FNG Model¶
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In [1]:
from yt.mods import *
import h5py
In [3]:
# If necessary files aren't in the current dir, download them
import os
import requests
if not os.path.isfile("mcnp_n_impr_fluka.h5m"):
r = requests.get("http://data.pyne.io/mcnp_n_impr_fluka.h5m")
with open("mcnp_n_impr_fluka.h5m", "wb") as outfile:
if not os.path.isfile("fng_usrbin22.h5m"):
# fng_usrbin22.h5m is a large file
# needs to be downloaded in chunks
r = requests.get("http://data.pyne.io/fng_usrbin22.h5m", stream=True)
with open("fng_usrbin22.h5m" , 'wb') as file:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk:
In [4]:
# Load data file
pf = load("fng_usrbin22.h5m")
In [5]:
# Create the desired slice plot
s = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', ('moab','TALLY_TAG'), origin='lower-native')
# Load the facet file
f = h5py.File("mcnp_n_impr_fluka.h5m", "r")
# Get the triangle vertices
coords = f["/tstt/nodes/coordinates"][:]
conn = f["/tstt/elements/Tri3/connectivity"][:]
points = coords[conn-1]
# Annotate slice-triangle intersection contours to the plot
s.annotate_triangle_facets(points, plot_args={"colors": 'black'})