Source code for pyne.dbgen.eaf

"""Module handles parsing EAF formatted cross section files and adding
the data to PyNE's HDF5 storage.  The data here is autonatically grabbed from
the IAEA. 
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import os
from pyne.utils import QA_warn

    import urllib.request as urllib
except ImportError:
    import urllib
from gzip import GzipFile

import numpy as np
import tables as tb

from .. import nucname
from .api import BASIC_FILTERS


[docs]def grab_eaf_data(build_dir=""): """Grabs the EAF activation data files if not already present. Parameters ---------- build_dir : str Major directory to place EAF data file(s) in. 'EAF/' will be appended. """ # Add EAF to build_dir build_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'EAF') try: os.makedirs(build_dir) print("{0} created".format(build_dir)) except OSError: pass # Grab ENSDF files and unzip them. # This link was taken from '' iaea_url = '' cf_base_url = '' eaf_gzip = 'fendlg-2.0_175-gz' fpath = os.path.join(build_dir, eaf_gzip) if eaf_gzip not in os.listdir(build_dir): print(" grabbing {0} and placing it in {1}".format(eaf_gzip, fpath)) try: urllib.urlretrieve(iaea_url, fpath) except (OSError, IOError): open(fpath, 'a').close() # touch the file if os.path.getsize(fpath) < 3215713: print(" could not get {0} from IAEA; trying S3 mirror".format(eaf_gzip)) os.remove(fpath) try: urllib.urlretrieve(cf_base_url + eaf_gzip, fpath) except (OSError, IOError): open(fpath, 'a').close() # touch the file if os.path.getsize(fpath) < 3215713: print(" could not get {0} from S3 mirror".format(eaf_gzip)) return False # Write contents of single-file gzip archive to a new file try: gf = GzipFile(fpath) ofile = os.path.join(build_dir, 'fendlg-2.0_175') with open(ofile, 'w') as fw: for line in gf: fw.write(line.decode("us-ascii")) finally: gf.close() return True
# numpy array row storage information for EAF data eaf_dtype = np.dtype([ ('nuc_zz', int ), ('rxnum', 'S7' ), ('rxstr', 'S7' ), ('daughter', 'S7' ), ('xs', float, (175,)) ]) # Regular expression for parsing an individual set of EAF data. # Includes some groupnames that are currently unused. eaf_info_pattern = \ "(?P<iso>\d{5,7})\s*" + \ "(?P<rxnum>\d{2,4})\s*" + \ "(?P<ngrps>\d{1,3})\s*" + \ "(?P<parent>[a-zA-Z]{1,2}\s{0,3}\d{1,3}[M ][12 ])" + \ "(?P<rxstr>\(N,[\w\s]{3}\))" + \ "(?P<daugh>[a-zA-Z.]{1,2}\s{0,3}\d{1,3}[MG]{0,1}\d{0,1})" + \ "(.*?)" eaf_bin_pattern = "(?P<xs>(\d\.\d{5}E[-+]\d{2}\s*){1,175})"
[docs]def parse_eaf_xs(build_file): """Create numpy array by parsing EAF data using regular expressions Parameters ---------- build_file : str Path where EAF data is stored. Returns ------- eaf_array : numpy array Numpy array with a row for each isotope+reaction combination found in the EAF data. """ with open(build_file, 'r') as f: raw_data = eaf_data = list() eaf_pattern = eaf_info_pattern + eaf_bin_pattern # Iterate over all iso/rx combinations in file for m in re.finditer(eaf_pattern, raw_data, re.DOTALL): md = m.groupdict() xs_list = [float(x) for x in md['xs'].split()] xs_list += (175-len(xs_list))*[0.0] # Store information in new row of array. eafrow = (['iso']), md['rxnum'], md['rxstr'], md['daugh'], xs_list ) eaf_data.append(eafrow) eaf_array = np.array(eaf_data, dtype=eaf_dtype) print("Read in {0} sets of EAF data.".format(len(eaf_array))) return eaf_array
[docs]def make_eaf_table(nuc_data, build_path=""): """Function for adding EAF group and table to HDF5 storage. Parameters ---------- nuc_data : str Path to nuclide data file. build_path : str Directory where EAF data is located. """ print("Grabbing the EAF activation data.") eaf_array = parse_eaf_xs(build_path) # Open the HDF5 file db = tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'a', filters=BASIC_FILTERS) # Ensure that the appropriate file structure is present if not hasattr(db.root, 'neutron'): neutron_group = db.create_group('/', 'neutron', \ 'Neutron Interaction Data') # Create eaf_xs group if not hasattr(db.root.neutron, 'eaf_xs'): eaf_group = db.create_group("/neutron", "eaf_xs", \ "EAF 175-Group Neutron Activation Cross Section Data") eaf_table = db.create_table("/neutron/eaf_xs", "eaf_xs", \ np.empty(0, dtype=eaf_dtype), \ "EAF Activation Cross Section Data [barns]", \ expectedrows=len(eaf_array)) # Put eaf_array in the table eaf_table.append(eaf_array) # Write the table eaf_table.flush() # Add group structure by calling placeholder function to get boundaries db.create_array('/neutron/eaf_xs', 'E_g', _get_eaf_groups(), \ 'Neutron energy group bounds [MeV]') # Close the HDF5 file db.close()
def _get_eaf_groups(): """Function for retrieving EAF group structure. Note, energies are entered high to low in the HDF5 storage. This is used as a placeholder for a future PyNE implementation of a database storing group structures. This hypothetical database would return the group structure like this method does. Returns ---------- eaf_E_g_array : 1D list List of energy group boundaries from high to low. """ eaf_E_g_array = [0.0, 1.0000E-07, 4.1399E-07, 5.3158E-07, 6.8256E-07, 8.7643E-07, 1.1254E-06, 1.4450E-06, 1.8554E-06, 2.3824E-06, 3.0590E-06, 3.9279E-06, 5.0435E-06, 6.4760E-06, 8.3153E-06, 1.0677E-05, 1.3710E-05, 1.7604E-05, 2.2603E-05, 2.9023E-05, 3.7267E-05, 4.7851E-05, 6.1442E-05, 7.8893E-05, 1.0130E-04, 1.3007E-04, 1.6702E-04, 2.1445E-04, 2.7536E-04, 3.5358E-04, 4.5400E-04, 5.8295E-04, 7.4852E-04, 9.6112E-04, 1.2341E-03, 1.5846E-03, 2.0347E-03, 2.2487E-03, 2.4852E-03, 2.6126E-03, 2.7465E-03, 3.0354E-03, 3.3546E-03, 3.7074E-03, 4.3074E-03, 5.5308E-03, 7.1017E-03, 9.1188E-03, 1.0595E-02, 1.1709E-02, 1.5034E-02, 1.9305E-02, 2.1875E-02, 2.3579E-02, 2.4176E-02, 2.4788E-02, 2.6058E-02, 2.7000E-02, 2.8501E-02, 3.1828E-02, 3.4307E-02, 4.0868E-02, 4.6309E-02, 5.2475E-02, 5.6562E-02, 6.7380E-02, 7.2025E-02, 7.9499E-02, 8.2503E-02, 8.6517E-02, 9.8037E-02, 1.1109E-01, 1.1679E-01, 1.2277E-01, 1.2907E-01, 1.3569E-01, 1.4264E-01, 1.4996E-01, 1.5764E-01, 1.6573E-01, 1.7422E-01, 1.8316E-01, 1.9255E-01, 2.0242E-01, 2.1280E-01, 2.2371E-01, 2.3518E-01, 2.4724E-01, 2.7324E-01, 2.8725E-01, 2.9452E-01, 2.9721E-01, 2.9849E-01, 3.0197E-01, 3.3373E-01, 3.6883E-01, 3.8774E-01, 4.0762E-01, 4.5049E-01, 4.9787E-01, 5.2340E-01, 5.5023E-01, 5.7844E-01, 6.0810E-01, 6.3928E-01, 6.7206E-01, 7.0651E-01, 7.4274E-01, 7.8082E-01, 8.2085E-01, 8.6294E-01, 9.0718E-01, 9.6167E-01, 1.0026E+00, 1.1080E+00, 1.1648E+00, 1.2246E+00, 1.2874E+00, 1.3534E+00, 1.4227E+00, 1.4957E+00, 1.5724E+00, 1.6530E+00, 1.7377E+00, 1.8268E+00, 1.9205E+00, 2.0190E+00, 2.1225E+00, 2.2313E+00, 2.3069E+00, 2.3457E+00, 2.3653E+00, 2.3851E+00, 2.4660E+00, 2.5924E+00, 2.7253E+00, 2.8651E+00, 3.0119E+00, 3.1664E+00, 3.3287E+00, 3.6788E+00, 4.0657E+00, 4.4933E+00, 4.7237E+00, 4.9659E+00, 5.2205E+00, 5.4881E+00, 5.7695E+00, 6.0653E+00, 6.3763E+00, 6.5924E+00, 6.7032E+00, 7.0469E+00, 7.4082E+00, 7.7880E+00, 8.1873E+00, 8.6071E+00, 9.0484E+00, 9.5123E+00, 1.0000E+01, 1.0513E+01, 1.1052E+01, 1.1618E+01, 1.2214E+01, 1.2523E+01, 1.2840E+01, 1.3499E+01, 1.3840E+01, 1.4191E+01, 1.4550E+01, 1.4918E+01, 1.5683E+01, 1.6487E+01, 1.6905E+01, 1.7333E+01, 1.9640E+01] eaf_E_g_array.reverse() return eaf_E_g_array
[docs]def make_eaf(args): """Controller function for adding cross section data from EAF format file. """ nuc_data, build_dir, datapath = args.nuc_data, args.build_dir, args.datapath # Check if the table already exists with tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'a', filters=BASIC_FILTERS) as f: if hasattr(f.root, 'neutron') and hasattr(f.root.neutron, 'eaf_xs'): print("skipping EAF activation data table creation; already exists.") return # grab the EAF data print("Grabbing the EAF activation data from IAEA") grabbed = grab_eaf_data(build_dir) if not grabbed: return build_filename = os.path.join(build_dir, 'EAF/fendlg-2.0_175') if os.path.exists(build_filename): build_path = build_filename else: return # print("Making EAF activation data table.") make_eaf_table(nuc_data, build_path)