ENDF Reader

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ENDF Files

Library class

Below is an example of how to grab and graph cross section data from ENDF files using the Library class.

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

import os
import requests    
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import HTML
from tabulate import tabulate

from pyne.endf import Library, Evaluation
In [3]:
if not os.path.isfile("U235-VII.txt"):
    url = "http://t2.lanl.gov/nis/data/data/ENDFB-VII.1-neutron/U/235"
    r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
    with open("U235-VII.txt", "wb") as outfile:
In [ ]:
u235 = Library("U235-VII.txt")
xs_data = u235.get_xs(922350000, 16)[0]
In [5]:
fig = plt.figure()
Eints, sigmas = xs_data['e_int'], xs_data['xs']
plt.step(Eints, sigmas, where = "pre")
plt.suptitle(r'(n, 2n) Reaction in $^{235}$U')
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma(E)$ (barns)')
plt.xlabel(r'$E_{int} (eV)$')
In [6]:
if not os.path.isfile("U238-VII.txt"):
    url = "http://t2.lanl.gov/nis/data/data/ENDFB-VII.1-neutron/U/238"
    r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
    with open("U238-VII.txt", "wb") as outfile:
In [ ]:
u238 = Library("U238-VII.txt")
xs_data = u238.get_xs(922380000, 1)[0]
In [8]:
fig = plt.figure()
Eints, sigmas = xs_data['e_int'], xs_data['xs']
plt.step(Eints, sigmas, where = "pre")
plt.suptitle(r'Total Cross Section for $^{238}$U')
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma(E)$ (barns)')
plt.xlabel(r'$E_{int} (eV)$')
plt.xlim(xmin = 10000)

Evaluation class

The pyne.endf.Evaluation class provides a facility for parsing data in an ENDF file. Parsing of all data other than covariances (MF=30+) is supported has been tested against the ENDF/B-VII.1 neutron, photoatomic, electroatomic, atomic relaxation, and photonuclear sublibraries. In this example, we will use the Evaluation class to look at typical data in the ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation of U-235.

In [8]:
u235 = Evaluation("U235-VII.txt")
Reading MF=1, MT=451 Descriptive Data

By default, when an Evaluation is instantiated, only the descriptive data in MF=1, MT=451 is parsed. This allows us to get basic information about an evaluation without necessarily reading the whole thing. This useful data can be found in the info and target attributes.

In [9]:
{u'author': ' Young,Chadwick,Talou,Madland,Leal',
 u'date': 'EVAL-SEP06',
 u'date_distribution': 'DIST-DEC06',
 u'date_entry': '        ',
 u'date_release': 'REV-      ',
 u'derived': False,
 u'description': ['***************************************************************** ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                  ENDF/B-VII EVALUATION                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'P.G.Young, M.B.Chadwick, R.E.MacFarlane, W.B.Wilson, D.G.Madland, ',
  '                P.Talou, T. Kawano (LANL)                         ',
  '                          and                                     ',
  '   L. C. Leal, H. Derrien, N. M. Larson, R. Q. Wright (ORNL)      ',
  '                          and                                     ',
  '              D.A. Brown, J.Pruet (LLNL)                          ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                ----- SUMMARY -----                               ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'Major features of the ENDF/B-VII evaluation are:                  ',
  '1. A new evaluation of the (n,f) cross section based on ENDF/B-   ',
  '   VII standard cross section analysis is incorporated.           ',
  '2. A new evaluation above thermal energy of prompt nubar          ',
  '   consistent with experimental data within uncertainties and     ',
  '   with fast critical benchmark measurements is included.         ',
  '3. New unresolved resonance parameter data are incorporated.      ',
  '4. A new analysis of the prompt fission neutron spectrum matrix   ',
  '   based on the Los Alamos model is used to calculate neutron     ',
  '   spectra at all energies. [The ENDF/B-VI results from the Los   ',
  '   Alamos model are used for the thermal spectrum.]               ',
  '5. Improved delayed neutron data are incorporated.                ',
  '6. New reaction theory calculations are utilized for (n,xn) and   ',
  '   other reactions.  Direct reaction cross sections and angular   ',
  '   distributions are extended to an excitation energy of 4 MeV.   ',
  '7. Improved fission energy release values are incorporated.       ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '             ----- DETAILED DESCRIPTION -----                     ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=1 GENERAL INFORMATION                                       ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '        NUBAR)                                                    ',
  '   Sum of MT=455 and 456. The ENDF/B-VI values are preserved      ',
  'below 1 eV.                                                       ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=455: DELAYED NEUTRON DATA                                      ',
  '   The decay constants and abundances are based on new delayed    ',
  "neutron 6-group parameters from CINDER'90 summation calculations. ",
  'The CINDER calculations (Wi05) utilize a new CINDER library in    ',
  'which beta-decay half-lives and beta-delayed neutron-emission     ',
  'probablities are obtained from the evaluated experimental data    ',
  'file NuBase2003 (Au03), when available there. When experimental   ',
  'data are not available, the data are calculated in a model where  ',
  'allowed Gamow-Teller decays are treated in a microscopic quasi-   ',
  'particle random-phase approximation (QRPA) and the first          ',
  'forbidden decays are treated in the statistical gross theory      ',
  '(Mo03).                                                           ',
  '   The delayed nubar values were carried over from ENDF/B-VI,     ',
  'except between 1.0-5 eV and 50 keV where they were modified to    ',
  'agree with JENDL-3.3 values, following a suggestion from C.       ',
  'Lubitz (Lu06).                                                    ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   1.e-5 eV - 10 keV:  Very similar to ENDF/B-VI. Minor changes   ',
  'from the ENDF/B-VI values were made to more closely approximate   ',
  'the energy dependence of the JENDL-3.3 evaluation and to          ',
  'accommodate our change in delayed nubar (above) while at the same ',
  'time keeping total nubar unchanged.                               ',
  '   10 keV - 20 MeV:  Generally based on results from the          ',
  'covariance analysis of experimental data performed for ENDF/B-VI, ',
  'after renormalization of the data above 6-8 MeV for consistency   ',
  'with the ENDF/B-VII standard 252Cf nubar value.                   ',
  '(Between 10 and 50 keV, small changes were also included to       ',
  'compensate for the delayed nubar change described above.) We      ',
  'attempted to follow the covariance data as well as possible but   ',
  'mainly to stay within uncertainties in the data and to keep good  ',
  'agreement with fast critical benchmarks. The structure in the     ',
  'Version VI covariance analysis around En=0.1-0.4 MeV, which was   ',
  'smoothed in the ENDF/B-VI evaluation, was restored in the Version ',
  'VII evaluation. Also, the evaluation was adjusted slightly        ',
  'between 1.0 and 2.5 MeV to better represent the covariance        ',
  'analysis. Above 2.8 MeV, nubar in ENDF/B-VII differs from ENDF/B- ',
  'VI by a factor of 1.0004.                                         ',
  '   Only limited experimental data has been obtained since the     ',
  'ENDF/B-VI analysis.  The new measurements include data by         ',
  'Khokhlov et al. (Kh94) and Boykov et al. (Bo90), but these        ',
  'measurements are consistent with our earlier covariance analysis  ',
  '(within experimental uncertainties) and are not expected to       ',
  'modify our results significantly.                                 ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=458:  ENERGY RELEASE FROM FISSION                              ',
  '   Modifications were made to MT=458 based on a new analysis by   ',
  'Madland (Ma06). The average total fission product kinetic energy  ',
  '(EFR) and the average total prompt fission gamma-ray energy (EGP) ',
  'were taken from the Madland analysis. The average total prompt    ',
  'fission neutron kinetic energy (ENP) was obtained from NJOY,      ',
  'using the MF=5,MT=18 fission neutron spectra and prompt nubar     ',
  '(MT=1,MT=456) from the evaluation. (This value of total neutron   ',
  "energy is close to Madland's result.) The kinetic energy of       ",
  'delayed fission neutrons (END), the total energy from delayed     ',
  'gamma rays (EGD), the total energy released by delayed betas      ',
  '(EB), and the energy released by neutrinos (ENU) were carried     ',
  'over from the ENDF/B-VI evaluation. The total energy release per  ',
  'fission is: ET = EFR+ENP+END+EGP+EGD+EB+ENU, and the quantity ER  ',
  '(total energy less the neutrino energy, or pseudo-Q value) is     ',
  'simply ET-ENU. ER is also included as the fission Q-value in      ',
  'MF=3, MT=18,19,20,21,38.                                          ',
  '   The uncertainties in EFR, ENP, END, EGP, EGD, EB, ENU, ER, and ',
  'ET are carried over from ENDF/B-VI.                               ',
  '   There is currently no format for including energy dependence   ',
  'in the ENDF/B file.  These are included in the NJOY processing.   ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=460: BETA-DELAYED FISSION GAMMA DATA                           ',
  '   See D.A. Brown (Br06). Evaluated by J. Pruet, based on Pruet   ',
  'et al. (Pr04).                                                    ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '              ----- REFERENCES (MF=1) -----                       ',
  'Au03 G. Audi, O. Bersillon, J. Blanchot, and A. H. Wapstra, Nucl. ',
  '     Phys. A729 (2003) p. 3-129.                                  ',
  'Bo90 G.S. Boykov, V.D. Dmitriev, G.A. Kudyaev, M.I. Svirin, G.N.  ',
  '     Smirenkin, Atomnaya Energiya 69, 23 (1990).                  ',
  'Br06 D.A. Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report    ',
  '     UCRL-TR-223148 (2006).                                       ',
  "Kh94 Yu.A. Khoklhov, I.A. Ivanin, V.I. In'kov, Yu.I. Vinogradov,  ",
  '     L.D. Dailin, B.N. Polynov, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data    ',
  '     for Science & Tech., Gatlinberg,1994, v.1, p.272 (1994).     ',
  'Lu06 C. Lubitz, personal communication, August, 2006.             ',
  'Ma06 D. G. Madland, Nucl. Phys. A772, 113 (2006).                 ',
  'Mo03 P. Moller, B. Pfeiffer, and K.-L. Kratz, Phys. Rev. C. 67    ',
  '     (2003) 055802.                                               ',
  'Pr04 J. Pruet, J. Hall, M.-A. Descalle, S.G. Prussin, Nucl. Inst. ',
  '     Meth. B 222, 403 (2004).                                     ',
  'Wi05 W. B. Wilson, personal communication, 2005.                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=2 RESONANCE PARAMETERS                                      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  ' ----- RESOLVED RESONANCE PARAMETERS (1.e-5 - 2250 eV) -----      ',
  '  The resolved resonance parameters are the same as those in      ',
  'ENDF/B-VI Release 8.  These parameters are from a new analysis    ',
  'for 235U by Leal et al. (Le97), using the multilevel R-matrix     ',
  'analysis code SAMMY (La96).  The energy range for resolved region ',
  'is 0 to 2.25 keV.                                                 ',
  '  For the first time, integral data were fitted during the        ',
  'analysis process:  Thermal cross sections (fission, capture, and  ',
  'elastic), Westcott g-factors (fission and absorption) are from    ',
  'the ENDF/B-6 standards (Ca93), and the K1 value is from Hardy     ',
  '(Ha79).                                                           ',
  '  Thermal parameters were obtained in the present evaluation,     ',
  'first, using the microscopic experimental data only, and second,  ',
  'including the integral data as well. (Note that Version VII       ',
  'thermal standards are not incorporated.) Our results are compared ',
  'to the SAMMY input in the following table:                        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '       Parameter        SAMMY input     Fit to        Fit to      ',
  '                           value        diff data       diff      ',
  '                                        alone        & integ      ',
  '                                                        data      ',
  '       Fission         584.25 +/- 1.11    582.28      584.88      ',
  '       Capture          98.96 +/- 0.74     99.18       98.66      ',
  '       Scattering       15.46 +/- 1.06     15.44       15.67      ',
  '       Westcott gf     0.9771 +/- 0.0008  0.9743      0.9764      ',
  '       Westcott ga     0.9790 +/- 0.0008  0.9774      0.9785      ',
  '       Westcott gg                        0.9956      0.9910      ',
  '       K1(barn)        722.70 +/- 3.90    717.48      722.43      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '  The final adjustment of nu by SAMMY to the recommended K1 value ',
  'of 722.7 gave nu=2.4367 +/- 0.0005, with fission and absorption   ',
  'cross sections calculated from the final resonance parameters.    ',
  '  In the following Tables, the fission and capture cross sections ',
  'obtained in this evaluation are compared with experimental data:  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '       Experimental and calculated fission cross sections.        ',
  '       Cross sections were calculated with the code SAMMY.        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '       Energy Range    Calculated  Schrack   Weston   Weston      ',
  '           (eV)          (b.eV)     (b.eV)   (b.eV)   (b.eV)      ',
  '       0.5   -   20.0    910.4      929.9                         ',
  '       20.0  -   60.0   1867.8     1882.8    1869.9               ',
  '       60.0  -  100.0    954.0      968.0     954.2               ',
  '       100.0 -  200.0   2032.7     2092.7    2089.5   2073.9      ',
  '       200.0 -  300.0   2062.2     2007.0    2060.0   2054.6      ',
  '       300.0 -  400.0   1280.8     1321.6    1297.1   1292.9      ',
  '       400.0 -  500.0   1333.2     1391.5    1351.8   1347.9      ',
  '       500.0 -  600.0   1489.2     1467.9    1499.2   1494.3      ',
  '       600.0 -  700.0   1126.6     1156.4    1134.1   1132.6      ',
  '       700.0 -  800.0   1088.7     1085.8    1093.3   1075.7      ',
  '       800.0 -  900.0    797.6      784.0     813.0    804.9      ',
  '       900.0 - 1000.0    724.4      723.9     738.2    721.4      ',
  '      1000.0 - 2000.0   7036.1                        7054.2      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '       Experimental and calculated capture cross sections.  Cross ',
  '       sections were calculated with the code SAMMY.              ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '       Energy Range      Calculated   De Saussure     Perez       ',
  '           (eV)            (b.eV)       (b.eV)       (b.eV)       ',
  '       0.5    -   20.0      653.5         647                     ',
  '       20.0   -   60.0     1066.1        1084         1057        ',
  '       60.0   -  100.0      490.2         477          504        ',
  '       100.0  -  200.0     1158.8        1148         1138        ',
  '       200.0  -  300.0      907.8         904          940        ',
  '       300.0  -  400.0      660.2         658          642        ',
  '       400.0  -  500.0      495.9         506          478        ',
  '       500.0  -  600.0      533.3         506          562        ',
  '       600.0  -  700.0      494.8         481          449        ',
  '       700.0  -  800.0      490.1         513          475        ',
  '       800.0  -  900.0      439.8         444          397        ',
  '       900.0  - 1000.0      504.2         542          482        ',
  '      1000.0  - 1100.0      509.6         522          463        ',
  '      1100.0  - 1200.0      413.7         395          332        ',
  '      1200.0  - 1300.0      340.4         372          267        ',
  '      1300.0  - 1400.0      304.1         304          225        ',
  '      1400.0  - 1500.0      355.7         301          254        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '        20.0  - 1500.0     9164.7        9046         8665        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '  The fission and capture resonance integral calculated from the  ',
  'present evaluation are 276.04 b and 140.49 b respectively, giving ',
  'a capture-to-fission ratio (alpha value) of 0.509, in excellent   ',
  'agreement with the value obtained from integral measurements.     ',
  '  The following energy-differential data were included in the     ',
  'analysis:                                                         ',
  '       (1) Transmission data of Harvey et al. (HA86) on the       ',
  '           ORELA 18-meter flight path, with sample thickness of   ',
  '           0.03269 atoms/barn, cooled to 77 K (0.4 to 68 eV)      ',
  '       (2) Transmission data of Harvey et al. (Ha86) on the       ',
  '           ORELA 80-meter flight path, with sample thickness of   ',
  '           0.00233 atoms/barn, cooled to 77 K (4 to 2250 eV)      ',
  '       (3) Transmission data of Harvey et al. (Ha86) on the       ',
  '           ORELA 80-meter flight path, with sample thickness of   ',
  '           0.03269 atoms/barn, cooled to 77 K (4 to 2250 eV)      ',
  '       (4) Fission data of Schrack (Sc88) on the RPI Linac        ',
  '           at 8.4 meters (0.02 to 20 eV)                          ',
  '       (5) Fission and (6) capture data of de Saussure et al.     ',
  '           (De67) on the ORELA 25.2-meter flight path (0.01       ',
  '           to 2250 eV)                                            ',
  '       (7) Fission and (8) capture data of Perez et al. (Pe72)    ',
  '           on the ORELA 39- meter flight path (0.01 to 100 eV)    ',
  '       (9) Fission data of Gwin et al. (Gw84) on the ORELA        ',
  '           25.6-meter flight path (0.01 to 20 eV)                 ',
  '      (10) Transmission data of Spencer et al. (Sp84) on the      ',
  '           ORELA 18-meter flight path, sample thickness of        ',
  '           0.001468 atom/barn (0.01 to 1.0 eV)                    ',
  '      (11) Fission data of Wagemans et al. (Wa88) on the          ',
  '           Geel 18-meter flight path (0.001 to 1.0 eV)            ',
  '      (12) Absorption and (13) fission data of Gwin (Gw96)        ',
  '           at ORELA (0.01 to 4.0 eV)                              ',
  '      (14) Fission data of Weston and Todd (We84) on the          ',
  '           ORELA 18.9-meter flight path (14 to 2250 eV)           ',
  '      (15) Eta data of Wartena et al. (Wa87) at 8 meters          ',
  '           (0.0018 to 1.0 eV)                                     ',
  '      (16) Eta (chopper) data of Weigmann et al (We90)            ',
  '           (0.0015 to 0.15 eV)                                    ',
  '      (17) Fission data of Weston and Todd (We92) on the          ',
  '           ORELA 86.5-meter flight path (100 to 2000 eV)          ',
  '      (18) Fission yield data of Moxon et al. (Mo92) at           ',
  '           ORELA (0.01 to 50.0 eV)                                ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '----- UNRESOLVED RESONANCE PARAMETERS (2250 eV - 25 keV) -----    ',
  '   The unresolved resonance parameter evaluation was revised      ',
  'using a new ORNL analysis (10/1/03).                              ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                 ----- REFERENCES (MF=2) -----                    ',
  'Ca93 A. Carlson, W. P. Poenitz, G. M. Hale, R. W. Peele, D. C.    ',
  '     Dodder, C. Y. Fu, and W. Manhart, The ENDF/B-6  Neutron      ',
  "     Cross Section Measurements Standards, NISTIR-5177, Natn'l    ",
  '     Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD (May ',
  '     1993).                                                       ',
  'De67 G. de Saussure, R. Gwin, L. W. Weston, and R. W. Ingle,      ',
  '     Simultaneous Measurements of the Neutron Fission and Capture ',
  '     Cross Section for 235U for Incident Neutron Energy from 0.4  ',
  '     eV to 3 keV, ORNL/TM-1804, Martin Marietta Energy Systems,   ',
  '     Inc., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (1967).   ',
  'Gw84 R. Gwin, R. R. Spencer, R. W. Ingle, J. H. Todd, and S.      ',
  '     W. Scoles, Nuc. Sci. Eng. 88, 37 (1984).                     ',
  'Gw96 R. Gwin, To be published in Nuclear Science Engineering.     ',
  'Ha79 J. Hardy, 235U Resonance Fission Integral and Alpha Based on ',
  '     Integral Measurements, ENDF-300, Sec. B.1, Brookhaven        ',
  '     National Laboratory, Upton, NY (1979).                       ',
  'Ha86 J. A. Harvey, N. W. Hill, F. G. Perey, G. L. Tweed, and      ',
  '     L. C. Leal, Proc. Int. Conf. On Nuclear Data for Science     ',
  '     and Technology, May 30-June 3, 1988, Mito, Japan.            ',
  'Le97 L. C. Leal, H. Derrien, N. M. Larson, R. Q. Wright, "R-      ',
  '     Matrix Analysis of 235U Neutron Transmission and Cross       ',
  '     Sections in the Energy Range 0 eV to 2.25 keV," ORNL/TM-     ',
  '     13516, Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp., Oak Ridge      ',
  '     National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN (1997).                   ',
  'Mo92 M. C. Moxon, J. A. Harvey, and N. W. Hill, Private           ',
  '     communication ORNL (1992).                                   ',
  'Pe72 R. B. Perez, G. de Saussure, and E. G. Silver, Nucl. Sci.    ',
  '     Eng. 52, 46 (1973).                                          ',
  'Sc88 R. A. Schrack, "Measurement of the 235U(n,f) Reaction from   ',
  '     Thermal to 1 keV," Nuclear Data for Science and Technology,  ',
  '     p. 101, Mito, Japan (1988).                                  ',
  'Sp84 R. R. Spencer, J. A. Harvey, N. W. Hill, and L. Weston,      ',
  '     Nucl. Sci. Eng. 96, 318 (1987).                              ',
  'Wa87 J. A. Wartena, H. Weigmann, and C. Burkholz, Report  IAEA    ',
  '     Tecdoc 491, p.123 (1987).                                    ',
  'Wa88 C. Wagemans, P. Schillebeeckx, A. J. Deruyter, and R.        ',
  '     Barthelemy, "Subthermal fission Cross Section                ',
  '     measurements for 233U and 239Pu," Nuclear Data for           ',
  '     Science and Technology, p. 91, Mito, Japan (1988).           ',
  'We84 L. W. Weston and J. H. Todd, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 88, 567 (1984). ',
  'We90 H. Weigmann, P. Geltenbort, B. Keck, K. Shrenckenbach, and   ',
  '     J. A. Wartena, Proc. Intern.  Conf. on The Physics of        ',
  '     Reactors, Marseille 1990, Vol. P1, p. 133 (1990).            ',
  'We92 L. W. Weston and J. H. Todd, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 111, 415        ',
  '     (1992).                                                      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=3 NEUTRON CROSS SECTIONS                                    ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '              ----- GENERAL INFORMATION -----                     ',
  '   The maximum energy of the evaluation remains at 20 MeV, the    ',
  'same as ENDF/B-VI.                                                ',
  '   The total (MT=1), fission (MT=18), and radiative capture       ',
  '(MT=102) cross sections are based mainly on experimental data,    ',
  'complimented by nuclear model calculations. Model parameters for  ',
  'the calculations were obtained by optimization with experimental  ',
  'data. The neutron total and (n,f) cross section revisions include ',
  'new experimental data that were not included in the ENDF/B-VI     ',
  '235U analysis.                                                    ',
  '   The present evaluation utilizes some data from the ENDF/B-VI   ',
  'evaluation, in particular, discrete inelastic scattering data for ',
  'levels below an excitation energy of 1.1 MeV. That is, the MT=51- ',
  '71 data in ENDF/B-VII correspond to the MT=51-82 data in ENDF/B-  ',
  "VI, or combinations thereof.  The discrete (n,n') cross sections  ",
  'and angular distributions in ENDF/B-VI are based on nuclear       ',
  'theory/model code calculations with the ECIS70 coupled-channels   ',
  'optical model code (Ra70) and with the GNASH (Ar88, Yo77) and     ',
  'COMNUC (Du71) Hauser-Feshbach codes, with model parameters        ',
  'optimized to experimental data. The GNASH calculations also       ',
  'include preequilibrium contributions. The coupled-channels        ',
  'optical model potential used is potential #3 in the International ',
  "Atomic Energy Agency's Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL-2) ",
  'optical model parameter library (see Yo94).                       ',
  '   DWBA calculations were performed with the DWUCK code (Ku70)    ',
  'for several vibrational levels, using B(El) values inferred from  ',
  "(d,d') data on U234, U235, U238, as well as Coulomb excitation    ",
  'measurements.  A weak coupling model (Pe69) was used to apply the ',
  'U234 and U238 results to states in U235. A preliminary            ',
  'description of the ENDF/B-VI analysis was given at the Mito       ',
  'conference (Yo88).                                                ',
  '   The neutron total cross section (MT=1) below 25 keV is also    ',
  'the same as ENDF/B-VI.                                            ',
  '   An updated 235U analysis was performed with the ECIS94 (Ra94)  ',
  'and GNASH codes (Yo98) for ENDF/B-VII. This new analysis provide  ',
  'the basis for the ENDF/B-VII evaluation of the following data:    ',
  'MF=3,6 MT=16,17,37,91. Additionally, direct reaction cross        ',
  'sections and angular distributions, inferred from neutron         ',
  'spectrum measurements on 238U, are included for groups of states  ',
  'in the MT=72-90 data.                                             ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '           ----- DETAILS OF LANL REVISION -----                   ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=1: TOTAL CROSS SECTION                                         ',
  '   2.25 - 25 keV:  Obtained from the ENDF/B-VI evaluation.        ',
  'Corresponds to the unresolved resonance region.                   ',
  '   25 keV - 20 MeV:  The previous ENDF/B-VI evaluation of the     ',
  'neutron total cross                                               ',
  'section in the MeV region resulted from a covariance analysis     ',
  'with the GLUCS code (He80) of the experimental data available at  ',
  'that time. Experimental data used include Fo71, Ve80, Bo71, Po81, ',
  'Gr73, Sc74, Po83, Pe60, Wh65, Ca73, Ga60, and Br58. The present   ',
  'revision is an extension of the previous results by incorporation ',
  'of the experimental data of Lisowski (Li90) into the GLUCS        ',
  'analysis.  The result of this analysis is a general lowering of   ',
  'the total cross section by a few tenths of a percent above 50     ',
  'keV.  The new result is lower than the previous one by 0.4% at 3  ',
  'MeV, is unchanged at 8 MeV, and is lowered by 0.5% at 14 MeV and  ',
  'by 1.3% (maximum change) at 20 MeV.                               ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=2: ELASTIC SCATTERING CROSS SECTION                            ',
  '  The elastic cross section is obtained by subtracting the        ',
  'nonelastic cross section (MT=3) from the total cross section      ',
  '(MT=1).                                                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=3: NONELASTIC CROSS SECTION                                    ',
  '   The (redundant) nonelastic cross section is the sum of the     ',
  'following reactions: MT=4,16,17,18,37,102.                        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=4: INELASTIC CROSS SECTION                                     ',
  '   Sum of MT=51-91.                                               ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=16: (n,2n) CROSS SECTION                                       ',
  '   The revised (n,xn) cross sections (and energy-angle            ',
  'distributions) result from a revision of the GNASH nuclear model  ',
  'code (Yo98) analysis that corrects an error in the analysis used  ',
  'for the previous ENDF/B-VI evaluation.  The major change in the   ',
  'analysis is a correction of an inconsistent treatment of          ',
  'preequilibrium effects in the presence of fission that was        ',
  'present in previous versions of the GNASH code.  The changes to   ',
  'the cross sections are not large but are non-negligible.  For     ',
  'example, changes in the (n,2n) cross section are +6% near 8 MeV,- ',
  '5% at 12 MeV, +3.5% at 14 MeV, and +16% at 20 MeV.  The new GNASH ',
  'analysis also results in modified energy-angle distributions in   ',
  'MF = 6.                                                           ',
  '   The revised (n,2n) cross section is in good agreement with the ',
  'experimental data of Becker et al. (Be98), Frehaut et al. (Fr80), ',
  'and Mathur et al. (Ma69,Ma72).  The Becker data are based on new  ',
  'experimental data from a LANSCE-GEANIE experiment. The new        ',
  'results are deduced from a combination of measured partial gamma- ',
  'ray cross sections and enhanced Hauser-Feshbach reaction          ',
  'modeling.                                                         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=17,37: (n,xn) CROSS SECTIONS                                   ',
  '   The (n,xn) cross sections are based on an analysis with the    ',
  'GNASH nuclear model code (Yo98) that corrects an error in the     ',
  'calculations used for the previous ENDF/B-VI evaluation.  See     ',
  'comments under MT=16 above.                                       ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=18: FISSION NEUTRON CROSS SECTION                              ',
  "   2.25-25 keV:  Incorporated the cross section from Leal's       ",
  'analysis in the unresolved resonance region, after                ',
  'renormalization of the fission cross section (-2%) to agree with  ',
  'the average of the ENDF/B-VII 235U(n,f) standard cross section in ',
  'this energy range.                                                ',
  '   25 keV - 20 MeV:  The 235U(n,f) Version VII standard cross     ',
  'section (Pr05) was incorporated into the 235U evaluation with     ',
  'minimal smoothing.  The original standard energy grid is included ',
  'as a subset of a larger grid.  The expansion to the denser grid   ',
  'was accomplished using a spline fit to a log-log file of the      ',
  'standard data.                                                    ',
  '   The Q-value was changed from 193.72 MeV to 193.4834 MeV to     ',
  'maintain consistency with the MF=1,MT=458 data.                   ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=19,20,21,38: MULTI-CHANCE FISSION CROSS SECTIONS               ',
  '  The ratios of the multi-chance fission cross sections to the    ',
  'total fission cross section were obtained from GNASH              ',
  'calculations.  The evaluated multi-chance fission cross sections  ',
  'were then obtained by multiplying the MT=18 total fission cross   ',
  'section by the ratios.                                            ',
  '   The Q-value was changed from 193.72 MeV to 193.4834 MeV to     ',
  'maintain consistency with the MF=1,MT=458 data.                   ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   The cross sections for MT=51-71 are obtained from the ENDF/B-  ',
  'VI levels data or combinations thereof. The correspondance        ',
  'between the level data in ENDF/B-VII and ENDF/B-VI is as follows: ',
  '        ENDF/B-VII       ENDF/B-VI                                ',
  '         MT=51-56        MT=51-56                                 ',
  '         MT=57           MT57 + MT58                              ',
  '         MT=58           MT=59                                    ',
  '         MT=59           MT60 + MT61 +MT62                        ',
  '         MT=60           MT=63                                    ',
  '         MT=61           MT64 + MT65                              ',
  '         MT=62           MT66 + MT67                              ',
  '         MT=63           MT68 + MT69                              ',
  '         MT=64           MT70 + MT71 + MT72                       ',
  '         MT=65           MT73 + MT74                              ',
  '         MT=66           MT75 + MT76                              ',
  '         MT=67           MT=77                                    ',
  '         MT=68           MT=78                                    ',
  '         MT=69           MT=79                                    ',
  '         MT=70           MT=80                                    ',
  '         MT=71           MT=81 + MT82                             ',
  '   The levels MT=53,56,58,60 are the 9/2-, 11/2-, 13/2-, 15/2-    ',
  'members of the 7/2- ground-state rotational band.  The cross      ',
  'sections for these levels contain direct contributions calculated ',
  'with the ECIS70 code (Ra70).  The levels defined by MT=51-66 all  ',
  'contain compound nucleus contributions calculated with the COMNUC ',
  'code (Du71).  The level cross sections corresponding to MT=67-71  ',
  'are based on distorted wave Born approximation calculations with  ',
  'the DWUCK code (Ku70) for 2+ and 3- vibrational states.           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '          REACTIONS TO GROUPS OF STATES)                          ',
  "   The cross sections for MT=72-90 are based upon Baba's neutron  ",
  'emission spectra measurements (Ba89) at 14 MeV for n + 238U       ',
  'reactions.  To accomplish this, we adopted in the present         ',
  'evaluation the MT=72-90 data from the ENDF/B-VII 238U evaluation  ',
  '(MAT=9237).  To free up the necessary MT slots in the present     ',
  'evaluation, it was necessary to combine data for some of the      ',
  'weaker levels, as tabulated above.                                ',
  '   The 238U results are based on DWBA calculations run with the   ',
  'ECIS94 code (Ra94), assuming a set of 2+ or 3- (mainly)           ',
  'vibrational states.  Deformation parameters were determined by    ',
  'matching the 14-MeV Baba data. The tabulated cross sections are   ',
  'actually sums of contributions to several states.  The DWBA       ',
  'calculations were used to extrapolate the 14-MeV cross sections   ',
  'to lower and higher energies, and to obtain the MF=4 angular      ',
  'distributions for each assumed state. The spins, parities, and    ',
  'deformation parameters used in the calculations are given in the  ',
  'table below. These results affect the evaluation in the           ',
  'excitation energy range Ex=1.17-3.91 MeV.                         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '  MT    Ex (MeV)    J   Pi    Beta                                ',
  '      0.00000000   0.0  +1  0.0000E+00                            ',
  '  72  1.17000000   3.0  -1  3.8087E-02                            ',
  '  73  1.25000000   2.0  +1  3.0175E-02                            ',
  '  74  1.44000000   3.0  -1  5.6001E-02                            ',
  '  75  1.59000000   3.0  -1  3.8111E-02                            ',
  '  76  1.75000000   3.0  -1  3.9460E-02                            ',
  '  77  1.85000000   3.0  -1  3.5265E-02                            ',
  '  78  1.95000000   3.0  -1  4.0750E-02                            ',
  '  79  2.15000000   3.0  -1  4.7400E-02                            ',
  '  80  2.30000000   3.0  -1  5.3002E-02                            ',
  '  81  2.39000000   4.0  +1  8.8154E-03                            ',
  '  82  2.49000000   2.0  +1  2.5122E-02                            ',
  '  83  2.94000000   2.0  +1  2.7150E-02                            ',
  '  84  3.18900000   2.0  +1  2.5287E-02                            ',
  '  85  3.38800000   2.0  +1  2.5070E-02                            ',
  '  86  3.53800000   2.0  +1  1.5390E-02                            ',
  '  87  3.63700000   2.0  +1  1.6125E-02                            ',
  '  88  3.73700000   2.0  +1  1.6472E-02                            ',
  '  89  3.83700000   2.0  +1  1.4293E-02                            ',
  '  90  3.90900000   2.0  +1  1.5091E-02                            ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   Based on the GNASH Hauser-Feshbach statistical/preequilibrium  ',
  'calculations, described above. Note that MT=91 thresholds at 0.5  ',
  'MeV.  Therefore, discrete states with excitation energies above   ',
  '0.5 MeV (MT=67-90) lie in the MT=91 continuum region.             ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   2.25 TO 1000 keV:  The radiative capture cross section at      ',
  'these energies is based on alpha measurements (See ANL-83-4       ',
  'supplement).                                                      ',
  '   1-20 MeV:  Based on re-normalized COMNUC/GNASH calculations,   ',
  'with a semi-direct component added above a few MeV.               ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '             ----- REFERENCES (MF=3) -----                        ',
  'Ar88 E.D. Arthur, LA-UR-88-382 (1988).                            ',
  'Ba89 M. Baba, H. Wakabayashi, N. Itoh, K. Maeda, and N. Hirakawa, ',
  '     "Measurements of Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra and Double-  ',
  '     Differential Neutron Inelastic Scattering Cross Sections for ',
  '     238-U and 232-Th," IAEA Int. Nucl. Data report INDC(JPN)-129 ',
  '     (1989).                                                      ',
  'Be98 J. A. Becker et al., personal communication from W. Younes,  ',
  '     1998.                                                        ',
  'Bo72 K. Boeckhoff et al., J.Nuc.En.26,91(1972).                   ',
  'Br58 A. Bratenahl et al., Phys.Rev.110,927(1958).                 ',
  'Ca73 J. Cabe et al., CEA-R-4524 (1973).                           ',
  'Du71 C.L.Dunford, "Compound Nucleus Reaction Analysis Programs    ',
  '     COMNUC and CASCADE," Atomics International North American    ',
  '     Rockwell report AI-AEC-12931 (document no. TI-707-130-013)   ',
  '     (February, 1971).                                            ',
  'Fo71 D. Foster & D. Glasgow, Phys.Rev.C3,576(1971).               ',
  'Fr80 J. Frehaut et al., Nucl.Sci.Eng. 74, 29 (1980); J. Frehaut   ',
  '     et al., Brookhaven National Lab. report BNL-NCS-512457       ',
  '(1980)                                                            ',
  '     p.399.                                                       ',
  'Ga60 L. A. Galloway, III, Case Institute, TID-11005 (1960) p.19.  ',
  'Gr73 L. Green et al., USNDC-9 (1973) p.170                        ',
  'He80 D. Hetrick & C.Y. Fu, ORNL/TM-7341 (1980).                   ',
  'Ku70 P.D. Kunz, DWUCK: A Distorted-Wave Born Approximation        ',
  '     Program, unpublished report.                                 ',
  'Li90 P.W. Lisowski, personal communication of a measurement       ',
  '     done at WNR in 1985 (1990).                                  ',
  'Ma69 D. Mather, report AWRE-O-47 (1969).                          ',
  'Ma72 D. Mather et al., report AWRE-O-72 (1972).                   ',
  'Pe60 J.Peterson et al., Phys.Rev.120, 521(1960).                  ',
  'Pe69 R.J.Peterson, Ann.Phys. 53, 40 (1069).                       ',
  'Po81 W.Poenitz et al., Nuc.Sci.Eng.78, 333(1981).                 ',
  'Po83 W.Poenitz et al., ANL-NDM-80, 1983.                          ',
  'Pr05 V.G. Pronyaev, S.A.Badikov, A.D. Carlson, Z. Chen, E.V. Gai, ',
  '     G.M. Hale, F.-J. Hambsch, H.M. Hofmann, T. Kawano, N.M.      ',
  '     Larson, S.-Y. Oh, D.L. Smith, S. Tagesen, and H. Vonach,     ',
  '     personal communication (2005); see also: "An International   ',
  '     Evaluation of the Neutron Cross Section Standards," to be    ',
  '     published as an IAEA Technical report (2006).                ',
  'Ra70 J.Raynal,IAEA SMR-9/8 (1970).                                ',
  'Ra94 J. Raynal, "Notes on ECIS94," Centre d\'Etudes Nucleaires     ',
  '     (Saclay) report CEA-N-2772 (1994).                           ',
  'Sc74 R.Schwartz et al., Nuc.Sci.Engr.54,322(1974).                ',
  'Wh65 W.Whalen et al., ANL-7110 (1965) p.15.                       ',
  'Yo77 P.G.Young & E.D.Arthur, LA-6947 (1977).                      ',
  'Yo88 P.G.Young & E.D.Arthur, Nuc.Data for Sci.& Tech., Mito       ',
  '      Conference (1988) p.603.                                    ',
  'Yo94 P. G. Young, "Experience at Los Alamos with Use of the       ',
  '     Optical Model for Applied Nuclear Data Calculations," Los    ',
  '     Alamos National Laboratory report LA-UR-94-3104 (1994).      ',
  'Yo98 P. G. Young, E. D. Arthur, and M. B. Chadwick,               ',
  '     "Comprehensive Nuclear Model Calculations: Theory and Use of ',
  '     the GNASH Code," Proc. Workshop on Nuclear Reaction Data and ',
  '     Nuclear Reactors, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 15 April - 17 May    ',
  '     1996 [Ed: A. Gandini and G. Reffo, World Scientific Publ.    ',
  '     Co., Singapore (1998)] p. 227-404.                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   1.e-5 eV -  20.0 MeV:  Elastic scattering angular distribution ',
  'based on ECIS70 (Ra70,Yo94) coupled-channels calculations, with a ',
  'compound elastic component from COMNUC included below 6 MeV       ',
  '(Du71). These data are taken from ENDF/B-VI.                      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=51,52,54,55,57,59,61-66: DISCRETE INELASTIC NEUTRON ANGULAR    ',
  '                            DISTRIBUTIONS FOR COMPOUND NUCLEUS    ',
  '                            REACTIONS                             ',
  '   Threshold to 6.0 MeV:  Angular distributions obtained using    ',
  'compound-nucleus reaction theory calculations with width          ',
  'fluctuation corrections in the COMNUC code (Du71). [Note that     ',
  'MT=65 contains a direct reaction component from DWUCK             ',
  'calculations and extends to 20 MeV.] These data are taken from    ',
  'ENDF/B-VI. For the combined levels (see MF=3, MT=51-71 above),    ',
  'the angular distributions for the first MT number were used in    ',
  'the level combinations.                                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                FOR THE GROUND-STATE ROTATIONAL BAND              ',
  '   Threshold to 20.0 MeV:  Angular distributions determined from  ',
  'coupled-channel optical model calculations with ECIS70 (Ra70),    ',
  'plus compound-nucleus contributions from COMNUC calculations.     ',
  'These are the 9/2-, 11/2-, 13/2-, 15/2- members of the 7/2-       ',
  'ground-state rotational band. These data are taken from ENDF/B-   ',
  'VI.                                                               ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '          DIRECT REACTIONS                                        ',
  '   Threshold to 20.0 MeV:  Angular distributions determined for   ',
  'MT=67-71 with distorted wave Born approximation calculations      ',
  'using DWUCK code (Ku70) and for MT=72-90 with the ECIS94 code     ',
  '(Ra94).                                                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '            ----- REFERENCES (MF=4) -----                         ',
  'Du71 C.L.Dunford, "Compound Nucleus Reaction Analysis Programs    ',
  '     COMNUC and CASCADE," Atomics International North American    ',
  '     Rockwell report AI-AEC-12931 (document no. TI-707-130-013)   ',
  '     (February, 1971).                                            ',
  'Ku70 P.D. Kunz, DWUCK: A Distorted-Wave Born Approximation        ',
  '     Program, unpublished report.                                 ',
  'Ra70 J.Raynal,IAEA SMR-9/8 (1970).                                ',
  'Ra94 J. Raynal, "Notes on ECIS94," Centre d\'Etudes Nucleaires     ',
  '     (Saclay) report CEA-N-2772 (1994).                           ',
  'Yo94 P. G. Young, "Experience at Los Alamos with Use of the       ',
  '     Optical Model for Applied Nuclear Data Calculations," Los    ',
  '     Alamos National Laboratory report LA-UR-94-3104 (1994).      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   Prompt fission neutron spectrum matrix for the n + 235U system ',
  'was calculated (Ma03) using the Los Alamos (Madland-Nix) model    ',
  '(MN82) in its exact formulation with energy-dependent compound    ',
  'nucleus formation cross sections for the inverse processes. The   ',
  'matrix includes first-, second-, and third-chance fission         ',
  'components and also includes the neutrons evaporated prior to     ',
  'fission in second- and third-chance fission. The tabulated        ',
  'distribution law (LF=1) is used.                                  ',
  '   The matrix is calculated for 19 incident neutron energies.     ',
  'These are:                                                        ',
  '     0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,  ',
  '     9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0 MeV.                 ',
  '   The 20-MeV spectrum is simply a duplication of the 15-MeV      ',
  'spectrum.                                                         ',
  '   Note that the thermal spectrum is identical to that of ENDF/B- ',
  'VI. This is due to the fact that the two most recent differential ',
  'measurements of the thermal spectrum and the most accepted set of ',
  'integral cross section measurements in the thermal spectrum       ',
  'constitute three mutually incompatible experimental sets. This    ',
  'incompatibility has yet to be resolved.                           ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   The abundances are based on the new delayed-neutron            ',
  'calculations (Wi05) described under MF=1, MT=455. However, the    ',
  'earlier six-group spectra from ENDF/B-VI are carried over to      ',
  'ENDF/B-VII because new multigroup spectra have not yet been       ',
  'calculated with the new library.                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '           ----- REFERENCES (MF=5) -----                          ',
  'Ma03 D. G. Madland, private communication, 15 May 2003.           ',
  'MN82 D. G. Madland and J. R. Nix, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 81 (1982)       ',
  '     213-271.                                                     ',
  'Wi05 W. B. Wilson, personal communication, 2005.                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=6 PRODUCT ENERGY-ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS                      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  'MT=16,17,37: (n,xn) CONTINUUM DISTRIBUTIONS                       ',
  '   Based on the GNASH Hauser-Feshbach statistical/preequilibrium  ',
  'calculations described above. Updated Kalbach-Mann systematics    ',
  'are used for specifying neutron distributions (Ka88). Only        ',
  'neutron distributions are given.                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  "MT=91: (n,n') CONTINUUM DISTRIBUTIONS                             ",
  '   Based on the GNASH Hauser-Feshbach statistical/preequilibrium  ',
  'calculations described above. Updated Kalbach-Mann systematics    ',
  'are used for specifying neutron distributions (Ka88). Only        ',
  'neutron distributions are given.                                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '          ----- REFERENCES (MF=6) -----                           ',
  'Ka88 C. Kalbach, "Systematics of Continuum Angular                ',
  '     Distributions: Extensions to Higher Energies," Phys.Rev.C    ',
  '     37, 2350 (1988); see also C. Kalbach and F. M. Mann,         ',
  '     "Phenomenology of Continuum Angular Distributions. I.        ',
  '     Systematics and Parameterization," Phys.Rev.C 23, 112        ',
  '     (1981).                                                      ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '         PROBABILITIES                                            ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '             FISSION, AND RADIATIVE CAPTURE                       ',
  '   1.e-5 eV - 1.09 MeV:  Based on the ENDF/B-VI evaluation by     ',
  'Hunter and Stewart (Hu72).                                        ',
  '  The yield for MT=18 is changed from 7.17 to 7.0437 in order to  ',
  ' maintain consistency with the MF=1,MT=458 data.                  ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=13 PHOTON PRODUCTION CROSS SECTIONS                         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   1.09 - 20.0 MeV:  Based on the experimental data in references ',
  'Bu71, Dr74, Dr78, and Ne66. The evaluation is the same as the     ',
  'ENDF/B-VI evaluation [see reference St76].                        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=14 PHOTON ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONS                             ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '               REACTIONS                                          ',
  '   Same as the ENDF/B-VI evaluation [see reference St76].         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '>> MF=15 CONTINUOUS PHOTON ENERGY SPECTRA                         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '   Based on experimental data in references Dr74 and Dr78.        ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '           CAPTURE                                                ',
  '   Same as the ENDF/B-VI evaluation [see reference St76].         ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '            ----- REFERENCES (MF=12-15) -----                     ',
  'Bu71 P. S. Buchanan, D. O. Nellis and W. E. Tucker,"A Compilation ',
  '     of Cross Sections and Angular Distributions of Gamma Rays    ',
  '     Produced by by Neutron Bombardment of Various Nuclei," ORO-  ',
  '     2791-32(Feb.1971)                                            ',
  'Dr74 D. M. Drake, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 55, 427 (1974).                 ',
  'Dr78 D. M. Drake, E. D. Arthur and M. G. Silbert, Nucl. Sci. Eng. ',
  '     65, 49 (1978).                                               ',
  'Hu72 R. E. Hunter and L. Stewart,"Evaluated Neutron-Induced       ',
  '     Gamma-Ray Production for Pu-239 and Pu-240," LA-4901(1972).  ',
  'Ne66 D. O. Nellis and I. L. Morgan ORO-2791-17(June 1966)         ',
  'St76 L. Stewart, H. Alter and R. Hunter, ENDF-201 (1976)          ',
  '                                                                  ',
  '************************* C O N T E N T S *********************** '],
 u'energy_max': 20000000.0,
 u'format': 6,
 u'identifier': ['----ENDF/B-VII        MATERIAL 9228         REVISION -            ',
  '-----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA                                        ',
  '------ENDF-6 FORMAT                                               '],
 u'laboratory': 'ORNL,LANL,+',
 u'library': (u'ENDF/B', 7, 0),
 u'modification': 7,
 u'reference': '                     ',
 u'sublibrary': 10}
In [10]:
{u'ZA': 92235,
 u'excitation_energy': 0.0,
 u'fissionable': True,
 u'isomeric_state': 0,
 u'mass': 233.0248,
 u'stable': False,
 u'state': 0,
 u'temperature': 0.0,
 u'zsymam': ' 92-U -235 '}

To look at cross sections, secondary energy and angle distributions, and resonance data, we need to parse the rest of the data in the file, which can be done through the Evaluation.read(...) method.

In [11]:
Reading MF=1, MT=452 Total Neutrons per Fission
Reading MF=1, MT=455 Delayed Neutron Data
Reading MF=1, MT=456 Prompt Neutrons per Fission
Reading MF=1, MT=458 Energy Release Due to Fission
Reading MF=1, MT=460 Delayed Photon Data
Reading MF=2, MT=151 Resonance Parameters
Reading MF=3, MT=1 (z,total)
Reading MF=3, MT=2 (z,elastic)
Reading MF=3, MT=3 (z,nonelastic)
Reading MF=3, MT=4 (z,n)
Reading MF=3, MT=16 (z,2n)
Reading MF=3, MT=17 (z,3n)
Reading MF=3, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=3, MT=19 (z,f)
Reading MF=3, MT=20 (z,nf)
Reading MF=3, MT=21 (z,2nf)
Reading MF=3, MT=37 (z,4n)
Reading MF=3, MT=38 (z,3nf)
Reading MF=3, MT=51 (z,n1)
Reading MF=3, MT=52 (z,n2)
Reading MF=3, MT=53 (z,n3)
Reading MF=3, MT=54 (z,n4)
Reading MF=3, MT=55 (z,n5)
Reading MF=3, MT=56 (z,n6)
Reading MF=3, MT=57 (z,n7)
Reading MF=3, MT=58 (z,n8)
Reading MF=3, MT=59 (z,n9)
Reading MF=3, MT=60 (z,n10)
Reading MF=3, MT=61 (z,n11)
Reading MF=3, MT=62 (z,n12)
Reading MF=3, MT=63 (z,n13)
Reading MF=3, MT=64 (z,n14)
Reading MF=3, MT=65 (z,n15)
Reading MF=3, MT=66 (z,n16)
Reading MF=3, MT=67 (z,n17)
Reading MF=3, MT=68 (z,n18)
Reading MF=3, MT=69 (z,n19)
Reading MF=3, MT=70 (z,n20)
Reading MF=3, MT=71 (z,n21)
Reading MF=3, MT=72 (z,n22)
Reading MF=3, MT=73 (z,n23)
Reading MF=3, MT=74 (z,n24)
Reading MF=3, MT=75 (z,n25)
Reading MF=3, MT=76 (z,n26)
Reading MF=3, MT=77 (z,n27)
Reading MF=3, MT=78 (z,n28)
Reading MF=3, MT=79 (z,n29)
Reading MF=3, MT=80 (z,n30)
Reading MF=3, MT=81 (z,n31)
Reading MF=3, MT=82 (z,n32)
Reading MF=3, MT=83 (z,n33)
Reading MF=3, MT=84 (z,n34)
Reading MF=3, MT=85 (z,n35)
Reading MF=3, MT=86 (z,n36)
Reading MF=3, MT=87 (z,n37)
Reading MF=3, MT=88 (z,n38)
Reading MF=3, MT=89 (z,n39)
Reading MF=3, MT=90 (z,n40)
Reading MF=3, MT=91 (z,nc)
Reading MF=3, MT=102 (z,gamma)
Reading MF=4, MT=2 (z,elastic)
Reading MF=4, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=4, MT=51 (z,n1)
Reading MF=4, MT=52 (z,n2)
Reading MF=4, MT=53 (z,n3)
Reading MF=4, MT=54 (z,n4)
Reading MF=4, MT=55 (z,n5)
Reading MF=4, MT=56 (z,n6)
Reading MF=4, MT=57 (z,n7)
Reading MF=4, MT=58 (z,n8)
Reading MF=4, MT=59 (z,n9)
Reading MF=4, MT=60 (z,n10)
Reading MF=4, MT=61 (z,n11)
Reading MF=4, MT=62 (z,n12)
Reading MF=4, MT=63 (z,n13)
Reading MF=4, MT=64 (z,n14)
Reading MF=4, MT=65 (z,n15)
Reading MF=4, MT=66 (z,n16)
Reading MF=4, MT=67 (z,n17)
Reading MF=4, MT=68 (z,n18)
Reading MF=4, MT=69 (z,n19)
Reading MF=4, MT=70 (z,n20)
Reading MF=4, MT=71 (z,n21)
Reading MF=4, MT=72 (z,n22)
Reading MF=4, MT=73 (z,n23)
Reading MF=4, MT=74 (z,n24)
Reading MF=4, MT=75 (z,n25)
Reading MF=4, MT=76 (z,n26)
Reading MF=4, MT=77 (z,n27)
Reading MF=4, MT=78 (z,n28)
Reading MF=4, MT=79 (z,n29)
Reading MF=4, MT=80 (z,n30)
Reading MF=4, MT=81 (z,n31)
Reading MF=4, MT=82 (z,n32)
Reading MF=4, MT=83 (z,n33)
Reading MF=4, MT=84 (z,n34)
Reading MF=4, MT=85 (z,n35)
Reading MF=4, MT=86 (z,n36)
Reading MF=4, MT=87 (z,n37)
Reading MF=4, MT=88 (z,n38)
Reading MF=4, MT=89 (z,n39)
Reading MF=4, MT=90 (z,n40)
Reading MF=5, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=5, MT=455 Delayed Neutron Data
Reading MF=6, MT=16 (z,2n)
Reading MF=6, MT=17 (z,3n)
Reading MF=6, MT=37 (z,4n)
Reading MF=6, MT=91 (z,nc)
Reading MF=12, MT=4 (z,n)
Reading MF=12, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=12, MT=102 (z,gamma)
Reading MF=12, MT=460 Delayed Photon Data
Reading MF=13, MT=3 (z,nonelastic)
Reading MF=14, MT=3 (z,nonelastic)
Reading MF=14, MT=4 (z,n)
Reading MF=14, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=14, MT=102 (z,gamma)
Reading MF=14, MT=460 Delayed Photon Data
Reading MF=15, MT=3 (z,nonelastic)
Reading MF=15, MT=18 (z,fission)
Reading MF=15, MT=102 (z,gamma)

Most of the data that is parsed resides in the reactions attribute, which is a dictionary that is keyed by the MT value.

In [12]:
elastic = u235.reactions[2]
print('Elastic scattering has the following attributes:')
for attr in elastic.__dict__:
    if elastic.__dict__[attr]:
        print('  ' + attr)
Elastic scattering has the following attributes:

Now with our reaction we can look at the cross section and any other associated data. The cross section elastic.xs is a Tab1 object whose (x,y) pairs can be accessed from the x and y attributes. The first ten values of the cross section are:

In [13]:
zip(elastic.xs.x[:10], elastic.xs.y[:10])
[(1.0000000000000001e-05, 0.0),
 (0.0253, 0.0),
 (77.129580000000004, 0.0),
 (2250.0, 0.0),
 (2250.0, 11.204420000000001),
 (2300.0, 12.13951),
 (2500.0, 11.891019999999999),
 (2650.0, 11.528930000000001),
 (2900.0, 11.56729),
 (3000.0, 11.59604)]

Since resonances haven't been reconstructed, everything below the unresolved resonance range at 2250 keV is zero. Above that energy, we can use elastic.xs like a function to get a value at a particular energy. For example, to get the elastic cross section at 1 MeV:

In [14]:

We can also take a look at the angular distribution for elastic scattering.

In [15]:
esad = elastic.angular_distribution
<pyne.endf.AngularDistribution object at 0x7ff929d76450>
In [16]:
# Elastic scattering angular distribution at 100 keV
E = esad.energy[5]
pdf = esad.probability[5]

theta = np.linspace(0., 2*np.pi, 1000)
mu = np.cos(theta)

plt.subplot(111, polar=True)
plt.plot(theta, pdf(mu))
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7ff929a05610>]

Ah, but elastic scattering is a simple reaction you say. What if I want information about something more complicated like fission! In the special case of fission, there is the normal reaction data as well as a special attribute on the Evaluation class called fission:

In [17]:
<ENDF Reaction: MT=18, (z,fission)>
[u'energy_release', u'yield_independent', u'yield_cumulative', u'nu', u'delayed_photon']

We can look at the neutrons released per fission:

In [18]:
E = np.logspace(-5, 6)
plt.semilogx(E, u235.fission['nu']['total'](E))
plt.xlabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.ylabel('Neutrons per fission')            
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7ff929a11d90>

The components of energy release from fission are also available to us:

In [19]:
for component, coefficients in u235.fission['energy_release'].items():
    if component != 'order':
        print('{}: {} +/- {} MeV'.format(component, coefficients[0,0], coefficients[1,0]))
fission_products: 169130000.0 +/- 490000.0 MeV
delayed_betas: 6500000.0 +/- 50000.0 MeV
neutrinos: 8750000.0 +/- 70000.0 MeV
total_less_neutrinos: 193483400.0 +/- 150000.0 MeV
prompt_neutrons: 4916000.0 +/- 70000.0 MeV
delayed_neutrons: 7400.0 +/- 1110.0 MeV
total: 202233400.0 +/- 130000.0 MeV
prompt_gammas: 6600000.0 +/- 500000.0 MeV
delayed_gammas: 6330000.0 +/- 50000.0 MeV

To look at the fission energy distribution, we must use the normal reaction data:

In [20]:
# Get prompt fission neutron spectra
fission = u235.reactions[18]
pfns = fission.energy_distribution[0]

# Plot the distribution for the lowest incoming energy
plt.semilogx(pfns.pdf[0].x, pfns.pdf[0].y)
plt.xlabel('Energy (eV)')
plt.ylabel('Probability / eV')
plt.title('Neutron spectrum at E={} eV'.format(pfns.energy[0]))
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7ff9297deb90>

Finally, let's take a look at resolved resonance data, which can be found in the resonances dictionary.

In [21]:
rrr = u235.resonances['resolved']

# Show all (l,J) combinations
<pyne.endf.ReichMoore object at 0x7ff929dc7850>
[(0, 3.0), (0, 4.0)]
In [22]:
# Set up headers for table
headers = ['Energy', 'Neutron width', 'Capture width', 'FissionA width', 'FissionB width']

# Get resonance data for l=0, J=3
l = 0
J = 3.0

# Create table data
data = [[r.energy, r.width_neutron, r.width_gamma, r.width_fissionA, r.width_fissionB]
        for r in rrr.resonances[l,J]]

# Render table
HTML(tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt='html'))
Energy Neutron width Capture width FissionA width FissionB width
-2038.3 0.019703 0.033792 -0.046652 -0.10088
-1812.1 0.0008574 0.037445 0.73617 -0.74187
-1586.2 0.0082845 0.034439 0.15365 -0.099186
-1357.5 0.050787 0.038506 -0.16914 -0.38622
-515.88 2.9884 0.03803 -0.81285 -0.81805
-74.766 0.38375 0.052085 -0.8644 -0.78652
-3.4928 8.539e-08 0.037791 -0.0068844 0.012977
-1.5043 8.5333e-08 0.037828 -0.0070397 0.011686
-0.56098 0.00029974 0.020855 0.095644 -0.011839
0.273793 4.2486e-06 0.046203 0.11771 0.00034848
2.03488 9.0045e-06 0.038045 -0.0096908 0.00037599
3.14289 2.3824e-05 0.038151 -0.031653 0.070502
3.8696 4.4501e-07 0.038904 0.13761 -0.0018067
6.16459 5.3266e-05 0.039758 -0.083615 0.10512
6.98885 1.5637e-06 0.040067 0.04406 0.071915
7.65909 2.0241e-06 0.039758 0.087785 0.04138
8.92592 8.295e-05 0.050484 -0.18998 0.10429
9.69634 3.5647e-05 0.039758 -0.003997 -0.22075
10.7111 7.2781e-06 0.039758 -0.0061735 -0.32271
12.39 0.0013712 0.040985 0.0173 -0.016389
13.598 0.00025477 0.040275 -0.0029924 -0.61789
14.1026 0.00020831 0.024255 -0.3445 0.14588
14.5531 0.00012853 0.046234 0.00087499 0.021571
15.2437 1.6697e-06 0.039857 0.18426 0.089568
17.5436 3.1317e-06 0.039753 0.048819 0.11383
18.0198 0.00035689 0.036368 1.0451e-06 -0.14981
18.492 1.3953e-05 0.040275 -0.63043 -0.1101
19.2283 0.00012108 0.042988 7.3124e-07 0.020707
20.1843 2.4933e-05 0.039857 0.027639 0.006801
20.932 1.5659e-05 0.039857 0.1348 0.059383
23.5912 0.00084254 0.04344 0.14677 -0.059554
24.2381 0.00041703 0.04974 -3.599e-05 -0.030401
25.5826 0.0012718 0.034386 -0.29131 0.33268
26.4641 0.00038439 0.039107 -0.22817 0.21599
27.1577 5.6624e-05 0.042795 -0.00025949 -0.054566
28.0186 3.7423e-06 0.039857 0.026191 0.032917
28.3705 0.00021981 0.044599 0.0080966 0.11572
29 5.2933e-06 0.039857 0.076317 0.23007
30.5915 0.00019587 0.041321 -0.011296 0.068178
32.0934 0.00081623 0.039591 -0.01916 0.010666
33.65 4.2152e-05 0.039857 0.036606 0.020347
34.5334 0.00043534 0.040859 0.011941 0.23936
34.8724 0.0017278 0.043851 -0.11628 0.02733
35.1716 0.0033819 0.041613 -0.076564 0.0028464
39.1285 3.9723e-05 0.044026 -0.0042766 0.0061865
39.8849 0.00035718 0.04265 0.0055795 -0.15973
41.535 0.00058982 0.041406 -0.045422 0.18643
41.8613 0.0014248 0.038191 -0.012106 -0.00059062
43.382 0.0007244 0.039765 -0.0041727 -0.013435
44.9335 0.00090145 0.041955 0.22338 -0.28673
46.9 8.1762e-05 0.039857 -0.1682 0.086147
48.3131 0.0010506 0.039202 0.18303 -0.00067141
48.7699 0.00090899 0.03994 0.0011572 -0.081059
50.094 0.00031195 0.036633 -0.021936 -0.0019242
50.4437 0.00096846 0.037045 0.042698 -0.0048907
51.1893 0.001369 0.041559 -0.10814 0.02774
52.2184 0.0031472 0.03653 -0.00026835 0.4237
53.4167 0.00057522 0.038436 -0.068472 -0.020913
54.9529 0.00066566 0.04059 -0.045892 0.020739
56.0303 0.00099273 0.038545 -0.13202 0.012265
57.682 0.00069665 0.041852 -0.14898 0.066486
58.0735 0.0017224 0.043263 0.05717 0.0022823
60.1737 0.0015618 0.041508 0.048639 0.25604
61.075 0.00040318 0.040461 -0.091954 0.00046587
61.7812 1.9374e-05 0.039857 0.0084772 0.17909
62.9689 3.1299e-06 0.042065 -0.45997 0.15533
63.643 0.0014389 0.043887 0.22748 0.7878
65.7752 0.00041467 0.038434 -0.013545 -0.016141
66.3305 7.5462e-05 0.040054 0.025122 0.14356
68.5923 8.8457e-05 0.041265 0.01718 -0.042938
69.6122 3.6018e-05 0.039861 0.056897 0.064609
70.2426 0.00045752 0.038354 -0.32232 -0.17636
70.4115 0.0014451 0.035698 0.28903 -6.8226e-06
70.7819 0.0022402 0.03791 -0.047156 0.12665
72.9251 0.00026466 0.040269 -3.773e-05 0.32275
74.4992 0.0014038 0.03865 -0.10777 0.054648
75.5603 0.0019775 0.055291 0.22111 0.071048
76.6829 3.4863e-05 0.039857 0.038207 0.034888
78.0839 0.0012847 0.044481 0.0015725 0.097842
80.3727 0.00094156 0.040298 0.1316 -0.00037581
81.4173 0.0011969 0.041417 0.00026211 -0.1174
82.426 0.00010664 0.041928 0.001809 0.049279
83.8556 0.0021151 0.042115 0.24387 -0.41409
84.5754 0.0002844 0.041161 -0.070914 0.07513
85.0531 0.0020853 0.041558 -0.014241 0.52568
86.7933 0.00053152 0.045098 0.00036126 -0.11453
87.5879 0.00058973 0.045062 -0.1933 0.069271
88.6979 0.002771 0.041289 -0.00081324 0.39522
89.7965 0.000128 0.039857 0.14792 0.07316
91.2525 0.0031395 0.040657 0.13037 0.15588
92.3511 7.0943e-05 0.039857 0.099071 0.088603
93.2226 0.00037718 0.043554 0.067649 -0.064681
94.7372 0.00051932 0.040858 -0.001474 0.043855
96.1418 0.00015908 0.039857 0.06763 0.084556
96.3482 0.0010144 0.041825 0.14669 0.43332
98.0853 0.0027879 0.040739 0.17133 0.026076
99.472 0.00041474 0.039404 0.04088 0.18134
101.255 5.6329e-07 0.041736 -0.21272 0.08824
101.815 0.00040812 0.041038 -0.067301 0.0002608
103.446 0.0001842 0.042204 0.19348 -0.051836
104.144 0.00028909 0.043382 -0.093562 0.10715
105.14 0.0026637 0.041799 -0.13877 0.044306
106.872 0.00040767 0.042197 0.31616 -0.21387
107.622 0.0047407 0.03585 -0.013362 0.00081017
109.045 1.1996e-08 0.041736 0.25065 0.13525
110.07 0.0013347 0.045588 -0.0089666 -0.30914
111.15 9.4973e-05 0.042271 0.1692 -0.11205
113.496 0.0016946 0.044383 -0.17782 -0.0042807
114.581 0.00017995 0.042036 -0.28578 1.3477
115.93 0.0022697 0.032442 0.00093706 -0.24458
117.642 0.00085932 0.042079 -0.86976 -0.33615
118.539 1.5221e-07 0.042141 -0.074636 0.24059
120.403 8.2405e-06 0.042162 0.026277 -0.081337
121.034 0.00063598 0.041939 0.33821 1.209
123.449 0.00048571 0.041169 0.043188 0.14327
123.755 0.00024751 0.04146 -0.39767 -0.0022612
125.234 0.00030917 0.041939 0.0060538 -0.061421
126.444 0.0035935 0.038837 0.10947 -0.13624
128.122 4.1875e-07 0.042141 -0.070884 -0.12297
129.536 0.00077359 0.042169 2.1659e-05 0.10724
131.384 0.0014388 0.040082 -0.42592 -0.0069382
132.283 0.0013274 0.04051 0.18721 0.056842
133.039 0.0010536 0.040795 0.12353 -0.070781
135.442 0.0050753 0.03469 0.047434 0.25815
135.805 4.3589e-06 0.042141 -0.45494 0.037587
139.126 0.00062902 0.049025 -0.00067134 0.029446
140.096 0.0013055 0.043245 -0.39004 0.0012005
141.819 0.0019195 0.045175 0.0021788 -0.06863
142.774 0.00038928 0.042151 -0.20068 0.28913
143.759 2.3462e-06 0.042141 0.086693 -0.019684
145.547 0.005322 0.044518 -0.00041795 -0.12686
146.987 2.4796e-06 0.042141 0.055245 -0.17432
147.327 0.0031476 0.040858 0.049243 -0.00027471
148.888 0.0021134 0.045226 -0.00046788 0.25518
149.269 0.00223 0.048649 0.10446 -0.17952
151.975 3.5621e-05 0.042228 -0.31763 0.33403
152.18 5.2297e-05 0.041894 -0.094372 0.026354
154.207 1.2817e-05 0.042277 -0.0054913 -0.0041703
155.289 0.00073623 0.04058 -0.068406 0.10856
156.169 0.0018308 0.032838 0.016941 0.002266
157.453 0.00090737 0.039242 0.01237 -0.0004948
158.508 0.0013254 0.038929 0.091898 0.069027
159.91 0.00080413 0.041008 -0.00064136 -0.000248
160.937 0.0075251 0.039461 -0.012377 0.00046038
161.774 4.6832e-05 0.042046 0.26723 0.12763
162.546 0.0018119 0.041271 -0.017126 -0.49988
166.259 0.0032934 0.039238 0.004909 0.31485
168.525 0.00038823 0.044061 0.0058684 0.0072023
169.394 0.0025306 0.042249 -0.024411 -0.17623
171.298 1.9404e-05 0.042083 0.067415 0.020764
171.728 0.0016202 0.050028 0.00042192 -0.063568
174.534 0.0046666 0.041825 0.23246 -0.001944
175.013 0.0013058 0.041781 -0.025537 -0.083466
175.912 8.6635e-05 0.04154 -0.06244 -0.00067126
177.536 0.0094439 0.042334 0.097858 -0.0030726
181.917 0.0023983 0.041995 0.13776 -0.2834
182.234 2.4305e-05 0.041998 -0.00033479 0.21591
182.279 0.0031532 0.048768 0.036026 -0.0009633
184.064 0.0010419 0.040429 0.0037021 -0.00080528
187.498 6.5726e-05 0.042086 0.040797 0.051298
187.81 0.00024896 0.042119 0.045622 -0.37825
188.865 0.00023489 0.043605 -0.0047533 0.00079472
189.501 0.0062153 0.03941 0.00061455 -0.03436
189.959 0.00029676 0.042624 0.032211 0.033276
192.337 0.010459 0.039421 -0.0059137 0.057524
193.076 3.0007e-06 0.042337 -0.40586 0.05478
193.427 6.7945e-05 0.042322 -0.025818 0.099755
196.043 0.00024529 0.042249 -0.18028 0.092694
197.157 0.0012277 0.046474 -0.02239 0.0073256
198.057 0.00055558 0.036025 -0.0040186 0.56528
198.832 0.0063807 0.030467 0.43231 -0.3613
200.571 0.00041985 0.042303 0.36571 -0.014424
203.07 0.00060354 0.04199 -0.071046 -0.022543
204.078 0.00086923 0.042994 0.028424 -0.05326
205.846 1.4323e-06 0.042141 -0.0094031 0.044546
208.357 0.00014367 0.042204 0.39473 0.00012514
210.649 0.0022461 0.041845 -0.20488 0.0045699
212.063 0.00077241 0.042118 -0.0136 0.14658
212.269 1.0187e-06 0.042141 -0.00055282 -0.0046958
213.584 0.0078365 0.041479 -0.0017812 0.12941
215.024 2.7862e-05 0.042143 -0.0001507 -0.0022491
215.646 0.00038198 0.042179 0.16645 -0.12951
216.568 0.00016574 0.041991 0.00067213 -0.0387
218.14 0.0001996 0.042245 0.043087 -0.038359
219.739 0.00028952 0.04208 0.19675 -0.4832
220.76 0.007458 0.042753 0.11103 -0.1906
221.75 0.0069868 0.042581 0.46305 0.063496
224.558 0.0055705 0.041879 0.020537 -0.00050629
225.997 0.00019256 0.042166 0.43777 0.2499
226.396 0.0052083 0.042443 0.0049767 4.3031e-05
228.797 0.0014862 0.042237 0.03489 0.032668
229.382 0.001278 0.042455 0.16848 -0.21226
230.93 0.010888 0.044582 0.032624 -1.6999e-05
232.021 0.0017467 0.042395 0.14 -0.19286
233.936 0.0056211 0.044599 0.15786 0.015795
235.233 0.00078133 0.042909 0.16193 0.00046147
236.766 0.0018874 0.042416 0.029871 0.0011788
238.005 0.00048024 0.042119 -5.5235e-05 -0.35111
239.178 0.00046818 0.042175 0.15222 -0.084667
239.443 0.0085755 0.042296 0.85208 0.79318
243.07 0.0026606 0.042354 -0.40495 -0.46155
243.943 0.00044988 0.042204 0.098107 -0.15268
246.344 0.0027997 0.042595 -0.049932 -0.21568
247.977 0.00050977 0.042166 -0.39831 -0.044717
248.682 0.00051473 0.042177 0.22644 0.032544
249.797 0.00015211 0.042257 0.073213 -0.083288
250.854 1.2354e-05 0.042153 -0.085846 -0.74978
253.693 0.010082 0.050034 0.53557 -0.147
253.756 1.7574e-05 0.042414 -0.0066711 0.0016282
257.326 1.1026e-05 0.042151 0.025528 0.0034021
257.491 0.00063459 0.04399 0.041752 -0.096651
257.971 1.1224e-05 0.042179 0.010802 0.0049334
258.976 1.2765e-05 0.042149 0.030108 -0.035409
261.666 0.023007 0.047113 0.0061779 -0.10037
263.305 5.9864e-05 0.042284 -0.00013989 0.1415
265.159 9.3607e-06 0.042141 0.014319 -0.013536
266.453 0.0085014 0.045149 0.27655 0.037416
267.237 0.00021379 0.042655 0.018799 -0.011021
267.555 1.3305e-05 0.042216 -0.011178 0.0046861
269.393 0.0035098 0.044067 0.32021 -0.11535
270.045 0.0077462 0.051015 -0.065298 -0.23517
273.398 0.0039474 0.050337 0.23299 -0.071965
274.966 0.0014204 0.044991 0.071628 -0.068717
276.646 6.7838e-06 0.042141 -0.0016253 -0.16733
278.731 0.0010474 0.042218 -0.043903 0.081941
279.826 0.012224 0.043604 0.40511 -0.25702
280.708 0.0010672 0.042621 0.11216 -0.091936
282.475 3.6701e-07 0.042141 0.3226 -0.036147
283.303 3.3909e-05 0.042334 0.010389 -0.04459
284.081 0.00041025 0.04325 0.18639 -0.16398
285.229 0.00032409 0.042764 0.20665 -0.18228
285.525 0.0035486 0.04441 0.66151 -0.097886
286.164 0.00018606 0.04303 -0.060593 -0.062114
289.841 0.003817 0.042755 -0.16224 -0.11328
290.322 0.0032697 0.045251 0.075855 -0.013865
291.198 0.00023724 0.042386 0.12628 -0.00018001
292.269 0.0024837 0.044932 0.037914 0.45053
295.358 0.0022252 0.04325 0.34747 -0.00054615
295.784 1.0605e-05 0.04215 0.017018 -0.0060443
298.509 0.010971 0.040185 0.008328 0.028339
300.68 0.00051433 0.042818 -0.10525 -0.10923
301.364 0.00024987 0.042231 0.11812 0.051647
302.755 0.0017669 0.046709 0.0019421 0.18608
304.077 0.00035864 0.042284 0.20656 -0.22322
305.574 0.001682 0.042271 0.15309 0.014825
305.908 0.00054802 0.042144 0.097675 -0.00022209
307.076 0.00030705 0.042246 0.063414 -0.031019
308.441 0.00065502 0.042028 0.2592 -0.1521
309.796 0.00017966 0.042172 0.039882 -0.095679
311.298 0.0014445 0.042278 0.055712 -0.07418
313.223 0.0055797 0.042545 0.014921 0.0026276
315.683 0.0010486 0.042638 0.067924 -0.10867
316.128 0.0020561 0.043768 0.058455 0.049572
317.245 0.0015459 0.041786 0.027097 0.093635
318.908 0.00081007 0.042817 0.1042 -0.13248
319.667 0.0034132 0.048214 0.065773 -0.046442
321.595 0.00028405 0.04243 -0.014933 -0.14771
322.716 0.0078871 0.043615 -0.3515 0.19451
323.735 0.0064833 0.04331 0.0094254 -0.040434
325.318 0.0036783 0.04259 0.071684 -0.015233
328.021 0.00013863 0.042331 0.83375 -0.23768
328.966 4.9195e-05 0.042141 0.89706 0.17675
329.148 0.0039998 0.044857 0.06657 -0.18296
332.507 0.0045928 0.039439 0.042845 -0.088607
333.543 0.00067812 0.04232 0.10918 -0.128
336.286 0.00012896 0.042197 0.88317 0.13725
336.623 0.0076201 0.042344 0.036024 -0.30697
337.386 0.00037304 0.041923 0.010671 0.0002481
337.703 0.00028489 0.041952 0.079286 -0.082531
338.803 0.00014311 0.042083 -0.058701 -0.075885
340.084 0.017781 0.042903 0.21413 -0.0067301
341.507 0.00023451 0.04244 0.024526 -0.08356
343.74 0.0066431 0.042307 0.93061 0.19234
345.263 0.00014862 0.042256 0.19953 -0.0055726
347.497 0.0017317 0.042337 -0.47943 0.047965
349.375 0.0001442 0.04234 0.043934 -0.057793
350.807 0.0028721 0.043072 0.47878 -0.005047
351.704 0.0038637 0.046951 0.069852 0.00065825
352.811 0.0031975 0.041634 0.054131 -0.020697
353.42 0.00047979 0.042405 0.11947 -0.16447
355.317 0.0057706 0.044967 0.20931 -0.0021047
356.453 0.0039825 0.042393 0.10251 -0.87835
357.428 0.00072979 0.042641 0.098177 -0.078602
358.908 0.00027821 0.042042 -0.188 -0.098957
359.658 0.00055249 0.042416 0.0046485 0.11675
360.925 0.00079973 0.041315 -0.13498 0.0028606
362.499 0.0016426 0.047963 0.092955 -0.021025
364.056 0.0024759 0.042289 0.14331 -0.4436
365.161 0.0049154 0.042593 0.1005 -0.1926
365.95 0.0014908 0.043803 -0.057197 -0.097403
368.348 0.00028607 0.042632 -0.010296 0.027164
371.388 0.0031368 0.044023 0.081656 -0.087046
372.663 7.4607e-06 0.042141 -0.017649 0.058511
373.447 0.0025125 0.043855 0.53356 -0.010545
375.505 3.3143e-05 0.042141 0.056616 -0.057587
376.906 4.2267e-05 0.042141 0.019672 -0.029313
377.783 0.0042755 0.045178 0.12877 -0.13164
379.429 0.0021473 0.040666 0.00036757 -0.12932
381.886 0.001043 0.042596 0.0089731 -0.1955
382.992 0.00019527 0.042353 -0.007012 0.0035661
384.434 0.0017012 0.04451 -0.0080495 0.015596
385.165 0.0010649 0.042958 0.078057 -0.14244
386.963 0.00093995 0.04137 -0.0053861 0.0062882
388.323 0.0039691 0.0412 -0.0442 0.015333
388.925 0.0015514 0.043094 0.0015982 0.00099175
392.982 7.0581e-05 0.042141 -0.058366 -0.060404
393.531 0.0018255 0.042761 0.072382 0.30555
394.294 0.00063004 0.042166 0.16043 -0.011726
395.77 0.002048 0.041651 0.46556 -0.043771
397.168 0.00011383 0.04224 0.041884 0.0042215
397.423 0.0036599 0.049121 0.027878 0.0081153
399.875 0.0012498 0.04419 0.00063118 -0.0049113
401.547 0.0013009 0.043381 -0.0023076 -0.0049965
403.56 0.0010713 0.043302 0.17583 -0.86225
404.617 0.0048005 0.042301 -0.079372 -0.16962
405.802 0.0053234 0.043374 0.099414 -0.21893
405.834 9.802e-05 0.043202 0.10934 -0.22822
407.159 0.00091105 0.043084 0.075542 -0.17195
408.579 0.0049677 0.047995 0.14906 -0.085019
410.577 0.0022011 0.047189 0.045947 -0.054812
410.846 0.00030077 0.043653 0.097613 -0.18
413.192 0.00010484 0.043196 0.10352 -0.079473
414.974 0.00018373 0.043235 0.095295 -0.069997
415.674 0.00052263 0.043864 0.22116 -0.084793
416.092 0.0012636 0.044252 0.0018994 0.51393
418.728 7.7712e-05 0.043196 0.08637 0.075093
419.361 0.0011629 0.043545 0.10317 -0.043641
421.518 0.00052074 0.042819 0.14281 -0.2473
422.622 5.131e-05 0.043196 -0.0019919 0.24272
423.337 0.011397 0.039847 9.3668e-05 -0.62017
423.739 0.00015171 0.043159 -0.28382 -0.061622
425.255 0.0089033 0.041742 -0.040587 -0.0047739
426.101 0.0059399 0.044606 0.39049 -0.075003
429.456 0.0045344 0.043855 0.020506 -0.020458
431.208 0.0047157 0.04436 0.16781 -0.12848
431.413 0.00012522 0.043333 0.53154 0.00027665
434.264 0.00010674 0.043226 0.18415 0.7716
434.888 0.0080137 0.048303 0.049758 -0.052407
436.94 0.00052529 0.043612 -0.4953 0.027882
438.201 0.00035896 0.043281 0.29956 -0.045598
439.102 0.0049674 0.047585 0.02423 0.017312
439.542 0.0022422 0.042716 -0.069854 -0.085689
440.76 0.00080185 0.043182 0.10822 -0.091441
442.886 0.00034204 0.043656 -0.10865 0.0057173
444.315 0.00093964 0.043928 0.24233 0.030756
445.37 0.0010296 0.046129 0.059779 -0.054418
447.626 0.00044351 0.043421 0.0044136 -0.002641
447.745 0.0019677 0.043526 0.099082 -0.026192
450.648 0.0024428 0.048792 0.099062 -0.19731
451.202 8.5897e-05 0.043196 -0.00096929 0.11936
452.632 0.00012416 0.043527 -0.22871 0.079629
453.595 0.0012268 0.043308 0.11335 -0.88165
455.636 0.0029005 0.041828 -0.022769 -0.02708
457.294 0.00011487 0.043238 1.2012 0.7685
457.436 0.00010463 0.043296 -0.23453 -0.056879
458.825 0.0056696 0.044213 0.34306 0.0006369
461.446 0.0042399 0.043294 0.9009 0.23063
463.802 0.019147 0.0455 -0.0023895 -0.21837
466.447 0.0039385 0.043076 0.16179 -0.023195
466.697 0.00025923 0.043289 0.076846 -0.12341
466.758 9.4296e-05 0.043196 -0.11693 -0.30825
467.634 0.00062176 0.043338 -0.3807 -0.16554
469.037 0.0054924 0.044447 0.057122 -0.39804
470.361 0.0015941 0.045023 -0.03302 0.095417
471.367 0.00013062 0.043276 -0.023323 0.37389
473.38 0.002224 0.045546 0.024489 -0.059442
475.184 0.0016009 0.047858 -0.0074325 0.022935
477.313 0.0040449 0.046274 0.059319 -0.023676
477.883 0.00038114 0.043138 -0.11459 -0.20257
478.026 7.5246e-05 0.043196 0.25533 -0.025051
481.308 0.017498 0.040545 0.075625 -0.11462
483.094 0.0015942 0.043638 0.51259 -0.1263
484.4 0.0025023 0.045965 -0.010643 -0.10087
486.159 0.00083384 0.043127 0.084826 -0.13377
486.63 0.00020999 0.043268 0.15558 -0.30283
488.731 0.0045964 0.043485 0.38462 -0.47507
490.888 0.0011586 0.04334 -0.086499 0.24341
492.241 0.003428 0.044919 0.25202 -0.074928
493.104 0.0047723 0.04931 0.018813 -0.010852
495.738 0.0088253 0.047877 0.11272 -0.14145
498.14 0.0034531 0.043957 0.37724 -0.053422
499.366 0.0050268 0.042741 0.60666 -0.095701
501.618 0.0030873 0.042469 0.20667 -0.19322
502.881 0.0022036 0.042538 0.041584 0.10239
502.953 0.0041608 0.041092 0.18729 -0.069884
503.534 0.00078176 0.043089 -0.01152 8.9695e-05
503.933 0.0015023 0.042506 0.34068 -0.25382
505.642 0.001774 0.041489 -0.16439 0.17197
506.976 0.00083831 0.042011 0.010686 0.011426
507.725 0.004804 0.04279 0.18996 -0.16963
510.232 0.006363 0.042204 0.097524 -0.068718
511.1 0.0013507 0.043436 0.0069598 0.0073852
513.681 0.0044848 0.039607 0.061278 0.011299
514.148 0.0034956 0.041488 0.13408 -0.10704
514.58 0.00058884 0.042927 0.0084472 0.0086642
516.308 0.00018521 0.043196 -0.0059611 0.0059242
516.833 0.00051205 0.043402 0.12995 -0.1165
518.004 0.00050684 0.043486 -0.092675 -0.093695
520.541 0.0048691 0.051354 0.023953 -0.03884
522.398 0.0010756 0.041998 0.012201 -0.009895
523.814 0.0016191 0.041741 0.089359 -0.030968
526.689 0.00053303 0.042476 0.076903 -0.11123
527.745 0.01246 0.044014 0.053129 0.018689
527.873 0.0029424 0.04331 -0.00053614 0.024163
530.803 0.0099367 0.048146 -0.11333 -0.047782
532.21 6.5543e-05 0.043196 -0.0010453 -0.0020764
532.722 0.00035287 0.043196 0.0054467 0.0058705
535.357 0.0049294 0.045147 0.16067 -0.14795
538.084 0.0025686 0.04427 0.18921 -0.16821
538.856 0.0011027 0.043769 0.006962 0.0064799
540.723 0.00051934 0.043196 0.0072163 0.0070058
542.213 0.023274 0.053884 -0.047629 0.0023172
543.909 0.0053293 0.046447 0.14217 -0.23533
546.047 0.0037415 0.042281 -0.14108 0.11524
547.388 0.000553 0.043701 -0.0060981 0.0062214
549 0.0001707 0.043196 -0.0063503 0.0061181
550.013 0.0012598 0.042879 -0.08663 0.06543
550.919 0.00088004 0.043023 0.10534 -0.17575
552.054 0.0064558 0.079364 0.029172 -0.020361
554.893 0.00024072 0.043196 -0.013762 -0.028128
556.92 0.00095989 0.042 0.0032261 0.0065138
557.775 0.014925 0.03453 0.32341 0.19383
558.463 0.0033234 0.041644 -0.10579 0.12415
558.847 4.5939e-05 0.043196 0.15092 -0.15375
559.4 0.00047602 0.042011 -0.0066642 0.0066445
561.074 0.0076288 0.049723 0.10841 -0.093315
562.275 0.001793 0.031865 -2.7296e-05 0.043414
562.58 0.001193 0.034762 0.010506 -0.010467
563.812 0.0023229 0.040255 -0.093547 0.050421
564.213 0.00027975 0.043196 0.0059129 -0.0059411
564.266 0.00025018 0.043196 0.0058367 0.0057985
566.172 0.0016696 0.032451 0.056625 -0.047726
567.252 0.00051329 0.041663 -0.0064582 0.0064264
569.049 0.00074862 0.038491 0.0088231 -0.0088811
569.828 0.0016688 0.029436 -0.044023 0.044083
573.165 0.014559 0.096833 0.11085 -0.11796
574.651 0.0039076 0.034983 -7.4505e-05 0.11584
579.426 0.0057295 0.062987 0.031991 -0.089276
581.553 0.00075569 0.040399 -0.028233 -0.036163
582.374 0.00065613 0.043196 -0.01136 0.012785
584.167 0.000534 0.043196 -0.0060195 -0.0060895
585.517 0.0022403 0.047601 -0.020805 -0.011332
586.215 0.0050363 0.061253 0.047171 0.044313
588.854 0.0031493 0.040437 -0.071614 0.072983
589 0.00016793 0.043196 0.0056193 -0.0056487
590.13 0.0061821 0.044492 0.23793 -0.24739
591.59 0.00092696 0.041478 -0.04879 0.012466
593.466 0.0055431 0.046867 0.25274 0.19769
596.129 0.0092427 0.043196 -0.16582 0.16823
596.483 0.00023248 0.043196 0.070751 -0.071934
603.231 0.012948 0.042516 0.20048 0.14691
605.761 0.00073784 0.042754 -0.024895 -0.024333
606.676 0.0030574 0.043738 0.16604 0.13519
608.152 0.0010152 0.041164 -0.029072 -0.06332
608.545 0.0044621 0.042261 0.13784 -0.090095
611.964 0.00055051 0.043196 0.14937 0.14526
612.857 0.0063332 0.045014 -0.0045989 -0.14298
613.57 0.00085162 0.044347 0.044116 0.056471
615.458 0.0059566 0.043617 0.1508 -0.13297
617.922 4.233e-05 0.043196 0.024803 0.023875
618.976 0.024908 0.066456 -0.030631 -0.051993
620.473 0.00038311 0.043196 0.049702 0.031906
622.247 0.00052421 0.043196 -0.021287 -0.022723
623.92 0.0033124 0.046443 0.01042 0.030091
626.533 0.010782 0.045805 0.0073605 0.053677
627.072 0.0017779 0.041839 -0.053176 0.039524
630.401 0.0014997 0.039622 0.028981 0.031208
632.038 0.00523 0.050151 0.13368 -0.067233
633.259 0.005744 0.044042 -0.086938 0.00057714
635.373 0.022082 0.064794 -0.0017288 -0.042863
636.566 0.0066319 0.039988 0.028172 -0.028312
638.054 0.00045405 0.043196 -0.025051 -0.024748
639.129 0.00709 0.047596 0.12216 0.082906
641.214 0.0086277 0.064919 0.0043047 0.016031
643.311 0.0053904 0.049377 -0.17321 -0.20687
645.608 0.00030203 0.043196 0.024316 -0.02458
648.868 0.0050776 0.049733 0.076928 -0.082077
649.738 0.00063813 0.043196 0.020744 -0.021069
651.274 0.00034586 0.043196 -0.03428 -0.032925
652.986 0.0034807 0.046845 0.054302 -0.061339
654.378 0.0013341 0.042951 -0.00047392 0.18368
656.755 0.0033743 0.057318 0.041474 -0.044419
657.583 0.0018588 0.044945 -0.032086 0.031795
659.872 0.0057808 0.05168 0.010313 -0.0239
661.821 0.0011607 0.045424 -0.022753 0.022913
663.57 0.0072358 0.044937 0.20622 -0.25193
663.988 0.0011123 0.041922 -0.02628 -0.027378
667.172 0.00089772 0.043457 -0.00014628 0.041549
667.893 0.0016271 0.044449 0.065477 0.08809
669.475 0.00055952 0.043196 -0.036524 0.031101
671.58 0.0024602 0.039307 0.044054 0.035231
672.427 0.0037568 0.042846 0.043743 -0.042976
672.739 0.0028729 0.042863 -0.018757 0.02545
673.144 0.0050932 0.04026 0.024693 -0.02083
674.84 0.00081753 0.043196 -0.04357 -0.045996
676.291 0.018982 0.038816 0.076411 -0.19983
677.229 0.015271 0.044491 0.0049105 0.038149
678.956 0.002859 0.041993 0.064965 0.074128
679.94 0.001879 0.042662 0.081689 -0.083382
682.452 0.0028726 0.043554 -0.094061 0.10451
684.014 0.0043661 0.045281 -0.18851 -0.18269
686.083 0.0022946 0.048952 -0.020863 -0.020927
686.953 0.00087867 0.043196 -0.043759 0.041261
690.45 0.0076987 0.060483 -0.076958 0.07618
691.888 0.0038408 0.041611 -0.16155 -0.18441
692.987 0.017047 0.047708 -0.12894 0.10002
695.746 0.0014563 0.038937 -0.017434 -0.032639
696.984 0.0012918 0.043665 -0.030812 0.16438
697.438 0.0010119 0.044515 0.019189 -0.023489
699.011 0.011447 0.059037 0.049304 -0.049745
701.41 0.0027916 0.04845 -0.17312 -0.21888
702.543 0.006147 0.070882 -0.13586 0.13908
704.186 0.0046439 0.035778 0.10426 0.087449
705.77 0.0013562 0.048351 -0.024952 0.025418
707.646 0.00055843 0.042072 0.11009 0.10584
710.708 0.0082146 0.068893 0.041103 -0.075202
712.302 0.00073449 0.042072 0.044663 -0.036453
714.466 0.002345 0.031043 0.1439 0.11269
717.918 0.0050587 0.036495 -0.039156 -0.018193
718.872 0.0057629 0.058939 -0.019712 0.081208
719.953 0.010066 0.041172 0.05737 0.059902
723.564 0.0084612 0.046613 0.28675 -0.090723
725.402 0.0018079 0.044804 -0.043566 -0.040955
726.464 0.00095128 0.042072 -0.0041448 0.014934
727.676 0.0070437 0.042846 0.0094568 -0.13284
729.491 0.010966 0.14879 -0.12543 0.15249
730.489 0.00072637 0.042072 0.025769 -0.025818
731.227 0.0074194 0.044798 0.20263 -0.24761
733.405 0.058006 0.11551 -0.069705 0.046304
735.888 0.0027232 0.033277 -0.12612 0.011539
738.948 0.0021543 0.042072 -0.061576 -0.060702
741.673 0.010634 0.064742 0.00049336 0.0047668
743.212 0.0021674 0.045554 0.058856 -0.030679
744.569 0.0004615 0.042072 0.026296 -0.026185
747.046 0.010056 0.1187 0.13533 -0.12798
747.565 0.00066706 0.042072 0.056421 0.045612
749.908 0.0067918 0.060117 -0.033479 -0.046786
751.481 0.0068038 0.045114 0.023281 -0.014419
751.928 0.0011441 0.042032 -0.044162 -0.047824
754.167 0.015329 0.043132 0.074887 -0.05376
756.363 0.0029077 0.022225 0.055799 -0.063343
757.743 0.00055451 0.042032 0.02565 -0.039483
759.81 0.010356 0.12285 -0.063625 -0.078498
760.373 0.00087776 0.042032 0.025042 0.024986
765.611 0.0014688 0.052041 0.026804 -0.026162
766.494 0.018049 0.11275 -0.24001 0.20159
767.965 0.0053833 0.046225 -0.21917 0.23061
771.522 0.001016 0.042032 -0.028006 0.02819
772.594 0.010934 0.071108 -0.06162 -0.0549
773.951 0.000343 0.042032 -0.018938 -0.019889
776.034 0.0041151 0.023557 0.011286 -0.017791
779.487 0.015234 0.04726 0.043545 0.045125
781.572 0.00081264 0.042032 -0.026847 -0.027122
782.329 0.006976 0.10042 0.11597 -0.11007
784.967 0.0021465 0.047342 -0.0080608 0.028218
787.61 0.0024198 0.085282 -0.028573 -0.028257
787.614 0.00067334 0.042032 0.023751 -0.02302
789.978 0.0069944 0.041448 -0.057258 0.048947
790.882 0.0031529 0.039583 0.027948 -0.033309
792.553 0.005594 0.043094 -0.12965 0.13337
793.847 0.0025657 0.03985 0.14003 -0.14295
796.075 0.0055599 0.039888 -0.03292 0.031654
798.012 0.0043588 0.032043 0.028435 -0.036065
799.166 0.0010815 0.042032 -0.097499 0.094736
800.473 0.0016129 0.043673 0.029113 0.033766
801.19 0.021742 0.045591 0.10652 -0.14993
805.161 0.0012253 0.042032 0.043751 -0.043212
806.518 0.0080079 0.024161 0.047342 -0.059939
808.109 0.0017713 0.042032 0.046037 -0.045785
810.144 0.0044769 0.025044 0.038629 0.039688
812.34 0.003688 0.034231 -0.018928 -0.020503
814.022 0.0040665 0.069368 0.083691 0.08266
815.45 0.0057628 0.043666 0.12711 -0.13155
816.747 0.0012131 0.042032 -0.011742 0.011889
820.135 0.0033722 0.042032 -0.042689 -0.043671
822.325 0.0024532 0.04651 -0.01136 0.011351
823.393 0.0081668 0.045812 0.047514 0.049652
824.941 0.0019707 0.042032 -0.029766 0.029841
826.611 0.00095543 0.042032 -0.013709 -0.013743
827.958 0.0020652 0.043536 0.026638 -0.025487
831.162 0.0010098 0.042032 -0.011985 0.011924
832.462 0.0056557 0.030236 -0.011436 0.012012
834.025 0.002541 0.042032 0.015027 -0.015849
836.975 0.011312 0.035508 -0.034124 0.034205
838.36 0.0050629 0.025133 0.015613 -0.016794
839.422 0.0010516 0.042032 0.019928 0.019855
843.195 0.0093543 0.041257 0.14268 -0.13647
844.128 0.00070143 0.042032 0.010735 -0.010733
845.713 0.0053211 0.028122 -0.020694 0.0094274
847.493 0.012207 0.075982 0.087103 -0.087576
849.036 0.00010764 0.042032 0.012466 -0.012481
851.382 0.0032019 0.019466 -0.021234 0.023698
854.916 0.0045912 0.036378 -0.022551 -0.0222
856.75 0.0029344 0.042032 0.017689 -0.018503
857.756 0.0018935 0.042032 0.010244 -0.010282
860.074 0.0054098 0.031775 -0.17757 -0.20285
865.024 0.011666 0.021706 0.03327 -0.028416
868.617 0.0045407 0.092426 0.13058 -0.14293
868.948 0.0027492 0.024008 -0.011111 0.024185
871.368 0.0033818 0.042032 -0.027701 0.028566
872.365 0.0011835 0.042032 -0.011176 -0.011021
875.136 0.0012524 0.042032 0.011463 0.011306
875.687 0.01265 0.11165 -0.1835 0.17437
880.378 0.0062606 0.021558 0.035569 -0.035668
882.147 0.0019927 0.043901 -0.011259 0.01148
882.895 0.0059922 0.024485 0.061973 -0.066508
885.259 0.0084209 0.047831 -0.079285 0.093145
887.642 0.00041271 0.042032 0.015069 -0.015304
890.968 0.0019119 0.042032 -0.029212 -0.027976
892.736 0.0056629 0.027695 0.043823 -0.039602
895.84 0.00016678 0.042032 0.013432 0.013253
896.681 0.0073011 0.040035 -0.0079991 0.0066851
898.656 0.011777 0.11937 0.01988 -0.019205
899.323 0.0016555 0.042032 0.010649 -0.010652
902.032 0.0038452 0.039884 -0.046765 -0.039984
904.369 0.0052833 0.041299 -0.13455 0.13122
906.127 0.013718 0.08778 0.071558 -0.058053
908.115 0.0023433 0.037902 -0.00010649 0.00044533
913.035 0.0010904 0.042032 -0.018354 0.01864
914.254 0.007557 0.039403 0.066743 0.068831
921.183 0.0021782 0.042032 0.02645 -0.025938
923.039 0.031447 0.1309 -0.092659 -0.07802
926.558 0.0042039 0.066495 0.054471 0.052389
929.515 0.02156 0.026719 -0.022348 0.0074777
931.878 0.027928 0.061302 0.039612 -0.016448
935.198 0.0051148 0.050524 0.032829 -0.036491
935.825 0.00087621 0.042032 0.019142 -0.019449
938.073 0.0015327 0.042032 0.016631 -0.017117
941.909 0.029862 0.1242 0.098827 -0.20246
944.672 0.012126 0.051531 0.0417 0.0070214
946.087 0.0024613 0.039276 -0.034527 -0.029229
947.831 0.0058137 0.030715 -0.05367 0.048531
949.836 0.004383 0.027086 0.054553 -0.054429
951.595 0.014204 0.11184 -0.12769 -0.11945
954.028 0.003832 0.034204 0.059184 0.062737
955.675 0.0020859 0.042591 0.021361 -0.020861
956.864 0.0071625 0.042914 -0.047412 0.083041
959.015 0.0011235 0.042032 0.018311 0.018445
959.756 0.0077321 0.039302 0.05895 -0.061143
965.345 0.0087566 0.042483 0.034967 -0.037343
966.418 0.001297 0.042032 0.021618 0.021634
966.898 0.0024477 0.042032 -0.0079257 -0.0081327
970.091 0.0035506 0.043485 0.021124 0.022012
972.253 0.0062397 0.031932 -0.02368 -0.026632
973.187 0.0051609 0.034698 -0.024092 -0.026277
975.801 0.0050527 0.029698 0.022361 0.033047
976.838 0.0018956 0.042032 -0.02474 0.024762
978.072 0.019891 0.086025 0.075463 -0.07375
979.758 0.0068221 0.022799 0.047065 0.041752
980.592 0.010325 0.025412 0.06809 -0.067721
984.439 0.00062357 0.042032 0.018932 -0.019107
986.939 0.0048676 0.034076 -0.048104 0.048338
989.314 0.0032363 0.042032 -0.017331 -0.017635
993.487 0.003087 0.042032 0.0063363 -0.0070518
996.033 0.0001466 0.042032 0.020946 0.021309
1000.99 0.031181 0.14797 0.22681 0.056167
1001.25 0.005871 0.074259 0.062089 -0.0096262
1004.55 0.0021777 0.055604 -0.055928 -0.10199
1005.6 0.013411 0.041571 -0.0158 0.013765
1005.82 0.0009326 0.045803 -0.039597 -0.039722
1008.52 0.00042416 0.046385 -0.26187 0.44926
1009.89 0.00037876 0.042 0.0083768 -0.0085986
1010.61 0.0051084 0.042 0.089569 0.050085
1012.39 0.0018773 0.042 0.00033787 -0.011169
1013.88 0.0014318 0.042 -0.015114 -0.025518
1014.56 0.025977 0.047953 -0.017838 -0.011812
1015.76 0.0055139 0.033268 0.12035 0.022467
1017.58 0.0012564 0.042 0.61309 -0.0060354
1017.81 0.015691 0.068645 0.0031417 0.0024498
1020.09 0.0065772 0.055493 0.0083268 0.043805
1021.24 0.0048568 0.05185 0.070087 -0.077748
1022.49 0.0061037 0.058398 0.012789 -0.012592
1024.11 0.00064109 0.042 0.0044716 0.016088
1025.8 0.0031458 0.047495 -0.083816 0.094848
1026.8 0.0031132 0.058049 0.031434 0.022926
1028.76 0.0012635 0.042 0.030442 0.02285
1029.55 0.00027692 0.042 0.023733 -0.02897
1030.48 0.001157 0.042 0.012389 0.014869
1031.67 0.00052226 0.042 -1.3153 0.00030627
1033.79 0.0054775 0.042 -0.091734 -0.094458
1036.6 0.0050501 0.034943 -0.059548 -0.044303
1039.29 0.00041637 0.042 0.010821 -0.015675
1043.18 0.0015415 0.042 -0.64421 -0.009389
1043.8 0.0017891 0.042 -0.72016 0.00051142
1044.86 0.0011796 0.042 0.051929 0.027286
1045.07 0.016001 0.040463 0.20041 0.072628
1047.13 0.0030339 0.042 0.020403 0.015302
1047.91 0.00078304 0.042 0.012802 0.023835
1048.86 0.00066543 0.042 -0.0083936 0.021781
1050.07 0.00081246 0.042 -0.0059014 0.027045
1050.79 0.0032624 0.053272 -0.11001 -0.032639
1051.96 0.00099208 0.042 0.84134 -0.001935
1053.35 0.0085576 0.075176 0.19388 0.14418
1054.94 0.0042354 0.056636 0.062771 -0.034703
1056.31 0.011096 0.070882 -0.083886 0.086515
1058.19 0.0043976 0.044647 -0.066592 0.080044
1061.46 0.0080569 0.051827 -0.0080732 0.050907
1063.72 0.0077176 0.048741 0.21717 -0.14953
1064.97 0.00061249 0.042 -0.03626 0.03135
1064.99 0.0039967 0.058249 0.057547 0.046544
1067.93 0.0089967 0.061429 0.074065 -0.053214
1068.4 0.016897 0.037283 -0.079827 0.014494
1070.85 0.00090326 0.042 0.050894 -0.04146
1071.42 0.00787 0.061848 0.028841 -0.048641
1072.46 0.0013385 0.042 -0.016805 -0.031804
1074.62 0.011719 0.066334 -0.052753 0.027685
1077.15 0.0070829 0.045018 -0.14811 0.043025
1079.67 0.0061362 0.036697 -0.14648 -0.038642
1081.05 0.001419 0.042 -0.044393 -0.035166
1081.65 0.009875 0.039303 0.30939 -0.15274
1083.58 0.0068688 0.045058 -0.027174 0.0072317
1084.73 0.0078703 0.042 0.00033687 -0.00025502
1086.9 0.0044933 0.042 -0.028076 -0.032245
1089.34 0.0020092 0.042 0.070592 0.077246
1089.49 0.00083666 0.042 -0.0032803 -0.0059739
1090.65 0.0048999 0.042 0.099482 0.098522
1092.59 0.0011828 0.042 0.037642 0.03492
1093.06 0.00055632 0.042 0.067389 -0.064634
1093.37 0.023413 0.05738 -0.036455 0.26459
1094.49 0.0039033 0.042 0.16188 0.010849
1095.59 0.0076263 0.050616 -0.12858 -0.016993
1099.19 0.0065606 0.042 -0.011301 0.0003303
1099.45 0.0028861 0.044896 -0.07584 0.085962
1102.78 0.0042039 0.042 0.024022 0.0025433
1103.53 0.00050889 0.042 -0.024909 0.020017
1105.05 0.0013378 0.042 0.047587 0.018251
1106.01 0.0015511 0.042 0.033074 0.016634
1108.89 0.0021485 0.042 0.054655 -0.059349
1109.91 0.0029351 0.042 0.01095 -0.0058683
1110.83 0.006424 0.037987 0.063058 0.041798
1112.61 0.00096971 0.042 0.028981 0.024614
1113.65 0.0062409 0.048162 -0.0045697 0.011735
1115.4 0.0019084 0.042 0.00062795 0.0030069
1116.52 0.0012396 0.042 -0.033417 -0.02161
1117.61 0.0020121 0.042 -0.058313 0.056717
1118.13 0.0011434 0.042 -0.033008 -0.0041517
1119.98 0.0037618 0.042 -0.087035 0.078454
1122.39 0.0058084 0.058736 -0.01932 -0.018346
1124.36 0.002804 0.042 0.041273 0.042935
1126.43 0.0067413 0.045373 0.10591 -0.040034
1128.27 0.014115 0.062862 0.04421 -0.033126
1129.99 0.002578 0.042 -0.033011 0.041176
1130.56 0.00062107 0.042 0.019242 0.024426
1131.49 0.0017324 0.042 0.01502 0.011212
1133.62 0.0019464 0.042 -0.00013623 0.0099869
1135.63 0.0025653 0.042 -0.075155 0.063606
1136.65 0.0061949 0.03433 -0.10065 0.073852
1137.61 0.0018113 0.042 -0.049261 0.041022
1138.96 0.024145 0.042143 0.29618 0.32102
1141.34 0.0054119 0.032037 -0.12965 -0.029454
1144.07 0.0070611 0.034908 -0.055567 -0.042167
1145.79 0.0023384 0.042 0.066347 -0.056801
1146.76 0.034016 0.067159 0.18252 0.081661
1148.67 0.00035319 0.042 0.025392 0.021609
1149.85 0.0054966 0.042 -0.10739 0.054898
1152.44 0.00038959 0.042 -0.041655 0.044484
1153.25 0.00046951 0.042 0.016824 0.015686
1155.33 0.0034934 0.042 0.052694 -0.065994
1155.98 0.0052786 0.042 0.085067 -0.095345
1157.12 0.0014173 0.042 -0.013965 -0.027727
1157.15 0.00078992 0.042 -0.03724 0.041452
1160.22 0.00778 0.039571 -0.023664 0.0031671
1161.58 0.0014056 0.042 0.0072357 -0.0054854
1162.37 0.0051443 0.042 -0.033489 0.0062536
1163.38 0.036741 0.046402 0.17987 0.16054
1166.44 0.0016964 0.042 0.023408 -0.02104
1166.57 0.020062 0.035337 0.14248 0.029372
1168.75 0.0006011 0.042 0.044318 0.041925
1170.27 0.023524 0.066642 -0.064115 -0.063211
1172.71 0.00097161 0.042 0.032579 -0.019964
1173.96 0.012862 0.031823 -0.19618 -0.14555
1175.47 0.0012494 0.042 0.045439 0.046684
1177.21 0.0019053 0.042 0.00010096 0.020425
1178.38 0.0050866 0.042 -0.088505 -0.024745
1178.42 0.0013583 0.042 0.049229 -0.026737
1180.07 0.003451 0.042 0.072282 0.020379
1181.5 0.0027772 0.042 0.041364 -0.044367
1182.34 0.0020359 0.042 -0.0040344 0.012791
1183.61 0.0085256 0.033472 -0.012101 0.038678
1186.67 0.0064763 0.046767 -0.083171 0.0061157
1188.1 0.0065563 0.044137 0.091317 0.02452
1190.33 0.0064146 0.053556 0.08963 0.039189
1191.37 0.0010903 0.042 0.02531 -0.018499
1192.46 0.005035 0.071894 -0.16612 -0.0037108
1194.12 0.011486 0.032732 -0.10113 0.051114
1195.69 0.0027872 0.042 -0.062762 0.058863
1196.5 0.001698 0.042 -0.044621 0.045635
1198.19 0.0052214 0.028724 0.052048 0.061699
1199.83 0.015916 0.073209 0.043307 0.049641
1201.97 0.0048436 0.034813 -0.096114 0.049355
1204.01 0.0032303 0.042 -0.062629 -0.032843
1205.43 0.0030011 0.042 0.037967 -0.034225
1206.88 0.00051611 0.042 -0.016524 0.023185
1207.65 0.011979 0.042276 -0.027433 0.040293
1209.31 0.0004374 0.042 0.021007 0.027925
1212.26 0.0085903 0.039372 0.087571 0.1153
1213.36 0.0045903 0.042 -0.08945 0.039882
1215.57 0.0050788 0.042 1.1274 0.0047751
1216.56 0.0050322 0.042 0.077544 0.032432
1219.23 0.0015204 0.042 -0.029962 -0.035569
1220.21 0.013969 0.060173 0.046594 0.055877
1221.65 0.0032201 0.042 -0.056989 -0.053132
1223.69 0.0063986 0.042 0.038134 0.012933
1225.27 0.0056874 0.042 0.050374 0.033288
1226.31 0.010855 0.072296 -0.025966 -0.026429
1227.92 0.00052799 0.042 -0.028064 0.025673
1228.88 0.0057728 0.042 0.1029 0.029306
1230.72 0.0047332 0.036287 0.045249 0.022968
1232.9 0.0033081 0.042 -0.025381 -0.019997
1234.08 0.0076344 0.042 -0.040062 -0.025514
1235.86 0.012315 0.043666 0.042696 0.011237
1238.21 0.00036604 0.042 0.025295 -0.024696
1239.66 0.015425 0.047323 0.052831 -0.020256
1241.06 0.0028155 0.042 -0.042023 -0.025801
1242.98 0.0034158 0.042 0.037576 -0.018119
1243.8 0.0008657 0.042 0.033491 0.022673
1246.35 0.0067134 0.040302 0.13207 -0.077943
1248.19 0.010255 0.041397 0.13419 -0.088377
1249.45 0.0025844 0.042 -0.056514 0.049821
1250.8 0.0013845 0.042 0.048741 0.034461
1252.19 0.0032931 0.042 -0.069341 0.031735
1254.46 0.0066128 0.045503 0.10492 0.092515
1257.06 0.0083274 0.02773 0.030406 -0.085081
1259.4 0.0037991 0.034948 -0.011917 0.058571
1261.96 0.0056938 0.02432 0.071413 -0.038316
1263.2 0.0070236 0.035145 -0.13148 -0.024866
1264.97 0.001038 0.042 0.23607 0.027922
1267.97 0.0053935 0.042 0.026449 0.038119
1270.19 0.0089516 0.030195 0.12319 -0.070716
1272.58 0.0037113 0.042 -0.00041915 0.017045
1274.02 0.0070799 0.041038 0.43148 -0.0020783
1275.8 0.00050003 0.042 0.021471 -0.022955
1278.22 0.010821 0.073072 0.035908 0.056182
1279.92 0.0018007 0.042 0.021064 0.020097
1280.21 0.0032514 0.042 -0.059224 -0.066085
1283 0.002534 0.042 0.0036217 -0.012611
1283.85 0.013888 0.046764 -0.14306 -0.063754
1285.48 0.001401 0.042 0.034677 -0.025143
1287.71 0.0063041 0.042 0.029477 0.040836
1289.65 0.0029078 0.042 -0.054773 0.029022
1291.15 0.00073401 0.042 0.032637 -0.013142
1292.55 0.0035548 0.042 0.097305 0.031822
1294.59 0.006009 0.054759 0.030028 0.056118
1296.14 0.0070831 0.058607 0.019964 -0.041507
1297.69 0.0035018 0.042 -0.0055142 0.030662
1298.77 0.025217 0.026016 0.18635 -0.17108
1301.44 0.0023519 0.042 -0.048539 0.010042
1303.81 0.0032944 0.042 -0.013536 0.03741
1305.4 0.021791 0.03911 0.1307 -0.18107
1308.14 0.024226 0.05282 -0.082938 -0.033011
1310.89 0.0010626 0.042 -0.02683 -0.014178
1311.89 0.0096663 0.038982 0.043248 0.022099
1313.48 0.000902 0.042 -0.02962 0.029558
1315.16 0.0054261 0.021579 -0.052569 0.040964
1318.09 0.0013905 0.042 0.01365 0.020404
1320.09 0.00021779 0.042 0.014743 0.016699
1323.04 0.0181 0.042807 -0.20436 -0.026914
1325.62 0.0042032 0.061849 0.044859 -0.035554
1326.47 0.0039611 0.042 0.037164 -0.032726
1328.14 0.0030663 0.042 -0.029971 -0.03496
1329.89 0.015895 0.047713 -0.026451 -0.036862
1331.4 0.001079 0.042 0.031113 -0.024613
1331.6 0.00062838 0.042 -0.024302 -0.020079
1332.92 0.0029662 0.042 0.036221 -0.015045
1335.41 0.0089766 0.025884 0.14105 0.057882
1337.13 0.026158 0.058723 0.015215 -0.013463
1339.78 0.003123 0.042 -0.094021 -0.09654
1340.94 0.00067525 0.042 -0.03452 -0.031671
1342.36 0.0078424 0.051919 0.062096 -0.059087
1343.49 0.0087241 0.038149 0.089347 0.088728
1345.51 0.013627 0.018105 0.082973 -0.049313
1347.91 0.016229 0.021241 -0.24913 -0.094409
1349.36 0.0041809 0.042 0.09954 -0.030198
1349.51 0.0017073 0.042 0.055171 -0.019388
1350.13 0.0066486 0.048306 0.076715 -0.018369
1351.61 0.0030049 0.042 -0.022985 -0.038537
1354.38 0.0023979 0.042 0.019289 -0.068882
1356.24 0.0010557 0.042 0.01549 -0.03327
1357.86 0.004626 0.084711 0.016424 0.025567
1359.53 0.00093335 0.042 0.0080293 -0.029693
1360.28 0.024407 0.03609 0.15059 0.10084
1361.65 0.0039532 0.042545 0.055754 0.046465
1362.77 0.0086137 0.020932 -0.050313 0.068213
1364.54 0.0072661 0.043008 0.08557 0.063273
1367.02 0.001397 0.042 0.027843 0.043562
1367.65 0.010632 0.045075 0.040508 0.063606
1369.38 0.0024267 0.042 -0.051936 0.056073
1371.24 0.0022609 0.042 0.031137 0.015314
1372.68 0.0011135 0.042 0.025114 -0.019961
1374.05 0.0013699 0.042 -0.021093 0.027676
1376.61 0.0029469 0.042 0.042925 0.057435
1378.29 0.023041 0.10687 -0.025128 -0.13122
1380.24 0.0059121 0.031815 0.10916 0.048029
1382.3 0.020699 0.040467 -0.072542 -0.086138
1383.64 0.0090699 0.02956 0.1252 -0.082517
1386.24 0.01153 0.029697 -0.14721 -0.075498
1387.21 0.0056745 0.029228 0.095527 0.039868
1388.75 0.0074189 0.023379 -0.14829 0.05053
1390.42 0.015062 0.040231 0.05523 0.055443
1392.47 0.0016031 0.042 0.049143 0.032941
1394.06 0.0099494 0.067282 -0.076716 0.040034
1395.49 0.008468 0.036038 -0.13176 -0.096552
1397.16 0.0094954 0.0027478 0.05583 0.066449
1397.84 0.00081036 0.042 0.03699 -0.024016
1399.04 0.0024934 0.042 0.09483 0.031086
1401.06 0.0076801 0.042 0.12459 0.060614
1402.58 0.00077082 0.042 0.031269 -0.018288
1404.27 0.0035701 0.042 -0.20041 0.012579
1405.86 0.0018792 0.042 0.0088673 -0.014617
1406.32 0.001099 0.042 -0.01342 0.018603
1408.4 0.003616 0.042 -0.037474 -0.013865
1410.72 0.018289 0.045778 -0.056028 0.024703
1412.05 0.0036017 0.042 -0.046786 0.021576
1413.16 0.0040707 0.042 -0.03624 -0.035236
1414.59 0.00084905 0.042 0.0186 -0.022379
1415.77 0.0034385 0.042 -0.05796 -0.014386
1418.52 0.030359 0.061355 -0.10454 -0.051078
1419.66 0.0047221 0.042 0.062809 0.016464
1421.08 0.042309 0.06578 -0.081721 -0.011742
1421.93 0.0010667 0.042 0.01307 0.016854
1422.9 0.00094853 0.042 -0.017947 -0.020402
1424.36 0.0016662 0.042 -0.025591 -0.02414
1425.94 0.0018453 0.042 -0.034867 -0.029715
1427.58 0.0068436 0.031874 -0.071196 0.040129
1429.06 0.0010001 0.042 0.025624 0.018777
1431.47 0.0058591 0.042 -0.37596 -0.0046827
1432.5 0.0068732 0.046771 0.26157 0.013691
1434.11 0.0069973 0.042 -0.052471 0.016917
1434.41 0.0011446 0.042 0.026808 -0.017603
1436.19 0.0018046 0.042 -0.0029615 -0.021371
1438.31 0.0037614 0.042 0.011928 -0.022241
1440.06 0.0014431 0.042 -0.025569 0.040322
1442.33 0.0068868 0.021352 -0.023939 0.049402
1443.27 0.0024046 0.042 -0.06051 -0.043561
1445.4 0.030296 0.055801 0.20473 -0.15673
1446.47 0.00077419 0.042 -0.023867 0.031026
1447.53 0.0049862 0.042 0.089945 -0.045595
1449.44 0.015643 0.04205 0.11548 0.056139
1451.32 0.0083244 0.029505 0.11247 0.050442
1453.12 0.002887 0.042 0.072786 -0.028137
1453.75 0.0083611 0.04501 0.078245 -0.064468
1455.84 0.0054367 0.042 0.049789 0.050271
1457.6 0.0066036 0.042 -0.05056 0.060924
1458.82 0.0020978 0.042 -0.011429 0.023553
1460.79 0.0013894 0.042 0.0096391 -0.030669
1462.35 0.0035781 0.042 -0.0032997 0.040537
1463.82 0.011773 0.037214 -0.0030091 0.03985
1464.43 0.00089065 0.042 0.019153 -0.02489
1466.15 0.0044258 0.042 -0.0058445 0.016478
1467.67 0.01007 0.02512 0.00135 0.01631
1471.28 0.0022124 0.042 0.026179 0.033325
1473.9 0.0033706 0.042 -0.025742 -0.0631
1475.35 0.00068164 0.042 0.018576 -0.032531
1476.99 0.0038207 0.042 -0.021275 0.031726
1478.27 0.00046221 0.042 0.025906 -0.025173
1480.11 0.012204 0.027354 0.037076 0.045443
1481.52 0.0018188 0.042 0.055295 0.02707
1484.23 0.0019426 0.042 -0.075977 -0.030274
1485.22 0.00094962 0.042 0.051639 0.022893
1486.98 0.0024143 0.042 0.064396 -0.02569
1488.4 0.0013781 0.042 -0.027383 -0.035884
1490.15 0.0042594 0.042 0.013311 0.048109
1493.53 0.0024859 0.042 -0.014792 0.037125
1495.38 0.0087014 0.042 -0.031009 0.064604
1497.88 0.0104 0.086549 0.086398 0.08713
1499.07 0.0071233 0.042 0.029241 0.038689
1501.68 0.0088717 0.026692 0.055415 -0.060799
1504.36 0.012845 0.068329 -0.081399 -0.081024
1505.31 0.0011771 0.038896 -0.020767 0.021177
1506.47 0.0013743 0.042269 0.024203 -0.023412
1508.06 0.016524 0.046163 -0.053413 0.051949
1508.85 0.0023333 0.02786 0.023322 -0.02292
1510.85 0.0010799 0.050147 0.017994 0.017713
1512.57 0.0040562 0.031436 0.042798 -0.042878
1514.79 0.0025213 0.058778 -0.015655 -0.015882
1518.39 0.0014583 0.04331 0.026335 0.026196
1520.13 0.01462 0.063481 -0.039348 -0.039845
1521.94 0.0063329 0.023614 0.020629 -0.023989
1524.12 0.0010666 0.048011 0.017516 0.017766
1525.82 0.0013974 0.038384 -0.015471 0.015892
1527.08 0.0040356 0.034104 0.0254 0.025575
1529.05 0.00755 0.058103 -0.037746 0.038931
1531.87 0.0054585 0.034566 -0.028063 -0.029733
1533.33 0.027904 0.054515 0.023981 -0.025122
1535.1 0.023022 0.024099 0.042249 0.045144
1536.59 0.0082848 0.025994 0.018561 -0.01986
1539.58 0.0013621 0.042271 0.018314 0.018532
1540.12 0.0012209 0.042388 -0.022104 0.022474
1541.56 0.021039 0.052487 0.075539 0.082801
1542.48 0.0023653 0.026778 -0.032831 0.032561
1544.82 0.002122 0.035649 -0.042084 -0.041418
1546.76 0.0073307 0.024095 0.048233 0.049402
1548.58 0.0071272 0.040958 0.058193 -0.058119
1551.42 0.0015043 0.046281 -0.017803 -0.017764
1551.96 0.011592 0.043693 -0.012722 -0.0094617
1553.31 0.0097953 0.034475 0.030429 -0.030477
1555.45 0.0019123 0.038439 0.029136 0.029121
1556.56 0.0025518 0.038164 0.029122 0.029307
1558.03 0.0016508 0.04286 -0.025573 -0.025735
1559.71 0.019871 0.072627 0.060474 -0.059308
1561.05 0.0066066 0.044148 -0.024947 0.025014
1563.58 0.0014892 0.047296 0.023725 -0.024958
1565.74 0.0049653 0.030988 -0.039655 0.040234
1567.96 0.057764 0.069083 0.15184 0.17402
1570.03 0.0023813 0.036456 0.020714 -0.021616
1571.17 0.01455 0.026047 -0.04581 -0.051505
1572.13 0.0014735 0.041351 -0.024559 0.02465
1574.59 0.0025942 0.044163 0.040816 -0.040988
1576.42 0.0028291 0.04079 -0.0409 -0.041861
1578.27 0.0071533 0.063616 -0.035174 -0.03677
1580.33 0.013007 0.028783 0.044333 -0.047413
1581.65 0.021438 0.024653 0.092726 0.088671
1582.86 0.0041057 0.033869 0.02653 -0.027533
1585.98 0.0046442 0.069048 0.022783 -0.023167
1588.28 0.0081293 0.052067 -0.03141 -0.032013
1589.65 0.027919 0.1022 0.045589 0.045793
1591.81 0.004514 0.032146 0.04498 -0.045328
1594.91 0.059389 0.036717 0.52535 -0.5675
1596.6 0.0094088 0.025798 0.005887 -0.0056473
1600.91 0.0015415 0.037271 -0.017798 -0.030498
1602.53 0.00095001 0.029821 0.03669 0.027036
1602.73 0.0014243 0.031065 -0.027196 0.036098
1606.48 0.023261 0.027122 -0.036884 -0.01354
1609.37 0.0098101 0.021869 -0.052267 0.044721
1610.52 0.0014184 0.036915 0.029698 0.031326
1610.8 0.0011724 0.037146 -0.032703 0.028635
1613.95 0.00087133 0.044628 0.025232 -0.027695
1614.78 0.0021167 0.049812 0.030634 -0.038067
1616.57 0.0044913 0.040003 -0.065375 -0.076912
1619.2 0.0019518 0.040765 0.034792 -0.034341
1621.91 0.0075167 0.040501 -0.036757 0.031881
1622.04 0.001343 0.049624 0.018663 0.022224
1624.49 0.0030996 0.026694 -0.033455 0.031002
1626.71 0.0026243 0.048619 0.02638 -0.030006
1628.75 0.017106 0.02307 0.096809 0.081556
1629.78 0.0073911 0.026639 0.015938 0.015
1630.49 0.0027626 0.037882 0.017276 -0.022683
1633.26 0.0016359 0.04628 0.017756 0.018175
1634.13 0.0011025 0.041972 0.020491 0.025122
1636.32 0.0060905 0.019021 0.047604 -0.073852
1638.31 0.0020655 0.044403 -0.056434 0.02811
1639.67 0.01378 0.064847 0.094132 0.013554
1641.55 0.0064053 0.027828 -0.04881 -0.073222
1643.88 0.025736 0.087412 -0.013429 -0.10054
1644.98 0.003587 0.028907 0.032433 0.090477
1647.07 0.0016464 0.039285 -0.026399 0.028258
1649.87 0.016691 0.030098 0.29883 -0.13493
1651.5 0.006372 0.035762 0.042271 -0.033337
1654.36 0.010737 0.020842 -0.055966 0.042887
1655.78 0.03048 0.074425 0.096531 -0.017098
1656.84 0.0030074 0.036101 -0.045588 -0.024784
1660.7 0.0045346 0.038866 -0.036812 -0.032747
1661.58 0.0016406 0.043572 -0.030391 0.035542
1663.72 0.027752 0.05131 -0.05403 0.051583
1663.9 0.0021632 0.038658 -0.018484 0.018211
1667.07 0.0034854 0.028004 0.033705 0.029226
1668.49 0.0018628 0.027103 -0.036732 0.03401
1670.66 0.0028493 0.049378 -0.030627 -0.031835
1672.02 0.0059031 0.041741 0.022955 -0.024049
1674.49 0.0066755 0.02617 0.038106 0.03498
1675.15 0.025021 0.066597 0.0041392 -0.0039268
1677.1 0.001917 0.039178 -0.022264 0.022459
1678.68 0.0016035 0.053929 -0.021547 -0.02206
1681.57 0.03065 0.074416 0.24469 0.24434
1681.7 0.00086201 0.041667 0.033921 -0.034009
1683.23 0.006956 0.036027 -0.019834 -0.018161
1685.97 0.0032589 0.025578 -0.03467 -0.033492
1687.89 0.004642 0.032135 0.01963 0.020682
1688.05 0.0015437 0.029547 -0.024408 0.02507
1690.63 0.012377 0.040497 0.090675 0.10432
1692.41 0.0018167 0.040847 -0.031283 0.031914
1693.76 0.0028392 0.035189 -0.048525 -0.050463
1695.96 0.013788 0.031854 -0.066503 -0.069001
1697.17 0.0041356 0.030918 0.035928 0.036909
1699.98 0.021228 0.031646 -0.11359 0.098314
1701.44 0.016199 0.026682 0.069962 0.067602
1705.14 0.0011145 0.034707 0.024173 0.024322
1707.52 0.0036332 0.039987 0.024597 -0.024231
1710.04 0.0064692 0.03178 0.052036 0.052183
1711.99 0.0020578 0.042059 -0.027479 -0.023814
1713.72 0.014826 0.051596 -0.064712 0.048877
1714.77 0.0014173 0.035336 0.026571 -0.028671
1717.43 0.018988 0.071307 0.060826 -0.056482
1719.13 0.0052713 0.026855 -0.03842 0.039973
1722.03 0.01365 0.064611 0.045522 0.041502
1722.43 0.0010188 0.045388 -0.020912 -0.020592
1725.18 0.01531 0.031489 -0.058851 -0.061543
1726.23 0.0014087 0.045977 0.017949 0.018849
1729.72 0.010459 0.034585 0.049269 -0.053381
1732.03 0.01915 0.056687 -0.08843 0.099661
1733.89 0.0024115 0.0332 -0.020607 0.019939
1734.85 0.022692 0.051492 -0.05463 0.054547
1735.81 0.0045944 0.034097 -0.02177 0.021918
1739.99 0.010689 0.028163 -0.017572 -0.016181
1741.38 0.035202 0.067529 0.035381 0.031514
1742.97 0.0029451 0.033927 0.027317 -0.028381
1744.12 0.0026618 0.05031 -0.015195 0.015808
1746.97 0.0016793 0.040062 -0.019994 0.020582
1747.28 0.0056387 0.0284 0.064477 0.066813
1750.14 0.0065274 0.030787 0.069521 0.038145
1754.9 0.011559 0.081085 -0.019328 0.019915
1757.87 0.0012565 0.045299 0.019713 -0.032742
1759.5 0.00159 0.053229 0.018031 0.020955
1760.58 0.0017023 0.045158 -0.033224 0.020953
1763.02 0.0051641 0.032958 0.090543 0.038044
1765.91 0.006342 0.031383 0.070798 -0.062598
1767.65 0.0039663 0.054242 -0.018492 -0.026656
1769.37 0.0037324 0.038514 0.13397 -0.030517
1771.47 0.0012512 0.050564 -0.0094963 -0.02142
1774.03 0.002517 0.025243 0.075298 -0.022111
1774.78 0.021811 0.027057 -0.055343 -0.33526
1777.22 0.030129 0.049025 0.17615 -0.055586
1778.89 0.001022 0.046952 0.026599 0.021851
1781.67 0.0015391 0.037737 0.039627 -0.023055
1782.61 0.0096139 0.06314 -0.057054 0.02071
1784.25 0.0073061 0.04411 0.018801 -0.02063
1786.67 0.0019528 0.051841 -0.011556 -0.016611
1788.08 0.0011088 0.048882 0.018771 0.024068
1792.34 0.0015957 0.033269 0.023863 0.019217
1793.13 0.0046264 0.027938 -0.031814 -0.031918
1794.65 0.0013368 0.044988 -0.027648 0.020962
1796.3 0.0074929 0.021993 0.089173 0.03889
1798.94 0.0048662 0.036487 -0.053572 0.033134
1800.32 0.0036434 0.031836 -0.052753 0.014378
1801.69 0.0013417 0.05017 0.021037 -0.017863
1803.63 0.0020342 0.040728 -0.047835 -0.015946
1807.16 0.0072163 0.034774 -0.087214 0.0169
1808.51 0.0014577 0.04783 -0.027605 0.018223
1810.03 0.0021322 0.022091 -0.017278 -0.023617
1811.05 0.001213 0.029025 0.009051 0.025864
1814.46 0.0014779 0.037837 -0.0099918 -0.023564
1815.7 0.030946 0.066525 -0.03256 0.15767
1817.76 0.004446 0.023281 -0.0093319 0.031097
1819.51 0.020984 0.035494 0.093941 -0.19987
1820.79 0.0027866 0.043723 -0.022222 0.016248
1826.09 0.0033794 0.050608 -0.02532 0.025764
1828.15 0.0035487 0.050154 0.032757 -0.036894
1829.63 0.0071831 0.028505 0.052715 0.063652
1832.05 0.0028902 0.043098 -0.033837 0.036074
1835.91 0.0017426 0.050234 -0.017884 -0.019157
1836.75 0.0031438 0.044068 0.011206 -0.010035
1839.2 0.0036067 0.037874 -0.010565 -0.0004532
1840.79 0.0013286 0.042741 0.014251 -0.015741
1842.86 0.011551 0.039854 0.033729 0.028546
1845.63 0.0090823 0.033673 0.020364 0.039196
1848.26 0.02946 0.070424 -0.050621 0.052886
1849.09 0.0014145 0.046738 0.026628 -0.023762
1852.07 0.01179 0.028328 0.15188 -0.026307
1857.34 0.0012098 0.046828 -0.025878 0.025212
1857.63 0.060861 0.053682 -0.081642 -0.064151
1859.88 0.00122 0.044785 0.029365 -0.026681
1861.8 0.004981 0.044958 -0.043954 -0.01876
1863.3 0.022294 0.04418 0.1331 -0.061482
1864.58 0.00099441 0.045608 -0.024664 0.02392
1866.94 0.0058865 0.04905 0.01334 -0.01755
1869.84 0.0028208 0.047149 0.016471 0.01693
1872.73 0.0015146 0.044327 0.024045 -0.020758
1873.68 0.003114 0.041712 -0.034009 -0.0223
1875.08 0.017651 0.048852 -0.092497 -0.087295
1877.8 0.015544 0.047347 -0.049559 0.031652
1880.81 0.0038089 0.044396 0.0090432 0.027359
1881.87 0.026317 0.050934 -0.039253 -0.092662
1883.65 0.0029552 0.044848 0.013917 0.019385
1886.34 0.001668 0.043513 -0.030594 0.022205
1886.54 0.0012375 0.044132 0.020527 -0.020584
1889.93 0.033709 0.053553 -0.087195 -0.055475
1891.49 0.0013056 0.045471 0.027912 -0.025848
1893.38 0.012233 0.066528 -0.006876 -0.0093244
1895.63 0.0010639 0.046286 0.026562 -0.030555
1897.8 0.0010584 0.044936 -0.029743 -0.033124
1901.16 0.010965 0.048507 -0.050042 -0.017373
1903.64 0.0014958 0.038892 0.05292 -0.010076
1905.83 0.0018939 0.045031 0.023875 -0.0117
1908.02 0.00103 0.040578 -0.023818 0.012824
1912.45 0.0034725 0.039 -0.033854 -0.041977
1914.22 0.0022048 0.046702 0.040791 -0.037937
1915.31 0.053359 0.11349 0.10589 0.090458
1917.46 0.055832 0.064797 -0.13356 -0.019096
1920.43 0.0028873 0.030552 -0.046949 0.035066
1921.32 0.0017676 0.039355 0.026059 0.019758
1924.67 0.00085985 0.045086 0.022971 -0.019812
1925.41 0.0021686 0.033951 0.031107 -0.025473
1926.62 0.0017163 0.034589 -0.024371 -0.02553
1928.81 0.0022531 0.042879 -0.016692 -0.019253
1930.78 0.023123 0.043084 0.075743 -0.081915
1934.19 0.0036593 0.034731 -0.028408 -0.03023
1935.29 0.012196 0.039575 0.049349 0.040138
1940.62 0.063246 0.064179 -0.13277 -0.021257
1941.19 0.00098359 0.045426 0.03017 -0.028276
1942.03 0.0043762 0.042748 -0.022186 0.021838
1945.24 0.024349 0.065254 0.02674 -0.025416
1947.91 0.016094 0.046102 -0.017254 -0.018765
1951.84 0.015315 0.047084 -0.024015 0.020842
1954.77 0.020039 0.048647 0.037573 0.0053673
1956.52 0.0044752 0.042926 0.0099142 -0.011447
1958.86 0.0012247 0.043192 -0.023341 -0.020494
1962.79 0.015261 0.052201 -0.13749 -0.034376
1967.21 0.0020805 0.046556 0.036492 -0.016928
1967.66 0.0010009 0.043864 0.019856 0.019114
1967.88 0.0036424 0.037227 -0.045879 0.026901
1971.02 0.0010565 0.039114 0.019693 -0.024305
1972.4 0.020009 0.068738 -0.018433 -0.015537
1976.6 0.0047396 0.042068 0.01271 -0.013549
1979.43 0.0010491 0.044184 -0.020947 -0.021164
1979.61 0.038195 0.037345 -0.27807 0.027119
1980.9 0.0015935 0.039991 0.027448 0.026496
1982.98 0.0077433 0.035771 -0.045142 -0.040527
1986.02 0.021988 0.033686 -0.046444 0.038636
1988.14 0.0020278 0.044554 -0.020297 0.021667
1988.56 0.0008954 0.045746 0.013701 -0.016255
1992.38 0.0060825 0.031092 0.0087928 0.01414
1994.53 0.0016925 0.04391 0.020833 -0.02262
1994.69 0.01261 0.031472 0.058614 -0.062237
1997.72 0.0018178 0.037261 0.034494 0.029043
1999.77 0.015427 0.034439 0.10063 0.039873
2000.05 0.0093308 0.0382 -0.051836 0.031842
2001.91 0.0021772 0.0382 0.030623 -0.03249
2002.58 0.0028282 0.0382 -0.005494 -0.016653
2002.91 0.018593 0.0382 -0.080057 0.10933
2004.92 0.00079571 0.0382 -0.02816 0.027478
2004.99 0.0011632 0.0382 0.026001 -0.02639
2006.56 0.0073174 0.0382 -0.035474 0.033374
2006.86 0.0038023 0.0382 0.023025 0.024506
2008.56 0.0066252 0.0382 -0.016243 -0.01819
2009.02 0.0022069 0.0382 0.021413 -0.022542
2010.35 0.005045 0.0382 -0.018759 0.021879
2011.56 0.005008 0.0382 -0.019649 0.022736
2012.77 0.0030409 0.0382 0.022573 0.025041
2013.63 0.0078751 0.0382 -0.01633 0.018803
2014.51 0.0011722 0.0382 0.023317 0.024986
2015.9 0.0011927 0.0382 -0.022873 0.024978
2016.28 0.005969 0.0382 -0.016827 0.019321
2017.77 0.0034393 0.0382 -0.021675 -0.024138
2018.22 0.0017224 0.0382 0.023265 -0.025221
2019.43 0.0026096 0.0382 0.021819 0.024688
2020.17 0.0046935 0.0382 0.020639 0.023451
2022.12 0.0019683 0.0382 -0.037242 0.027369
2022.25 0.0019326 0.0382 0.026208 0.028802
2024.3 0.001318 0.0382 -0.027753 -0.028687
2024.53 0.0032214 0.0382 -0.025627 0.025957
2025.03 0.0015565 0.0382 0.029508 -0.028103
2027.11 0.0019852 0.0382 -0.02165 -0.019886
2027.51 0.0064149 0.0382 -0.020663 0.019382
2029.04 0.001326 0.0382 0.024642 -0.023045
2029.41 0.00028889 0.0382 0.023906 0.023382
2030.88 0.00096993 0.0382 -0.025392 0.025712
2031.43 0.016121 0.0382 0.020069 -0.020338
2032.02 0.0011096 0.0382 0.02421 -0.024347
2034.29 0.001244 0.0382 0.026198 0.02586
2034.49 0.0085195 0.0382 0.016225 0.02004
2036.22 0.0013885 0.0382 0.02334 -0.023299
2036.46 0.0019842 0.0382 -0.023318 -0.023671
2037.65 0.0023487 0.0382 0.019267 -0.019444
2038.15 0.0075417 0.0382 0.0062329 -0.0063068
2040.73 0.012007 0.0382 0.017437 -0.019328
2041.67 0.0091782 0.0382 0.059714 0.058032
2042.73 0.0060076 0.0382 0.033256 0.036136
2043.87 0.0020114 0.0382 0.030676 -0.031808
2044.41 0.0064811 0.0382 -0.039584 0.039812
2045.96 0.0093723 0.0382 0.027179 -0.026893
2046.24 0.0010687 0.0382 -0.025641 0.025019
2047.89 0.00011285 0.0382 0.023767 0.023653
2049.03 0.001944 0.0382 -0.023811 -0.022776
2050.13 0.060423 0.0382 0.015403 0.013952
2050.81 0.003822 0.0382 -0.023187 -0.022164
2051.64 0.0016307 0.0382 0.023505 -0.023453
2053.02 0.040412 0.0382 -0.023078 0.029624
2054.65 0.014743 0.0382 -0.070943 0.076694
2054.74 0.0049157 0.0382 -0.029032 -0.03632
2056.31 0.0033487 0.0382 -0.058304 0.054341
2057.19 0.0032036 0.0382 0.046601 -0.049197
2057.76 0.0031836 0.0382 0.047269 -0.048257
2059.28 0.0041641 0.0382 -0.058436 0.057093
2060.53 0.0037644 0.0382 0.058568 0.052003
2061.12 0.0010697 0.0382 0.032298 0.030139
2062.14 0.0012681 0.0382 0.033795 0.030815
2063.11 0.0038404 0.0382 -0.05579 -0.043569
2064.33 0.01229 0.0382 0.078497 -0.048556
2065.72 0.0016651 0.0382 0.03676 -0.031725
2066 0.00079202 0.0382 -0.02761 0.026106
2067.27 0.007504 0.0382 -0.084841 0.049111
2068.36 0.0029839 0.0382 -0.032408 -0.031631
2069.02 0.0093839 0.0382 -0.025575 0.027508
2070.74 0.0055192 0.0382 0.025682 -0.034067
2071.25 0.0061451 0.0382 -0.023893 0.028644
2072.14 0.0092522 0.0382 0.030762 0.04244
2073.13 0.0022044 0.0382 -0.027281 0.033293
2074.23 0.00529 0.0382 0.029989 0.036534
2075.49 0.003388 0.0382 -0.027462 -0.030867
2077.03 0.0014002 0.0382 0.025571 0.026651
2077.76 0.0014714 0.0382 0.025852 -0.025967
2079.06 0.0024216 0.0382 -0.028452 -0.02776
2079.45 0.010051 0.0382 -0.023015 0.0202
2081.06 0.0049252 0.0382 0.042379 0.033751
2082.21 0.0060868 0.0382 0.0546 -0.036552
2082.91 0.0027417 0.0382 0.038074 0.026997
2083.86 0.0027964 0.0382 0.036652 0.023988
2084.99 0.018178 0.0382 -0.072512 0.018462
2085.97 0.0080975 0.0382 0.030989 0.014353
2087.22 0.015802 0.0382 -0.011348 -0.0048974
2087.77 0.0014975 0.0382 -0.021728 0.016844
2089.38 0.0013714 0.0382 0.022502 -0.018821
2090.65 0.014512 0.0382 -0.0055073 0.018507
2091.92 0.0036453 0.0382 0.047412 -0.035745
2092.21 0.011139 0.0382 -0.065353 0.122
2094.05 0.0059466 0.0382 0.10119 -0.057725
2094.46 0.0034543 0.0382 -0.071971 -0.051108
2095.44 0.0098637 0.0382 0.089655 0.043551
2096.64 0.0029249 0.0382 -0.052779 0.039103
2097.35 0.0015254 0.0382 -0.037591 -0.030728
2098.33 0.0042627 0.0382 -0.042595 0.028782
2099.47 0.0040152 0.0382 0.045515 -0.029843
2100.69 0.0038623 0.0382 -0.045312 0.040644
2101.83 0.0049606 0.0382 0.024381 0.022096
2103.45 0.0014785 0.0382 0.018104 0.018604
2103.5 0.0032082 0.0382 0.0099513 0.010092
2104.51 0.0029119 0.0382 -0.010767 -0.011429
2106.43 0.0093105 0.0382 0.0044212 0.0049668
2107.32 0.0023977 0.0382 0.018627 0.023447
2108.2 0.0037676 0.0382 -0.021832 -0.029411
2109.58 0.0087474 0.0382 0.032199 0.04307
2110.26 0.0020655 0.0382 -0.027852 -0.036066
2111.4 0.0028828 0.0382 -0.030153 -0.037809
2112.38 0.0049362 0.0382 0.02655 0.028283
2114.01 0.0020537 0.0382 -0.024603 -0.027202
2114.91 0.0018978 0.0382 0.025941 0.028496
2115.56 0.0028707 0.0382 0.032169 0.032865
2116.91 0.002534 0.0382 -0.028496 0.031954
2117.93 0.0047935 0.0382 0.037138 -0.03797
2118.71 0.0024955 0.0382 0.043544 0.044937
2119.35 0.0026014 0.0382 -0.048692 -0.046918
2120.94 0.0077472 0.0382 0.076551 0.061356
2121.98 0.003841 0.0382 0.060828 0.043035
2123.62 0.001916 0.0382 0.045918 -0.028861
2124.86 0.0077755 0.0382 0.030891 0.14181
2125.26 0.0041374 0.0382 -0.065434 -0.021773
2126.96 0.0019805 0.0382 -0.033677 0.025371
2127.32 0.0030501 0.0382 0.037586 -0.024885
2128.04 0.0042421 0.0382 0.052565 0.027774
2128.88 0.015393 0.0382 -0.029342 0.017799
2130.8 0.0065609 0.0382 0.042646 0.025445
2131.91 0.0073317 0.0382 -0.048228 0.029229
2132.72 0.0059409 0.0382 0.048985 0.066784
2133.97 0.0097019 0.0382 -0.12449 -0.045495
2134.77 0.0061109 0.0382 0.080003 -0.050121
2136.37 0.001427 0.0382 0.03353 -0.028596
2136.95 0.0076603 0.0382 -0.079768 0.044936
2138.02 0.0049646 0.0382 -0.04745 0.031393
2139.45 0.0048861 0.0382 -0.047506 0.065158
2140.65 0.0064117 0.0382 0.027502 0.018212
2141.71 0.012174 0.0382 -0.0094597 -0.006696
2142.87 0.0054702 0.0382 -0.019874 -0.013997
2144.01 0.0021488 0.0382 -0.02481 0.019635
2144.94 0.020402 0.0382 0.03558 0.015126
2145.95 0.0053819 0.0382 -0.033675 0.053928
2147.26 0.0039317 0.0382 -0.034278 -0.024414
2147.94 0.0074338 0.0382 -0.053689 0.02661
2149.06 0.009294 0.0382 0.042862 0.026795
2149.73 0.003625 0.0382 0.028205 -0.023949
2151.7 0.0041053 0.0382 0.030522 -0.023172
2152.8 0.009687 0.0382 -0.031405 0.057177
2153.8 0.0073233 0.0382 0.019609 -0.013634
2154.6 0.0039918 0.0382 0.019652 0.015272
2155.9 0.0059924 0.0382 0.013534 0.010462
2157 0.002269 0.0382 -0.02354 -0.020174
2158 0.00034811 0.0382 0.024713 0.023554
2159.4 0.0010644 0.0382 -0.027347 0.025085
2160.6 0.0082938 0.0382 0.049474 -0.034828
2161 0.0045599 0.0382 0.050711 0.037967
2162.5 0.0035674 0.0382 -0.043762 0.033615
2163.3 0.0084567 0.0382 0.053734 -0.031264
2164.8 0.016221 0.0382 0.030989 0.018305
2165.6 0.00092404 0.0382 -0.030387 -0.027426
2167.2 0.0014228 0.0382 0.031321 0.027767
2168.1 0.011164 0.0382 0.022173 -0.016109
2169.3 0.0022244 0.0382 0.029071 0.026836
2170.6 0.0027818 0.0382 0.025783 0.023851
2171.6 0.0036867 0.0382 -0.021947 -0.019493
2172.8 0.0039547 0.0382 0.0053325 -0.0049496
2173.7 0.0038338 0.0382 -0.0066797 -0.0059751
2174.9 0.0014211 0.0382 0.019637 0.017671
2176.1 0.00074753 0.0382 0.022554 -0.020593
2176.9 0.00083845 0.0382 0.023076 -0.020935
2178.3 0.0035617 0.0382 0.025758 0.021192
2179.1 0.0099385 0.0382 0.023604 -0.016383
2180.2 0.0088554 0.0382 -0.019818 -0.025215
2181.6 0.0091186 0.0382 0.063721 -0.047902
2182.3 0.0071399 0.0382 0.080962 -0.061477
2183.7 0.013718 0.0382 -0.040012 0.077713
2184.6 0.004173 0.0382 -0.04049 0.058405
2185.8 0.0040215 0.0382 0.035469 -0.028475
2187.7 0.0043409 0.0382 0.031631 -0.027096
2188.5 0.0043844 0.0382 -0.020531 0.025169
2189.4 0.012839 0.0382 -0.0090885 0.011822
2190.8 0.0027126 0.0382 -0.019592 -0.022255
2191.5 0.0031348 0.0382 -0.019382 0.021922
2193.2 0.014422 0.0382 0.014543 -0.010165
2193.6 0.0015244 0.0382 0.024775 -0.021324
2195.2 0.0013518 0.0382 0.024546 0.026885
2196.3 0.012099 0.0382 0.014183 -0.0082439
2197.1 0.0021905 0.0382 0.023298 0.025911
2198.7 0.0019632 0.0382 0.024374 0.024214
2199.2 0.0075346 0.0382 -0.010453 0.015822
2201.03 0.0053488 0.0382 -0.017223 0.021833
2201.48 0.0038585 0.0382 -0.023766 0.027926
2202.8 0.016707 0.0382 0.050669 0.029595
2204.42 0.0039979 0.0382 0.047888 -0.041653
2205.49 0.004326 0.0382 0.049637 0.043641
2206.16 0.0051826 0.0382 -0.036247 -0.039213
2207.32 0.0063124 0.0382 0.063116 -0.040227
2207.85 0.0015927 0.0382 -0.029583 -0.025505
2210.06 0.0025675 0.0382 0.035959 -0.025533
2210.17 0.0059857 0.0382 -0.0275 0.050875
2213.34 0.014411 0.0382 -0.086403 0.059736
2213.59 0.0085422 0.0382 0.040704 -0.032422
2216.24 0.0046507 0.0382 0.095386 -0.053696
2217.45 0.013259 0.0382 -0.070226 0.23877
2218.77 0.0020703 0.0382 0.052781 0.047614
2220.41 0.0045478 0.0382 0.069529 0.065413
2220.5 0.002708 0.0382 -0.03108 0.044514
2221.06 0.0052006 0.0382 -0.02721 -0.028573
2222.21 0.0055284 0.0382 -0.020963 -0.022048
2224.5 0.0063866 0.0382 -0.017455 0.063241
2225.89 0.0063003 0.0382 -0.037934 0.025096
2227.91 0.013086 0.0382 -0.033956 0.025442
2229.38 0.0034165 0.0382 -0.026144 -0.031188
2229.4 0.006321 0.0382 -0.026163 0.027536
2231.36 0.011273 0.0382 0.029341 -0.027157
2231.46 0.0018232 0.0382 -0.027217 -0.026068
2234.38 0.0032873 0.0382 0.026969 -0.039809
2234.38 0.0021682 0.0382 0.023174 0.027126
2234.49 0.0029577 0.0382 0.029143 0.028069
2236.97 0.0016565 0.0382 -0.033234 -0.035833
2237.08 0.0059469 0.0382 0.032795 -0.045803
2239.34 0.012216 0.0382 0.065732 -0.17723
2239.64 0.0053098 0.0382 -0.045341 0.040048
2241.35 0.0036008 0.0382 0.046788 0.029937
2241.41 0.0047699 0.0382 -0.074981 -0.10328
2244.19 0.002697 0.0382 -0.05473 -0.059622
2244.2 0.0015052 0.0382 -0.03882 0.026443
2245.96 0.003476 0.0382 -0.09574 0.06483
2246.14 0.0031453 0.0382 0.057812 -0.0839
2250.3 0.022405 0.068425 -0.41171 -0.12273
2254.2 0.025518 0.094863 0.026743 0.042032
2256.2 0.01423 0.049379 0.025013 0.03631
2283.8 7.159 0.099886 0.87653 0.46888
2630.4 7.8534 0.045164 0.7068 0.53647
3330.8 12.057 0.047228 0.47442 0.57129
4500.9 6.1439 0.033681 0.28662 0.36414