PyNE C++
This is the complete list of members for pyne::Material, including all inherited members.
_load_comp_protocol0(hid_t db, std::string datapath, int row) | pyne::Material | |
_load_comp_protocol1(hid_t db, std::string datapath, int row) | pyne::Material | |
_load_comp_protocol1(hid_t db, std::string datapath, std::string nucpath, int row) | pyne::Material | |
activity() | pyne::Material | |
atoms_per_molecule | pyne::Material | |
collapse_elements(std::set< int > exception_znum) (defined in pyne::Material) | pyne::Material | |
collapse_elements(int **int_ptr_arry) (defined in pyne::Material) | pyne::Material | |
comp | pyne::Material | |
cram(std::vector< double > A, const int order=14) | pyne::Material | |
decay(double t) | pyne::Material | |
decay_heat() | pyne::Material | |
del_mat(std::set< int > nucset) | pyne::Material | |
del_mat(std::set< std::string > nucset) | pyne::Material | |
del_range(int lower=0, int upper=10000000) | pyne::Material | |
density | pyne::Material | |
deprecated_write_hdf5(char *filename, char *datapath, char *nucpath, float row=-0.0, int chunksize=DEFAULT_MAT_CHUNKSIZE) | pyne::Material | |
deprecated_write_hdf5(hid_t db, std::string datapath, std::string nucpath, float row=-0.0, int chunksize=DEFAULT_MAT_CHUNKSIZE) | pyne::Material | |
deprecated_write_hdf5(std::string filename, std::string datapath, std::string nucpath, float row=-0.0, int chunksize=DEFAULT_MAT_CHUNKSIZE) | pyne::Material | |
dose_per_g(std::string dose_type, int source=0) | pyne::Material | |
dump_json() | pyne::Material | |
expand_elements(std::set< int > exception_ids) | pyne::Material | |
expand_elements(int **int_ptr_arry=NULL) (defined in pyne::Material) | pyne::Material | |
fluka(int id, std::string frac_type="mass") | pyne::Material | |
fluka_compound_str(int id, std::string frac_type="mass") | pyne::Material | |
fluka_format_field(float field) | pyne::Material | |
fluka_material_component(int fid, int nucid, std::string fluka_name) | pyne::Material | |
fluka_material_line(int znum, double atomic_mass, int fid, std::string fluka_name) | pyne::Material | |
fluka_material_str(int id) | pyne::Material | |
from_activity(std::map< int, double > activities) | pyne::Material | |
from_atom_frac(std::map< int, double > atom_fracs) | pyne::Material | |
from_hdf5(char *filename, char *datapath, int row=-1, int protocol=1) | pyne::Material | |
from_hdf5(std::string filename, std::string datapath="/mat_name", int row=-1, int protocol=1) | pyne::Material | |
from_json(char *filename) | pyne::Material | |
from_json(std::string filname) | pyne::Material | |
from_text(char *filename) | pyne::Material | |
from_text(std::string filename) | pyne::Material | |
gammas() | pyne::Material | |
get_comp_sum() | pyne::Material | protected |
get_density_frac(std::string frac_type="atom", bool mult_den=true) | pyne::Material | |
get_uwuw_name() | pyne::Material | |
load_json(Json::Value) | pyne::Material | |
mass | pyne::Material | |
mass_density(double num_dens=-1.0, double apm=-1.0) | pyne::Material | |
Material() | pyne::Material | |
Material(comp_map cm, double m=-1.0, double d=-1.0, double apm=-1.0, Json::Value attributes=Json::Value(Json::objectValue)) | pyne::Material | |
Material(char *filename, double m=-1.0, double d=-1.0, double apm=-1.0, Json::Value attributes=Json::Value(Json::objectValue)) | pyne::Material | |
Material(std::string filename, double m=-1.0, double d=-1.0, double apm=-1.0, Json::Value attributes=Json::Value(Json::objectValue)) | pyne::Material | |
mcnp(std::string frac_type="mass", bool mult_den=true) | pyne::Material | |
mcnp_frac(std::map< int, double > fracs, std::string frac_type="") | pyne::Material | |
metadata | pyne::Material | |
molecular_mass(double apm=-1.0) | pyne::Material | |
mult_by_mass() | pyne::Material | |
norm_comp() | pyne::Material | |
normalize() | pyne::Material | |
normalize_radioactivity(std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > unnormed) | pyne::Material | |
not_fluka_builtin(std::string fluka_name) | pyne::Material | |
number_density(double mass_dens=-1.0, double apm=-1.0) | pyne::Material | |
openmc(std::string fact_type="mass") | pyne::Material | |
operator*(double) | pyne::Material | |
operator+(double) | pyne::Material | |
operator+(Material) | pyne::Material | |
operator/(double) | pyne::Material | |
phits(std::string frac_type="mass", bool mult_den=true) | pyne::Material | |
photons(bool norm) | pyne::Material | |
set_mat(std::set< int > nucset, double value) | pyne::Material | |
set_mat(std::set< std::string > nucset, double value) | pyne::Material | |
set_range(int lower=0, int upper=10000000, double value=0.0) | pyne::Material | |
sub_act() | pyne::Material | |
sub_elem(int element) | pyne::Material | |
sub_fp() | pyne::Material | |
sub_lan() | pyne::Material | |
sub_ma() | pyne::Material | |
sub_mat(std::set< int > nucset) | pyne::Material | |
sub_mat(std::set< std::string > nucset) | pyne::Material | |
sub_range(int lower=0, int upper=10000000) | pyne::Material | |
sub_tru() | pyne::Material | |
to_atom_dens() | pyne::Material | |
to_atom_frac() | pyne::Material | |
write_hdf5(std::string filename, std::string datapath="/mat_name", float row=-0.0, int chunksize=DEFAULT_MAT_CHUNKSIZE) | pyne::Material | |
write_hdf5_datapath(hid_t db, std::string datapath, float row, int chunksize, std::vector< int > nuclides) | pyne::Material | |
write_hdf5_nucpath(hid_t db, std::string nucpath) | pyne::Material | |
write_json(char *filename) | pyne::Material | |
write_json(std::string filename) | pyne::Material | |
write_text(char *filename) | pyne::Material | |
write_text(std::string filename) | pyne::Material | |
xrays() | pyne::Material | |
~Material() | pyne::Material |