Source code for pyne.serpent

import re
import sys
import numpy as np
import pdb
from pyne.utils import QA_warn

if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    basestring = str


_if_idx_str_serpent1 = (
    'if (exist("idx", "var"));\n'
    '  idx = idx + 1;\n'
    '  idx = 1;\n'

_if_idx_str_serpent2 = (
    "if (exist('idx', 'var'));\n"
    '  idx = idx + 1;\n'
    '  idx = 1;\n'

_num_pattern = "([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*[Ee]?[+-]?[0-9]*)"

_numpy_array_pattern = r"\[[0-9\sEe+-.,%]*\]"
_matlab_array_pattern = r"\[[0-9\sEe+-.%]*\]"

_comment_array_pattern = r"\[([\d\sEe+-.,]*\s*[%#]+\s*[%#\w\s.,+-]*)\]"
_comment_line_pattern = r"([\d\s\tEe+-.]*)\s*([%#]*)\s*([#\w\s]*\n)"

_lhs_variable_pattern = r"(\w+)\s*(\(idx.*?\))"
_rhs_variable_pattern = r"(\w+)\s*\(idx.*?\)\s*=\s*(.*)"

_zeros_pattern = r"(zeros)\((.*)\)"

_detector_pattern = r"(DET\w+)\s*=\s*np.array\("

_detector_pattern_all = r"(DET\w+)\s*=\s*"

_imaterial_line_pattern = r"(i[a-zA-Z]\w+)\s*=\s*\d*;"

def _delete_imaterial(s):
    """"Remove imaterial information from the top of Serpent2 *_dep.m file started from 'i' with nothing."""
    s = re.sub(_imaterial_line_pattern,
               '', s)
    return s

def _replace_comments(s):
    """Replaces matlab comments with python arrays in string s."""
    s = s.replace('%', '#')
    return s

def _replace_semicolons(s):
    """Replaces matlab semicolons with nothing in string s."""
    s = s.replace(';', '')
    return s

def _replace_arrays(s):
    """Replaces matlab arrays with numpy arrays in string s."""

    # Replace matlab arrays with python lists
    arrays = re.findall(_matlab_array_pattern, s)
    for a in arrays:
        new_a = re.sub(_num_pattern, lambda mo: + ',', a)
        s = s.replace(a, new_a)

    # Encapsulate python lists in numpy arrays
    s = re.sub(_numpy_array_pattern,
               lambda mo: 'np.array(' + + ')', s)

    return s

[docs]def parse_res(resfile, write_py=False): """Converts a serpent results ``*_res.m`` output file to a dictionary (and optionally to a ``*`` file). Parameters ---------- resfile : str or file-like object Path to results file or a res file handle. write_py : bool, optional Flag for whether to write the res file to an analogous python file. Returns ------- res : dict Dictionary of the parsed results. Please see the Serpent manual for a complete description of contents. """ if isinstance(resfile, basestring): with open(resfile, 'r') as mfile: f = else: f = # Keep comments around f = _replace_comments(f) # Grab the number of 'if' statements if_idx_str = _if_idx_str_serpent1 IDX = f.count(if_idx_str) if IDX == 0: if_idx_str = _if_idx_str_serpent2 IDX = f.count(if_idx_str) # Replace if statements with something more meaningful fpart = f.partition(if_idx_str) f = fpart[0] + "idx = 0" + fpart[2] f = f.replace(if_idx_str, 'idx += 1') # Replace matlab Arrays f = _replace_arrays(f) # Add imports to header header = "import numpy as np\n\n" # Find all variables and shape vars_shape = np.array(list(set(re.findall(_lhs_variable_pattern, f)))) vars_dtype = dict(re.findall(_rhs_variable_pattern, f)) # Initialize variables to zero header = header + "# Initialize variables\n" for vs in vars_shape: # Determine shape s ='\[.*?:(.*?)\]', vs[1]) if s is None: vs_shape = "" else: vs_shape = vs_shape = vs_shape.split() vs_shape = ", ".join(vs_shape) # Determine Data type rhs = vars_dtype[vs[0]] if ("\'" in rhs) or ("\"" in rhs): dt = "'S{0}'".format(int( vs_shape = "" elif ('.' in rhs) or ('E' in rhs) or ('e' in rhs): dt = "float" else: dt = "int" zero_line = "{0} = np.zeros([{1}, {2}], dtype={3})\n".format( vs[0], IDX, vs_shape, dt) header = header + zero_line # Add IDx to file if 0 < IDX: header = header + "\n\n# Maximum Index\n\nIDX = {0}\n\n".format(IDX) # Add header to file f = header + f # Replace variable overrides vars = np.array( list(set(re.findall("(" + _lhs_variable_pattern + ")", f)))) for v in vars: f = f.replace(v[0], "{0}[idx] ".format(v[1])) # Remove semicolons if serp2: mat_gen_line = ('{name}MATERIAL = [{name}vol[col] *' 'Material(dict(zip(zai[:-2], {name}MDENS[:-2, col])))' ' for col in cols]\n') else: mat_gen_line = ('{name}MATERIAL = [{name}VOLUME *' 'Material(dict(zip(zai[:-2], {name}MDENS[:-2, col])))' ' for col in cols]\n') f = _replace_semicolons(f) # Write the file out if write_py: if isinstance(resfile, basestring): new_filename = resfile.rpartition('.')[0] + '.py' else: new_filename ='.')[0] + '.py' with open(new_filename, 'w') as pyfile: pyfile.write(f) # Execute the adjusted file res = {} exec(f, res, res) if '__builtins__' in res: del res['__builtins__'] return res
[docs]def parse_dep(depfile, write_py=False, make_mats=True): """Converts a serpent depletion ``*_dep.m`` output file to a dictionary (and optionally to a ``*`` file). Parameters ---------- depfile : str or file-like object Path to depletion file or a dep file handle. write_py : bool, optional Flag for whether to write the dep file to an analogous python file. make_mats : bool, optional Flag for whether or not to build Materials out of mass data and add these to the return dictionary. Materials so added have names which end in '_MATERIAL'. Returns ------- dep : dict Dictionary of the parsed depletion information. Please see the Serpent manual for a complete description of contents. """ if isinstance(depfile, basestring): with open(depfile, 'r') as mfile: f = else: f = # Remove imaterial information from the top of Serpent2 *_dep.m file f = _delete_imaterial(f) # Keep comments around f = _replace_comments(f) # Replace matlab Arrays f = _replace_arrays(f) # Now to find and convert arrays that have comments in them comment_arrays = re.findall("(" + _comment_array_pattern + ")", f) for ca in comment_arrays: new_ca = ca[0] comment_lines = re.findall("(" + _comment_line_pattern + ")", ca[1]) for cl in comment_lines: new_cl = re.sub(_num_pattern, lambda mo: + ',', cl[1]) if new_cl[0] == '\n': new_cl = "\n [" + new_cl.strip() + "], " else: new_cl = " [" + new_cl.strip() + "], " new_ca = new_ca.replace(cl[1], new_cl) new_ca = 'np.array( ' + new_ca + ' )' f = f.replace(ca[0], new_ca) # Indent close of array f = f.replace("\n] )", "\n ] )") # Replace MatLab zeros with numpy zeros f = re.sub(_zeros_pattern, lambda mo: "np.zeros((" + + "))", f) # Replace some math operators f = f.replace('.*', "*") f = f.replace('./', "/") # Remove semicolons f = _replace_semicolons(f) # Add imports to header header = "import numpy as np\n" if make_mats: header += "from pyne.material import Material\n" header += "\n" # Add materials footer = "" if make_mats: footer = form_footer(f) # Add header & footer to file full_f = header + f + footer # Write the file out if write_py: if isinstance(depfile, basestring): new_filename = depfile.rpartition('.')[0] + '.py' else: new_filename ='.')[0] + '.py' with open(new_filename, 'w') as pyfile: pyfile.write(full_f) # Execute the adjusted file dep = {} try: exec(full_f, dep, dep) except ValueError: #if the first attempt fails, it may be due to the VOLUME #variable being an array. Below changes mat_gen_line to #work with an array correct_footer = form_footer(f, serp2=True) full_f = header + f + correct_footer # Overwrite the file made before to reflect changes if write_py: with open(new_filename, 'w') as pyfile: pyfile.write(full_f) exec(full_f, dep, dep) if '__builtins__' in dep: del dep['__builtins__'] return dep
[docs]def parse_det(detfile, write_py=False): """Converts a serpent detector ``*_det.m`` output file to a dictionary (and optionally to a ``*`` file). Parameters ---------- detfile : str or file-like object Path to detector file or a det file handle. write_py : bool, optional Flag for whether to write the det file to an analogous python file. Returns ------- det : dict Dictionary of the parsed detector. Please see the Serpent manual for a complete description of contents. """ if isinstance(detfile, basestring): with open(detfile, 'r') as mfile: f = else: f = # Keep comments around f = _replace_comments(f) # Replace matlab Arrays f = _replace_arrays(f) # Find detector variable names det_names = re.findall(_detector_pattern, f) det_names = np.unique(det_names) all_det_names = re.findall(_detector_pattern_all, f) all_det_names = np.unique(all_det_names) is_serpent_1 = any([(dn.endswith('_VALS') and dn[:-5] in det_names) or (dn.endswith('_EBINS') and dn[:-6] in det_names) for dn in all_det_names]) # Append detector reshaping f += '\n\n# Reshape detectors\n' for dn in det_names: if is_serpent_1: if dn + 'E' in det_names: f += '{name}.shape = ({name}_VALS, 13)\n'.format(name=dn) else: f += '{name}.shape = ({name_min_E}_EBINS, 3)\n'.format(name=dn, name_min_E=dn[:-1]) else: if (dn + 'T' in det_names): f += '{name}.shape = (len({name})//13, 13)\n'.format(name=dn) elif (dn + 'E' in det_names): f += '{name}.shape = (len({name})//12, 12)\n'.format(name=dn) else: f += '{name}.shape = (len({name})//3, 3)\n'.format(name=dn) # Add imports to header header = "import numpy as np\n\n" # Add header to file f = header + f # Remove semicolons f = _replace_semicolons(f) # Write the file out if write_py: if isinstance(detfile, basestring): new_filename = detfile.rpartition('.')[0] + '.py' else: new_filename ='.')[0] + '.py' with open(new_filename, 'w') as pyfile: pyfile.write(f) # Execute the adjusted file det = {} exec(f, {}, det) return det