensity [ratio], '
'Electron Capture Intensity [ratio],'
'K conversion'
'electron intensity [ratio], L conversion'
'electron intensity [ratio], M conversion'
'electron intensity [ratio]',
# Close the hdf5 file
[docs]def make_decay(args):
"""Controller function for adding decay data."""
nuc_data, build_dir = args.nuc_data, args.build_dir
with tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'r') as f:
if hasattr(f.root, 'decay') and hasattr(f.root.decay, 'ecbp'):
print("skipping ENSDF decay data table creation; already exists.")
# grab the decay data
print("Grabbing the ENSDF decay data from NNDC")
# Make atomic mass table once we have the array
print("Making decay data table.")
make_decay_half_life_table(nuc_data, build_dir)
print("Grabbing Atomic data")
print("Making atomic decay data table")
make_atomic_decay_table(nuc_data, build_dir)