#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Module for parsing MCNP output data. MCNP is a general-purpose Monte Carlo
N-Particle code developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory that can be used
for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled neutron/photon/electron transport.
Further information on MCNP can be obtained from http://mcnp.lanl.gov/
Mctal and Runtpe classes still need work. Also should add Meshtal and Outp
If PyMOAB is not installed, then Wwinp, Meshtal, and Meshtally will not be
available to use.
from __future__ import print_function, division
from pyne.mesh import Mesh, StatMesh, MeshTally, HAVE_PYMOAB
import sys
import struct
import math
import os
import linecache
import datetime
from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import tables
from pyne.utils import QA_warn
from pyne.material import Material
from pyne.material import MultiMaterial
from pyne import nucname
from pyne.binaryreader import _BinaryReader, _FortranRecord
# Mesh specific imports
from pyne.mesh import NativeMeshTag
warn("The PyMOAB optional dependency could not be imported. "
"Some aspects of the mcnp module may be incomplete.",
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
class Mctal(object):
def __init__(self):
def read(self, filename):
"""Parses a 'mctal' tally output file from MCNP. Currently this
only supports reading the kcode data- the remaining tally data
will not be read.
# open file
self.f = open(filename, 'r')
# get code name, version, date/time, etc
words = self.f.readline().split()
self.code_name = words[0]
self.code_version = words[1]
self.code_date = words[2]
self.code_time = words[3]
self.n_dump = words[4]
self.n_histories = int(words[5])
self.n_prn = int(words[6])
# comment line of input file
self.comment = self.f.readline().strip()
# read tally line
words = self.f.readline().split()
self.n_tallies = words[1]
if len(words) > 2:
# perturbation tallies present
# read tally numbers
tally_nums = [int(i) for i in self.f.readline().split()]
# read tallies
for i_tal in tally_nums:
# read kcode information
words = self.f.readline().split()
self.n_cycles = int(words[1])
self.n_inactive = int(words[2])
vars_per_cycle = int(words[3])
self.k_col = []
self.k_abs = []
self.k_path = []
self.prompt_life_col = []
self.prompt_life_path = []
self.avg_k_col = []
self.avg_k_abs = []
self.avg_k_path = []
self.avg_k_combined = []
self.avg_k_combined_active = []
self.prompt_life_combined = []
self.cycle_histories = []
self.avg_k_combined_FOM = []
for cycle in range(self.n_cycles):
# read keff and prompt neutron lifetimes
if vars_per_cycle == 0 or vars_per_cycle == 5:
values = [float(i) for i in get_words(self.f, lines=1)]
elif vars_per_cycle == 19:
values = [float(i) for i in get_words(self.f, lines=4)]
if vars_per_cycle <= 5:
avg, stdev = (values[5], values[6])
self.avg_k_col.append((avg, stdev))
avg, stdev = (values[7], values[8])
self.avg_k_abs.append((avg, stdev))
avg, stdev = (values[9], values[10])
self.avg_k_path.append((avg, stdev))
avg, stdev = (values[11], values[12])
self.avg_k_combined.append((avg, stdev))
avg, stdev = (values[13], values[14])
self.avg_k_combined_active.append((avg, stdev))
avg, stdev = (values[15], values[16])
self.prompt_life_combined.append((avg, stdev))
def get_words(f, lines=1):
words = []
for i in range(lines):
local_words = f.readline().split()
words += local_words
return words
class SourceSurf(object):
def __init__(self):
class TrackData(object):
def __init__(self):
[docs]class SurfSrc(_BinaryReader):
"""Enables manipulating both the header and tracklists in surface source
Example use cases include adding source particles from other codes, and
combining multiple files together. Note that typically additional code
will be needed to supplement this class in order to modify the header or
track information in a way suitable to the use case.
filename : str
Path to surface source file being read or written.
mode : str, optional
String indicating file opening mode to be used (defaults to 'rb').
def __init__(self, filename, mode="rb"):
super(SurfSrc, self).__init__(filename, mode)
def __str__(self):
return self.print_header()
[docs] def print_tracklist(self, max_tracks=None):
"""Returns tracklists in SurfSrc as a string.
max_tracks : int, optional
Maximum number of tracks to print. Defaults to all tracks.
track_data : str
Single string with data for one track on each line.
if max_tracks is None:
max_tracks = self.nrss
track_data = "Track Data\n"
track_data += \
" X Y Z" \
" U V COSINE | W\n"
for cnt, j in enumerate(self.tracklist):
format_string = "%10d %10g %10.5g %10.5g %10.5g" \
" %13.5e %13.5e %13.5e" \
" %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f | %10.5f "
track_data += format_string % (
j.nps, j.bitarray, j.wgt, j.erg, j.tme,
j.x, j.y, j.z, j.u, j.v, j.cs, j.w) + "\n"
if cnt > max_tracks:
return track_data
def __eq__(self, other):
rtn = self.__cmp__(other)
return rtn == 0
def __cmp__(self, other):
""" Comparison is not completely robust. Tracklists are not compared!!!
if other.kod != self.kod:
# kod does not match
return cmp(other.kod, self.kod)
if other.ver != self.ver:
# ver does not match
return cmp(other.ver, self.ver)
if other.loddat != self.loddat:
# loddat does not match
return cmp(other.loddat, self.loddat)
if other.ncrd != self.ncrd:
# ncrd does not match
return cmp(other.nrcd, self.nrcd)
if other.njsw != self.njsw:
# njsw does not match
return cmp(other.njsw, self.njsw)
if other.np1 != self.np1:
# np1 does not match
return cmp(other.np1, self.np1)
if other.nrss != self.nrss:
# nrss does not match
return cmp(other.nrss, self.nrss)
if other.niss != self.niss:
# nrss does not match
return cmp(other.niss, self.niss)
if other.niwr != self.niwr:
# niwr does not match
return cmp(other.niwr, self.niwr)
if other.mipts != self.mipts:
# mipts does not match
return cmp(other.mipts, self.mipts)
if other.kjaq != self.kjaq:
# kjaq does not match
return cmp(other.kjaq, self.kjaq)
for surf in range(len(self.surflist)):
if other.surflist[surf].id != self.surflist[surf].id:
# ID doesn't match
return cmp(other.surflist[surf].id, self.surflist[surf].id)
if other.surflist[surf].facet_id != self.surflist[surf].facet_id:
# facet_id doesn't match
return cmp(other.surflist[surf].facet_id,
if other.surflist[surf].type != self.surflist[surf].type:
# type doesn't match
return cmp(other.surflist[surf].type,
if other.surflist[surf].num_params != \
# num_params ddoesn't match
return cmp(other.surflist[surf].num_params,
if other.surflist[surf].surf_params != \
# surf_params doesn't match
return cmp(other.surflist[surf].surf_params,
return 0
[docs] def read_tracklist(self):
"""Reads in track records for individual particles."""
self.tracklist = []
for j in range(self.nrss):
track_info = self.get_fortran_record()
track_data = TrackData()
track_data.record = track_info.get_double(abs(self.ncrd))
track_data.nps = track_data.record[0]
track_data.bitarray = track_data.record[1]
track_data.cell = abs(track_data.bitarray) // 8 % 100000000
track_data.wgt = track_data.record[2]
track_data.erg = track_data.record[3]
track_data.tme = track_data.record[4]
track_data.x = track_data.record[5]
track_data.y = track_data.record[6]
track_data.z = track_data.record[7]
track_data.u = track_data.record[8]
track_data.v = track_data.record[9]
track_data.cs = track_data.record[10]
track_data.w = math.copysign(
math.sqrt(1 - track_data.u*track_data.u -
track_data.v*track_data.v), track_data.bitarray)
# track_data.bitarray = abs(track_data.bitarray)
[docs] def put_table_1(self):
"""Write the table1 part of the header to the surface source file"""
newrecord = _FortranRecord("", 0)
if '2.6.0' in self.ver:
newrecord.put_int([self.niss]) # MCNP needs 'int', could be 'long' ?
[docs] def put_table_2(self):
"""Write the table2 part of the header to the surface source file"""
newrecord = _FortranRecord("", 0)
[docs] def put_surface_info(self):
"""Write the record for each surface to the surface source file"""
for cnt, s in enumerate(self.surflist):
newrecord = _FortranRecord("", 0)
if self.kjaq == 1:
newrecord.put_int(s.facet_id) # don't add a 'dummy facet ID'
# else no macrobody flag byte in the record
[docs] def put_summary(self):
"""Write the summary part of the header to the surface source file"""
newrecord = _FortranRecord("", 0)
[docs] def write_tracklist(self):
"""Write track records for individual particles. Second part of the MCNP
surface source file. Tracklist is also known as a 'phase space'.
for j in range(self.nrss): # nrss is the size of tracklist
newrecord = _FortranRecord("", 0)
# 11 records comprising particle information
[docs] def update_tracklist(self, surf_src):
""" Update tracklist from another surface source.
This updates the surface source in-place.
# Catch for improper non-SurfSrc type
if type(surf_src) != SurfSrc:
raise TypeError('Surface Source is not of type SurfSrc')
# Because 'kod' is the first header attribute
elif not hasattr(surf_src, 'kod'):
raise AttributeError(
'No header attributes for surface source argument')
elif not hasattr(self, 'kod'):
raise AttributeError(
'No header attributes read for surface source')
# Because 'tracklist' forms the non-header portion
elif not hasattr(surf_src, 'tracklist'):
raise AttributeError(
'No tracklist read for surface source argument')
elif not hasattr(self, 'tracklist'):
raise AttributeError(
'No tracklist read for surface source')
# No point in updating with self
elif self == surf_src:
raise ValueError('Tracklist cannot be updated with itself')
self.tracklist = surf_src.tracklist
self.nrss = surf_src.nrss
def __del__(self):
"""Destructor. The only thing to do is close the file."""
[docs]class Srctp(_BinaryReader):
"""This class stores source site data from a 'srctp' file written by
MCNP. The source sites are stored in the 'fso' array in MCNP.
filename : str
Path to Srctp file being worked with.
def __init__(self, filename):
super(Srctp, self).__init__(filename)
def read(self):
# read header block
header = self.get_fortran_record()
# interpret header block
# NOTUSED k = header.get_int() # unique code (947830)
self.loc_next = header.get_int() # loc. of next site in FSO arr (ixak)
self.n_run = header.get_int() # source particles yet to be run (nsa)
self.loc_store = header.get_int() # where to put nxt src neutron (ist)
self.n_source = header.get_int() # # of source points in fso (mrl)
# read source site array
fso = self.get_fortran_record()
self.sites = []
for i in range(self.n_source):
vals = fso.get_double(11)
site = SourceSite()
site.x = vals[0]
site.y = vals[1]
site.z = vals[2]
site.E = vals[3]
def remaining_sites(self):
index = self.loc_next - 1
if (self.loc_next + self.n_run) >= self.n_source:
return (self.sites[index:] +
self.sites[:self.n_run - (self.n_source - index)])
return self.sites[index: index + self.n_run]
def __repr__(self):
return "<Srctp: {0}>".format(self.f.name)
class SourceSite(object):
def __init__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<SourceSite: ({0.x},{0.y},{0.z})>".format(self)
[docs]class Runtpe(_BinaryReader):
def __init__(self, filename):
super(Runtpe, self).__init__(filename)
def read(self, filename):
# read identification block
header = self.get_fortran_record()
# parse identification block
self.code_name = header.get_string(8)
self.code_version = header.get_string(5)
self.code_date = header.get_string(8)
header.get_string(19) # machine designator, date and time
self.charge_code = header.get_string(10)
self.problem_ID = header.get_string(19)
self.problem_ID_surf = header.get_string(19)
self.title = header.get_string(80)
header.pos += 3*6*11 # skip user file characteristics
self.n_tables = header.get_int()
# read cross-section tables
self.tables = []
for i in range(self.n_tables):
def __repr__(self):
return "<Runtpe: {0}>".format(self.f.name)
[docs]class Xsdir(object):
"""This class stores the information contained in a single MCNP xsdir file.
f : file handle
The xsdir file.
filename : str
Path to the xsdir file.
directory : str
Path to the directory containing the xsdir file.
datapath : str
The data path specified in the first line of the xsdir file, if it
awr : dict
Maps material ids to their atomic weight ratios.
tables : list
Entries are XsdirTable objects, that appear in the same order as the
xsdir table lines.
See MCNP5 User's Guide Volume 3 Appendix K for more information.
def __init__(self, filename):
filename : str
Path to xsdir file.
self.f = open(filename, 'r')
self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
self.directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
self.awr = {}
self.tables = []
[docs] def read(self):
"""Populate the xsdir object by reading the file."""
# Go to beginning of file
# Read first section (DATAPATH)
line = self.f.readline()
words = line.split()
if words:
if words[0].lower().startswith('datapath'):
index = line.index('=')
self.datapath = line[index+1:].strip()
# Read second section
line = self.f.readline()
words = line.split()
assert len(words) == 3
assert words[0].lower() == 'atomic'
assert words[1].lower() == 'weight'
assert words[2].lower() == 'ratios'
while True:
line = self.f.readline()
words = line.split()
# Check for end of second section
if len(words) % 2 != 0 or words[0] == 'directory':
for zaid, awr in zip(words[::2], words[1::2]):
self.awr[zaid] = awr
# Read third section
while words[0] != 'directory':
words = self.f.readline().split()
while True:
words = self.f.readline().split()
if not words:
# Handle continuation lines
while words[-1] == '+':
extraWords = self.f.readline().split()
words = words[:-1] + extraWords
assert len(words) >= 7
# Create XsdirTable object and add to line
table = XsdirTable()
# All tables have at least 7 attributes
table.name = words[0]
table.awr = float(words[1])
table.filename = words[2]
table.access = words[3]
table.filetype = int(words[4])
table.address = int(words[5])
table.tablelength = int(words[6])
if len(words) > 7:
table.recordlength = int(words[7])
if len(words) > 8:
table.entries = int(words[8])
if len(words) > 9:
table.temperature = float(words[9])
if len(words) > 10:
table.ptable = (words[10] == 'ptable')
[docs] def find_table(self, name):
"""Find all tables for a given ZIAD.
name : str
The ZIAD name.
tables : list
All XsdirTable objects for a given ZIAD.
tables = []
for table in self:
if name in table.name:
return tables
[docs] def to_xsdata(self, filename):
"""Writes a Serpent xsdata file for all continuous energy xs tables.
filename : str
The output filename.
xsdata = open(filename, 'w')
for table in self.tables:
if table.serpent_type == 1:
xsdata.write(table.to_serpent() + '\n')
def __iter__(self):
for table in self.tables:
yield table
[docs] def nucs(self):
"""Provides a set of the valid nuclide ids for nuclides contained
in the xsdir.
valid_nucs : set
The valid nuclide ids.
valid_nucs = set(nucname.id(table.name.split('.')[0])
for table in self.tables if
return valid_nucs
[docs]class XsdirTable(object):
"""Stores all information that describes a xsdir table entry, which appears
as a single line in xsdir file. Attribute names are based off of those
found in the MCNP5 User's Guide Volume 3, appendix K.
name : str
The ZAID and library identifier, delimited by a '.'.
awr : float
The atomic mass ratio of the nuclide.
filename : str
The relative path of the file containing the xs table.
access : str
Additional string to specify an access route, such as UNIX directory.
This entry is typically 0.
filetype : int
Describes whether the file contains formated (1) or unformated (2)
address : int
If filetype is 1, address is the line number of the xsdir table. If
filetype is 2, address is the record number.
tablelength : int
Length of the second block of a data table.
recordlength : int
Unused for filetype = 1. For filetype = 2, recordlength is the number
of entires per record times the size (in bytes) of each entry.
entries : int
Unused for filetype = 1. For filetype = 2, it is the number of entries
per record
temperature : float
Temperature in MeV for neutron data only.
ptable : bool
True if xs table describes continuous energy neutron data with
unresolved resonance range probability tables.
def __init__(self):
self.name = None
self.awr = None
self.filename = None
self.access = None
self.filetype = None
self.address = None
self.tablelength = None
self.recordlength = None
self.entries = None
self.temperature = None
self.ptable = False
def alias(self):
"""Returns the name of the table entry <ZIAD>.<library id>."""
return self.name
def serpent_type(self):
"""Converts cross section table type to Serpent format:
:1: continuous energy (c).
:2: dosimetry table (y).
:3: termal (t).
if self.name.endswith('c'):
return 1
elif self.name.endswith('y'):
return 2
elif self.name.endswith('t'):
return 3
return None
def metastable(self):
"""Returns 1 is xsdir table nuclide is metastable. Returns zero
# Only valid for neutron cross-sections
if not self.name.endswith('c'):
# Handle special case of Am-242 and Am-242m
if self.zaid == '95242':
return 1
elif self.zaid == '95642':
return 0
# All other cases
A = int(self.name.split('.')[0]) % 1000
if A > 600:
return 1
return 0
def zaid(self):
"""Returns the ZIAD of the nuclide."""
return self.name[:self.name.find('.')]
[docs] def to_serpent(self, directory=''):
"""Converts table to serpent format.
directory : str
The directory where Serpent data is to be stored.
# Adjust directory
if directory:
if not directory.endswith('/'):
directory = directory.strip() + '/'
return "{0} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5:.11e} {6} {7}".format(
self.serpent_type, self.zaid, 1 if self.metastable else 0,
self.awr, self.temperature/8.6173423e-11, self.filetype - 1,
directory + self.filename)
def __repr__(self):
return "<XsDirTable: {0}>".format(self.name)
class PtracEvent(tables.IsDescription):
"""This class holds one Ptrac event and serves as a table definition
for saving Ptrac data to a HDF5 file.
event_type = tables.Int32Col()
node = tables.Float32Col()
nsr = tables.Float32Col()
nsf = tables.Float32Col()
nxs = tables.Float32Col()
ntyn = tables.Float32Col()
ipt = tables.Float32Col()
ncl = tables.Float32Col()
mat = tables.Float32Col()
ncp = tables.Float32Col()
xxx = tables.Float32Col()
yyy = tables.Float32Col()
zzz = tables.Float32Col()
uuu = tables.Float32Col()
vvv = tables.Float32Col()
www = tables.Float32Col()
erg = tables.Float32Col()
wgt = tables.Float32Col()
tme = tables.Float32Col()
[docs]class PtracReader(object):
"""Class to read _binary_ PTRAC files generated by MCNP."""
def __init__(self, filename):
"""Construct a new Ptrac reader for a given filename, determine the
number format and read the file's headers.
self.variable_mappings = {
1: "nps",
3: "ncl",
4: "nsf", # surface id
8: "node",
9: "nsr",
10: "nxs",
11: "ntyn",
12: "nsf",
16: "ipt",
17: "ncl",
18: "mat",
19: "ncp",
20: "xxx", # position x
21: "yyy", # position y
22: "zzz", # position z
23: "uuu", # cos(x-direction)
24: "vvv", # cos(y-direction)
25: "www", # cos(z-direction)
26: "erg", # energy
27: "wgt", # mass
28: "tme"
self.eightbytes = False
self.f = open(filename, 'rb')
self.next_event = 0
def __del__(self):
"""Destructor. The only thing to do is close the Ptrac file."""
[docs] def determine_endianness(self):
"""Determine the number format (endianness) used in the Ptrac file.
For this, the file's first entry is used. It is always minus one
and has a length of 4 bytes.
# read and unpack first 4 bytes
b = self.f.read(4)
should_be_4 = struct.unpack('<i', b)[0]
if should_be_4 == 4:
self.endianness = '<'
self.endianness = '>'
# discard the next 8 bytes (the value -1 und another 4)
[docs] def read_next(self, format, number=1, auto=False, raw_format=False):
"""Helper method for reading records from the Ptrac file.
All binary records consist of the record content's length in bytes,
the content itself and then the length again.
format can be one of the struct module's format characters (i.e. i
for an int, f for a float, s for a string).
The length of the record can either be hard-coded by setting the
number parameter (e.g. to read 10 floats) or determined automatically
by setting auto=True.
Setting the parameter raw_format to True means that the format string
will not be expanded by number, but will be used directly.
if self.eightbytes and (not raw_format) and format == 'f':
format = 'd'
if self.eightbytes and (not raw_format) and format == 'i':
format = 'q'
# how long is one field of the read values
format_length = 1
if format in ['h', 'H'] and not raw_format:
format_length = 2
elif format in ['i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'f'] and not raw_format:
format_length = 4
elif format in ['d', 'q', 'Q'] and not raw_format:
format_length = 8
if auto and not raw_format:
b = self.f.read(4)
if b == b'':
raise EOFError
length = struct.unpack(self.endianness.encode() + b'i', b)[0]
number = length // format_length
b = self.f.read(length + 4)
tmp = struct.unpack(b"".join([self.endianness.encode(),
(format*number).encode(), b'i']), b)
length2 = tmp[-1]
tmp = tmp[:-1]
bytes_to_read = number * format_length + 8
b = self.f.read(bytes_to_read)
if b == b'':
raise EOFError
fmt_string = self.endianness + "i"
if raw_format:
fmt_string += format + "i"
fmt_string += format * number + "i"
tmp = struct.unpack(fmt_string.encode(), b)
length = tmp[0]
length2 = tmp[-1]
tmp = tmp[1:-1]
assert length == length2
if format == 's':
# return just one string
return b''.join(tmp).decode()
elif number == 1:
# just return the number and not a tuple containing just the number
return tmp[0]
# convert tuple to list
return list(tmp)
[docs] def read_variable_ids(self):
"""Read the list of variable IDs that each record type in the Ptrac
file is comprised of. The variables can vary for different problems.
Consult the MCNP manual for details.
variable_nums = dict()
variable_ids = dict()
if self.eightbytes:
variable_info = self.read_next(
"qqqqqqqqqqqiiiiiiiii", 124, raw_format=True)
variable_info = self.read_next('i', 20)
variable_nums["nps"] = variable_info[0]
variable_nums["src"] = variable_info[1] + variable_info[2]
variable_nums["bnk"] = variable_info[3] + variable_info[4]
variable_nums["sur"] = variable_info[5] + variable_info[6]
variable_nums["col"] = variable_info[7] + variable_info[8]
variable_nums["ter"] = variable_info[9] + variable_info[10]
num_vars_total = sum(variable_info[:11])
if self.eightbytes:
# only the NPS vars are in 8 byte, the other ones are still 4
fmt_string = "q" * variable_info[0] + \
"i" * sum(variable_info[1:11])
fmt_length = 8 * variable_info[0] + 4 * sum(variable_info[1:11])
all_var_ids = self.read_next(
fmt_string, fmt_length, raw_format=True)
all_var_ids = self.read_next('i', num_vars_total)
for l in ["nps", "src", "bnk", "sur", "col", "ter"]:
variable_ids[l] = all_var_ids[:variable_nums[l]]
all_var_ids = all_var_ids[variable_nums[l]:]
self.variable_nums = variable_nums
self.variable_ids = variable_ids
[docs] def read_nps_line(self):
"""Read an NPS record and save the type of the next event."""
nps_line = self.read_next('i', self.variable_nums["nps"])
self.next_event = nps_line[1]
[docs] def read_event_line(self, ptrac_event):
"""Read an event record and save it to a given PtracParticle instance.
# save for current event, because this record
# contains only the next event's type
event_type = self.next_event
if event_type == 1000:
e = "src"
elif event_type == 3000:
e = "sur"
elif event_type == 4000:
e = "col"
elif event_type == 5000:
e = "ter"
e = "bnk"
evt_line = self.read_next('f', self.variable_nums[e])
self.next_event = evt_line[0]
for i in range(1, len(self.variable_ids[e])):
if self.variable_ids[e][i] in self.variable_mappings:
self.variable_ids[e][i]]] = \
ptrac_event["event_type"] = event_type
[docs] def write_to_hdf5_table(self, hdf5_table, print_progress=0):
"""Writes the events contained in this Ptrac file to a given HDF5
table. The table must already exist and have rows that match the
PtracEvent definition.
If desired, the number of processed events can be printed to the
console each N events by passing the print_progress=N parameter.
ptrac_event = hdf5_table.row
counter = 0
while True:
except EOFError:
break # no more entries
while self.next_event != 9000:
counter += 1
if print_progress > 0 and counter % print_progress == 0:
print("processing event {0}".format(counter))
def _is_cell_line(line):
is_cell = False
if len(line.split()) > 3:
if line.split()[0].isdigit() and \
line.split()[1].isdigit() and \
not line.split()[2][0].isalpha() and \
line[0:5] != ' ' and \
line.split()[1] != '0':
is_cell = True
return is_cell
[docs]def mats_from_inp(inp):
"""This function reads an MCNP inp file and returns a mapping of material
numbers to material objects.
inp : str
MCNP input file
materials : dict
Keys are MCNP material numbers and values are PyNE material objects (for
single density materials) and MultiMaterial objects (for multiple density
mat_lines = [] # line of lines that begin material cards
densities = {} # dictionary to be populuated with material # and densities
mat_nums = [] # list of material numbers to be printed to stdout
materials = {} # to be populated with material objectes and returned
line_count = 1
line = linecache.getline(inp, line_count)
# scroll through every line of the mcnp inp file
while line != '':
line = linecache.getline(inp, line_count)
# check to see if line contains a cell card. If so, grab the density.
# information is stored in a dictionary where:
# key = material number, value = list of densities
if _is_cell_line(line):
mat_num = int(line.split()[1])
den = float(line.split()[2])
if mat_num not in densities.keys():
densities[mat_num] = [den]
same_bool = False
for j in range(0, len(densities[mat_num])):
if abs((den - densities[mat_num][j])/den) < 1E-4:
same_bool = True
if same_bool is False:
# check line to see if it contain a material card, in the form
# m* where * is a digit. If so store the line num. and material number
if line.split() != []:
if line.split()[0][0] == 'm' or line.split()[0][0] == 'M':
if line.split()[0][1].isdigit() is True:
line_count += 1
line = linecache.getline(inp, line_count)
for i in range(0, len(mat_nums)):
if mat_nums[i] in densities.keys():
materials[mat_nums[i]] = mat_from_inp_line(inp, mat_lines[i],
materials[mat_nums[i]] = mat_from_inp_line(inp, mat_lines[i])
return materials
[docs]def mat_from_inp_line(filename, mat_line, densities='None'):
""" This function reads an MCNP material card from a file and returns a
Material or Multimaterial object for the material described by the card.
This function is used by :func:`mats_from_inp`.
filename : str
Name of the MCNP input file
mat_line : int
Line number of the material card or interest
densities : list of floats
The densities associated with the material
finished_mat : Material or MultiMaterial
A Material object is returned if there is 1 density supplied. If
multiple densities are supplied a MultiMaterial is returned.
data_string = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line).split('$')[0]
# collect all material card data on one string
line_index = 1
line = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line + line_index)
# people sometimes put comments in materials and then this loop breaks # so we need to keep reading if we encounter comments
while len(line.split()) > 0 and (line[0:5] == ' ' or line[0].lower() == 'c'):
# make sure element/isotope is not commented out
if line.split()[0][0] != 'c' and line.split()[0][0] != 'C':
data_string += line.split('$')[0]
line_index += 1
line = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line + line_index)
# otherwise this not a line we care about, move on and
# skip lines that start with c or C
line_index += 1
line = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line + line_index)
# create dictionaries nucvec and table_ids
nucvec = {}
table_ids = {}
lib_names = ['NLIB', 'PLIB', 'HLIB', 'PNLIB', 'ELIB']
default_libs = {}
# skip the first token that is the material card identifier
token_list = data_string.split()[1:]
while len(token_list) > 0:
token = token_list.pop(0)
if '=' in token:
lib_name, lib_num = token.split('=')
if lib_name.upper() in lib_names:
default_libs[lib_name.upper()] = lib_num
nuc_info = token.split('.')
zzzaaam = str(nucname.zzaaam(nucname.mcnp_to_id(nuc_info[0])))
# this allows us to read nuclides that are repeated
nuc_frac = token_list.pop(0)
if zzzaaam in nucvec.keys():
nucvec[zzzaaam] += float(nuc_frac)
nucvec[zzzaaam] = float(nuc_frac)
if len(nuc_info) > 1:
table_ids[str(zzzaaam)] = nuc_info[1]
# Check to see it material is definted my mass or atom fracs.
# Do this by comparing the first non-zero fraction to the rest
# If atom fracs, convert.
nucvecvals = list(nucvec.values())
n = 0
isatom = 0 < nucvecvals[n]
while 0 == nucvecvals[n]:
n += 1
isatom = 0 < nucvecvals[n]
for value in nucvecvals[n+1:]:
if isatom != (0 <= value):
msg = 'Mixed atom and mass fractions not supported.'
' See material defined on line {0}'.format(mat_line)
# apply all data to material object
if isatom:
mat = Material()
# set nucvec attribute to the nucvec dict from above
mat = Material(nucvec=nucvec)
mat.metadata['table_ids'] = table_ids
for lib_name, lib_num in default_libs.items():
mat.metadata[lib_name] = lib_num
mat.metadata['mat_number'] = data_string.split()[0][1:]
# collect metadata, if present
mds = ['source', 'comments', 'name']
line_index = 1
mds_line = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line - line_index)
# while reading non-empty comment lines
while mds_line.strip() not in set('cC') \
and mds_line.split()[0] in ['c', 'C']:
if mds_line.split()[0] in ['c', 'C'] \
and len(mds_line.split()) > 1:
possible_md = mds_line.split()[1].split(':')[0].lower()
if possible_md in mds:
if possible_md.lower() == 'comments':
comments_string = str(
comment_index = 1
comment_line = linecache.getline(
filename, mat_line - line_index + comment_index)
while comment_line.split()[0] in ['c', 'C']:
if comment_line.split()[1].split(':')[0].lower() in mds:
comments_string += ' ' + ' '.join(
comment_index += 1
comment_line = \
mat_line - line_index +
mat.metadata[possible_md] = comments_string
mat.metadata[possible_md] = ''.join(
# set metadata
line_index += 1
mds_line = linecache.getline(filename, mat_line - line_index)
# Check all the densities. If they are atom densities, convert them to mass
# densities. If they are mass densities they willl be negative, so make
# them positive.
if densities != 'None':
converted_densities = []
for den in densities:
if den <= 0:
# check to see how many densities are associated with this material.
# if there is more than one, create a multimaterial
if len(converted_densities) == 1:
mat.density = converted_densities[0]
finished_mat = mat
elif len(converted_densities) > 1:
mat_dict = {}
for density in converted_densities:
mat2 = Material()
mat2.comp = mat.comp
mat2.atoms_per_molecule = mat.atoms_per_molecule
mat2.mass = mat.mass
mat2.metadata = mat.metadata
mat2.density = density
mat_dict[mat2] = 1
finished_mat = MultiMaterial(mat_dict)
finished_mat = mat
return finished_mat
[docs]class Wwinp(Mesh):
"""A Wwinp object stores all of the information from a single MCNP WWINP
file. Weight window lower bounds are stored on a structured mesh. Only
Cartesian mesh WWINP files are supported. Neutron, photon, and
simotaneous neutron and photon WWINP files are supported.
ni : number of integers on card 2.
ni = 1 for neutron WWINPs, ni = 2 for photon WWINPs or neutron + photon WWINPs.
nr : int
10 for rectangular, 16 for cylindrical.
ne : list of number of energy groups for neutrons and photons.
If ni = 1 the list is only 1 value long,
to represent the number of neutron energy groups
nf : list of numbers
of fine mesh points in the i, j, k dimensions
nft : int
total number of fine mesh points
origin : list of i, j, k
nc : list
number of coarse mesh points in the i, j, k dimensions
nwg : int
1 for rectangular, 2 for cylindrical.
cm : list of lists
of coarse mesh points in the i, j, k dimensions. Note
the origin is not considered a coarse mesh point (as in MCNP).
fm : list of lists
of number of fine mesh points between the coarses
mesh points in the i, j, k dimensions.
e : list of lists
of energy upper bounds for neutrons, photons. If
ni = 1, the e will look like [[]]. If ni = 2, e will look like
[[], []].
bounds : list of lists
of spacial bounds in the i, j, k dimensions.
mesh : Mesh object
with a structured mesh containing all the neutron and/or
photon weight window lower bounds. These tags have the form
"ww_X" where X is n or p The mesh has rootSet tags in the form
Attribute names are identical to names speficied in WWINP file
description in the MCNP5 User's Guide Volume 3 Appendix J.
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError("PyMOAB is not available, "
"unable to create Wwinp Mesh.")
[docs] def read_wwinp(self, filename):
"""This method creates a Wwinp object from the WWINP file <filename>.
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
def _read_block1(self, f):
# Retrieves all of the information from block 1 of a wwinp file.
line_1 = f.readline()
self.ni = int(line_1.split()[2])
self.nr = int(line_1.split()[3])
line_2 = f.readline()
self.ne = [int(x) for x in line_2.split()]
if self.nr == 10: # Cartesian
line_3 = f.readline()
self.nf = [int(float(x)) for x in line_3.split()[0:3]]
self.nft = self.nf[0]*self.nf[1]*self.nf[2]
self.origin = [float(x) for x in line_3.split()[3:6]]
line_4 = f.readline()
self.nc = [int(float(x)) for x in line_4.split()[0:3]]
self.nwg = int(float(line_4.split()[3]))
if self.nr == 16: # Cylindrical
raise ValueError('Cylindrical WWINP not currently supported')
def _read_block2(self, f):
# Retrieves all of the information from block 2 of a wwinp file.
self.bounds = [[], [], []]
self.cm = [[], [], []]
self.fm = [[], [], []]
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
# Create a list of raw block 2 values.
raw = []
while len(raw) < 3*self.nc[i] + 1:
raw += [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
# Remove all the rx(i), ry(i), rz(i) values that
# contaminated the raw list.
removed_values = [raw[0]]
for j in range(1, len(raw)):
if j % 3 != 0:
# Expaned out nfx/nfy/nfx values to get structured mesh bounds.
for j in range(0, len(removed_values)):
if j % 2 == 0:
if j != 0:
for k in range(1, int(removed_values[j])):
(removed_values[j+1] - removed_values[j-1])
* k / removed_values[j] + removed_values[j-1])
def _read_block3(self, f):
# Retrives all the information of the block 3 of a wwinp file.
self.e = [[]]
if self.ne[0] != 0:
while len(self.e[0]) < self.ne[0]:
self.e[0] += [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
self._read_wwlb('n', f)
if len(self.ne) == 2 and self.ne[1] != 0:
while len(self.e[-1]) < self.ne[1]:
self.e[-1] += [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
self._read_wwlb('p', f)
def _read_wwlb(self, particle, f):
# Reads the weight window lower bounds from block 3 and returns a
# mesh.
# If this is the first time this method is called then created a mesh,
# otherwise (in the case of n and p in the same WWINP) add to the
# preexisting mesh.
if not hasattr(self, 'mesh'):
super(Wwinp, self).__init__(structured_coords=[self.bounds[0],
self.bounds[1], self.bounds[2]],
volume_elements = list(self.structured_iterate_hex('zyx'))
if particle == 'n':
particle_index = 0
elif particle == 'p':
particle_index = 1
# read in WW data for a single particle type
ww_data = np.empty(shape=(self.ne[particle_index], self.nft))
for i in range(0, self.ne[particle_index]):
count = 0
ww_row = []
while count < self.nft:
ww_row += [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
count += 6 # number of entries per row in WWINP
ww_data[i] = ww_row
# create vector tags for data
ww_tag_name = "ww_{0}".format(particle)
self.tag(ww_tag_name, size=self.ne[particle_index],
dtype=float, tagtype='nat_mesh')
tag_ww = self.get_tag(ww_tag_name)
# tag vector data to mesh
for i, volume_element in enumerate(volume_elements):
tag_ww[volume_element] = ww_data[:, i]
# Save energy upper bounds to rootset.
e_bounds_tag_name = '{0}_e_upper_bounds'.format(particle)
dtype=float, tagtype='nat_mesh')
tag_e_bounds = self.get_tag(e_bounds_tag_name)
tag_e_bounds[self] = self.e[particle_index]
[docs] def write_wwinp(self, filename):
"""This method writes a complete WWINP file to <filename>."""
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def _write_block1(self, f):
# Writes the all block 1 data to WWINP file
block1 = ''
# Create a MCNP formated time string.
now = datetime.datetime.now()
time = '{0:02d}/{1}/{2} {3}:{4}:{5}'.format(
now.month, now.day, str(now.year)[2:],
now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
# Append line 1.
block1 += \
"{0:10.0f}{1:10.0f}{2:10.0f}{3:10.0f}" \
"{4:>38}\n".format(1, 1, self.ni, self.nr, time)
# Append line 2.
for i in self.ne:
block1 += '{0:10.0f}'.format(int(i))
block1 += '\n'
# Append line 3.
block1 += \
.format(self.nf[0], self.nf[1], self.nf[2],
self.origin[0], self.origin[1], self.origin[2])
# Append line 4.
block1 += '{0:13.5E}{1:13.5E}{2:13.5E}{3:13.5E}\n'\
.format(self.nc[0], self.nc[1], self.nc[2], self.nwg)
def _write_block2(self, f):
# Writes the all block 2 data to WWINP file
# Create an array of values to be print in block 2.
block2_array = [[], [], []]
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
for j in range(0, len(self.cm[i])):
block2_array[i] += [self.fm[i][j], self.cm[i][j], 1.0000]
# Translate block2 vector into a string with appropriate text wrapping.
block2 = ""
for i in range(0, 3):
line_count = 0 # number of entries printed to current line, max=6
for j in range(0, len(block2_array[i])):
block2 += '{0:13.5E}'.format(block2_array[i][j])
line_count += 1
if line_count == 6:
block2 += '\n'
line_count = 0
if line_count != 0:
block2 += '\n'
def _write_block3(self, f):
# Writes the all block 3 data to WWINP file
if self.ne[0] != 0:
self._write_block3_single('n', f)
if len(self.ne) == 2:
self._write_block3_single('p', f)
def _write_block3_single(self, particle, f):
# Write all of block 3 a single time (e.g. for WWINP with only n or
# p). This function is called twice in the case of the WWINP having
# both n and p.
if particle == 'n':
particle_index = 0
elif particle == 'p':
particle_index = 1
# Append energy line.
block3 = ''
line_count = 0
for e_upper_bound in self.e[particle_index]:
block3 += '{0:13.5E}'.format(e_upper_bound)
line_count += 1
if line_count == 6:
block3 += '\n'
line_count = 0
if line_count != 0:
block3 += '\n'
# Get ww_data.
ww_data = np.empty(shape=(self.nft, self.ne[particle_index]))
volume_elements = list(self.structured_iterate_hex('zyx'))
for i, volume_element in enumerate(volume_elements):
ww_data[i] = self.get_tag("ww_{0}".format(particle))[
for i in range(0, self.ne[particle_index]):
# Append ww_data to block3 string.
line_count = 0
for ww in ww_data[:, i]:
block3 += '{0:13.5E}'.format(ww)
line_count += 1
if line_count == 6:
block3 += '\n'
line_count = 0
if line_count != 0:
block3 += '\n'
[docs] def read_mesh(self, mesh):
"""This method creates a Wwinp object from a structured mesh object.
The mesh must have tags in the form "ww_X" where X is n
or p. For every particle there must be a rootSet tag in the form
X_e_upper_bounds containing a list of energy upper bounds.
super(Wwinp, self).__init__(mesh=mesh, structured=True)
# Set geometry related attributes.
self.nr = 10
self.nwg = 1
# Set energy related attributes.
self.e = []
self.ne = []
all_tags = [x.name for x in self.get_all_tags()]
if 'n_e_upper_bounds' in all_tags:
n_e_upper_bounds = self.n_e_upper_bounds[self]
# In the single energy group case, the "E_upper_bounds" tag
# returns a non-iterable float. If this is the case, put this
# float into an array so that it can be iterated over
if isinstance(n_e_upper_bounds, float):
n_e_upper_bounds = [n_e_upper_bounds]
if 'p_e_upper_bounds' in all_tags:
p_e_upper_bounds = self.p_e_upper_bounds[self]
if isinstance(p_e_upper_bounds, float):
p_e_upper_bounds = [p_e_upper_bounds]
self.ni = int(len(self.ne))
# Set space related attributes.
self.bounds = [self.structured_get_divisions('x'),
self.origin = [self.bounds[0][0], self.bounds[1][0], self.bounds[2][0]]
# Cycle through the rest of bounds to get the fine/coarse information.
self.cm = [[], [], []]
self.fm = [[], [], []]
for i, points in enumerate(self.bounds):
# There exists at least 1 fine mesh point.
# Loop through remaining points to determine which are coarse,
# and the number of fine meshes between them.
j = 1
while j < len(points) - 1:
# Floating point comparison characterizes coarse vs. fine.
if abs((points[j] - points[j-1]) -
(points[j+1] - points[j])) <= 1.01E-4:
self.fm[i][len(self.cm[i])] += 1
j += 1
# Append last point as coarse point, as this is always the case.
self.nc = [len(self.cm[0]), len(self.cm[1]), len(self.cm[2])]
self.nf = [sum(self.fm[0]), sum(self.fm[1]), sum(self.fm[2])]
self.nft = self.nf[0]*self.nf[1]*self.nf[2]
[docs]class Meshtal(object):
"""This class stores all the information from an MCNP meshtal file with
single or multiple fmesh4 neutron or photon tallies. The "tally" attribute
provides key/value access to invidial MeshTally objects.
filename : string
Path to an MCNP meshtal file
version : float
The MCNP verison number
ld : string
The MCNP verison date
title : string
Title card from the MCNP input
histories : int
Number of histories from the MCNP simulation
tally : dict
A dictionary with MCNP fmesh4 tally numbers
(e.g. 4, 14, 24) as keys and
MeshTally objects as values.
tags : dict
Maps integer tally numbers to iterables containing four strs, the
results tag name, the relative error tag name, the total results
tag name, and the total relative error tag name. If tags is None
the tags are named 'x_result', 'x_rel_error', 'x_result_total',
'x_rel_error_total' where x is n or p for neutrons or photons.
def __init__(self, filename, tags=None, meshes_have_mats=False):
filename : str
MCNP meshtal file.
tags : dict, optional
Maps integer tally numbers to iterables containing four strs: the
results tag name, the relative error tag name, the total results
tag name, and the total relative error tag name. If tags is None
the tags are named 'x_result', 'x_rel_error', 'x_result_total',
'x_rel_error_total' where x is n or p for neutrons or photons.
meshes_have_mats : bool
If false, Meshtally objects will be created without PyNE material
material objects.
raise RuntimeError("PyMOAB is not available, "
"unable to create Meshtal.")
self.tally = {}
self.tags = tags
self._meshes_have_mats = meshes_have_mats
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
def _read_meshtal_head(self, f):
"""Get the version, ld, title card and number of histories."""
line_1 = f.readline()
# set mcnp version
self.version = line_1.split()[2]
# get version date ("ld" in MCNP User's Manual)
self.ld = line_1.split()[3][3:]
line_2 = f.readline()
# store title card
self.title = line_2.strip()
line_3 = f.readline()
# get number of histories
self.histories = int(float(line_3.split()[-1]))
def _read_tallies(self, f):
"""Read in all of the mesh tallies from the meshtal file."""
line = f.readline()
while line != "":
if line.split()[0:3] == ['Mesh', 'Tally', 'Number']:
tally_num = int(line.split()[3])
if self.tags is not None and tally_num in self.tags.keys():
self.tally[tally_num] = self.create_meshtally(f, tally_num,
self.tally[tally_num] = self.create_meshtally(f, tally_num,
line = f.readline()
[docs] def create_meshtally(self, f, tally_number, tag_names=None,
This function creates a Mesh instance from MCNP meshtal file.
f : str or filestream
Filestream of the meshtal file.
tally_number : int
The MCNP fmesh4 tally number (e.g. 4, 14, 24).
tag_names : iterable, optional
Four strs that specify the tag names for the results, relative
errors, total results and relative errors of the total results.
This should come from the Meshtal.tags attribute dict.
mesh_has_mats : bool
If false, Meshtally objects will be created without PyNE material
m : MeshTally object
The MeshTally object created from MCNP mesh tally of tally_number.
m = MeshTally()
# assign tally_number
m.tally_number = tally_number
# assign particle and dose_response
m.particle, m.dose_response = self.read_meshtally_head(f)
# assign tag_names
if tag_names is None:
m.tag_names = tag_names
m.x_bounds, m.y_bounds, m.z_bounds, m.e_bounds = \
m.num_ves = (len(m.x_bounds)-1) * (len(m.y_bounds)-1)\
* (len(m.z_bounds)-1)
m.num_e_groups = len(m.e_bounds)-1
# create mesh
mats = () if mesh_has_mats is True else None
super(MeshTally, m).__init__(
structured_coords=[m.x_bounds, m.y_bounds, m.z_bounds],
structured=True, mats=mats)
# read result, rel_error, res_tot and rel_err_tot
result, rel_error, res_tot, rel_err_tot = \
self.read_tally_results_rel_error(f, m.num_e_groups, m.num_ves)
m.tag_flux_error_from_tally_results(result, rel_error,
res_tot, rel_err_tot)
return m
[docs] def read_meshtally_head(self, f):
Get the particle type and response bool of whether flux-to-dose
conversion factors are being used.
f : str or filestream
Filestream of the meshtal file.
particle : str
The particle type, 'neutron' or 'photon'.
dose_response : bool
True : if this meshtally is modified by a dose function.
False : if this meshtally is not modified by a dose function.
line = f.readline()
if ('neutron' in line):
particle = 'neutron'
elif ('photon' in line):
particle = 'photon'
# determine if meshtally flux-to-dose conversion factors are being used.
line = f.readline()
dr_str = 'This mesh tally is modified by a dose response function.'
if line.strip() == dr_str:
dose_response = True
dose_response = False
return particle, dose_response
[docs] def read_xyze_bounds(self, f):
Read the spatial and energy bounds.
f : str or filestream
Filestream of the meshtal file.
x_bounds : tuple of float
Mesh boundaries of X dimension.
y_bounds : tuple of float
Mesh boundaries of Y dimension.
z_bounds : tuple of float
Mesh boundaries of Z dimension.
e_bounds : tuple of float
Energy boundaries.
# advance the file to the line where x, y, z, bounds start
line = f.readline()
while line.strip() != 'Tally bin boundaries:':
line = f.readline()
x_bounds = tuple(float(x) for x in f.readline().split()[2:])
y_bounds = tuple(float(x) for x in f.readline().split()[2:])
z_bounds = tuple(float(x) for x in f.readline().split()[2:])
# "Energy bin boundaries" contain one more word than "X boundaries"
e_bounds = tuple(float(x) for x in f.readline().split()[3:])
return x_bounds, y_bounds, z_bounds, e_bounds
[docs] def read_column_order(self, f):
Create dictionary with table headings as keys and their column
location as values. Dictionary is the private attribute _column_idx.
f : str or filestream
Filestream of the meshtal file.
# skip blank line between enery bin boundaries and table headings
line = f.readline()
column_names = line.replace('Rel ', 'Rel_').replace(
'Rslt * ', 'Rslt_*_').strip().split()
self.column_idx = dict(zip(column_names, range(0, len(column_names))))
[docs] def read_tally_results_rel_error(self, f, num_e_groups, num_ves):
Read meshtally results and relative error data.
f : str or filestream
Filestream of the meshtal file.
num_e_groups: int
Number of energy groups.
num_ves: int
Number of volume elements.
results : numpy array, shape=(num_ves, num_e_groups)
Tally results data.
rel_error : numpy array, shape=(num_ves, num_e_groups)
Tally relative error data.
res_tot : numpy array
Tally total flux result.
rel_err_tot : numpy array
Total relative error fo flux.
# get result and relative error data from file
result = np.empty(shape=(num_e_groups, num_ves))
rel_error = np.empty(shape=(num_e_groups, num_ves))
for i in range(num_e_groups):
result_row = []
rel_error_row = []
for j in range(num_ves):
line = f.readline().split()
result[i] = result_row
rel_error[i] = rel_error_row
res_tot = []
rel_err_tot = []
# If "total" data exists (i.e. if there is more than
# 1 energy group) get it and tag it onto the mesh.
if num_e_groups > 1:
for i in range(num_ves):
line = f.readline().split()
res_tot = result.flatten()
rel_err_tot = rel_error.flatten()
# convert the shape of result and rel_err to (num_ves, num_e_groups)
result = result.transpose()
rel_error = rel_error.transpose()
return result, rel_error, np.array(res_tot), np.array(rel_err_tot)
[docs]def mesh_to_geom(mesh, frac_type='mass', title_card="Generated from PyNE Mesh"):
"""This function reads a structured Mesh object and returns the geometry
portion of an MCNP input file (cells, surfaces, materials), prepended by a
title card. The mesh must be axis aligned. Surfaces and cells are written
in xyz iteration order (z changing fastest).
mesh : PyNE Mesh object
A structured Mesh object with materials and valid densities.
frac_type : str, optional
Either 'mass' or 'atom'. The type of fraction to use for the material
title_card : str, optional
The MCNP title card to appear at the top of the input file.
geom : str
The title, cell, surface, and material cards of an MCNP input file in
the proper order.
divs = (mesh.structured_get_divisions('x'),
cell_cards = _mesh_to_cell_cards(mesh, divs)
surf_cards = _mesh_to_surf_cards(mesh, divs)
mat_cards = _mesh_to_mat_cards(mesh, divs, frac_type)
return "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}".format(title_card, cell_cards,
surf_cards, mat_cards)
def _mesh_to_cell_cards(mesh, divs):
"""Prepares the cell cards for mesh_to_geom."""
cell_cards = ""
count = 1
idx = mesh.iter_structured_idx('xyz')
# Establish min and max idx values for each dimension.
x_min = 1
x_max = len(divs[0])
y_min = x_max + 1
y_max = x_max + len(divs[1])
z_min = y_max + 1
z_max = y_max + len(divs[2])
for i in range(1, len(divs[0])):
for j in range(1, len(divs[1])):
for k in range(1, len(divs[2])):
# Cell number, mat number, density
cell_cards += "{0} {1} {2} ".format(count, count,
# x, y, and z surfaces
cell_cards += "{0} -{1} {2} -{3} {4} -{5}\n".format(
i, i + 1, j + x_max, j + x_max + 1,
k + y_max, k + y_max + 1)
count += 1
# Append graveyard.
cell_cards += "{0} 0 -{1}:{2}:-{3}:{4}:-{5}:{6}\n".format(
count, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max)
return cell_cards
def _mesh_to_surf_cards(mesh, divs):
"""Prepares the surface cards for mesh_to_geom."""
surf_cards = ""
count = 1
for i, dim in enumerate("xyz"):
for div in divs[i]:
surf_cards += "{0} p{1} {2}\n".format(count, dim, div)
count += 1
return surf_cards
def _mesh_to_mat_cards(mesh, divs, frac_type):
"""Prepares the material cards for mesh_to_geom."""
mat_cards = ""
idx = mesh.iter_structured_idx('xyz')
for i in idx:
mesh.mats[i].metadata['mat_number'] = int(i + 1)
mat_cards += mesh.mats[i].mcnp(frac_type=frac_type)
return mat_cards