Mesh Tagging¶
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Let's Explore PyNE Meshes!¶
from pyne.xs.channels import sigma_t
from pyne.material import Material, from_atom_frac
from pyne.mesh import Mesh, NativeMeshTag, MetadataTag, ComputedTag
from yt.config import ytcfg; ytcfg["yt","suppressStreamLogging"] = "True"
from yt.mods import *
First, let's create a 2D structured mesh, whose grid points in x & y are Cantor dust. Most of the mesh will have water as a coolant. Some volume elements will have fuel, though.
def cantor(n):
return [0.] + cant(0., 1., n) + [1.]
def cant(x, y, n):
if n == 0:
return []
new_pts = [2.*x/3. + y/3., x/3. + 2.*y/3.]
return cant(x, new_pts[0], n-1) + new_pts + cant(new_pts[1], y, n-1)
c5 = cantor(5)
coords = [c5, c5, [0.0, 1.0]]
We access volume elements (ve
) on the mesh through a volume element index (idx
). This index is a unique integer i
that gives a sort ordering to an otherwise unorder mesh. The volume element index is defined on the range from 0 (inclusive) to the number of volumes in the mesh (exclusive). You may access a volume element's material through the mats
attribute and indexing with i
m = Mesh(structured_coords=coords, structured=True)
fuel = from_atom_frac({'U235': 0.045, 'U238': 0.955, 'O16': 2.0}, density=10.7)
cool = from_atom_frac({'H1': 2.0, 'O16': 1.0}, density=1.0)
for i in range(len(m)):
m.mats[i] = cool
m.mats[len(m)/2] = fuel
m.mats[len(m)/4] = fuel
for i, c in enumerate(c5[:-1]):
m.mats[i*len(c5)] = fuel
s - sometimes known as fields - are generic way of storing data on a mesh. Tags can be accessed as attributes on the mesh class itself. For example, the density tag may be grabbed via:
To get the value of the density, you have to provide the location by its index.
You can also slice, mask, or fancy index tags:
print(m.density[::100]) # slice
print(m.density[m.density[:] >= 10]) # mask
print(m.density[[10, 0, 11, 100]]) # fancy index is fancy
To get a list of all current tag names, uses the tags
dictionary on the mesh:
Analysis & Visulaization¶
PyNE meshes are supported by the yt project. Use yt's plotting infrastructure to display tags on your mesh.
pf = PyneMoabHex8StaticOutput(m)
s = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', 'density', origin='native')
Computed Tags¶
Computed tags - also known as 'derived fields' - are a way of having a lazily evaluated 'virtual tag.' A computed tag is defined with a function, lambda, or any other callable object. The function must have the following interface:
def f(mesh, i):
"""mesh is a pyne.mesh.Mesh() object and i is the volume element index
to compute.
# ... do some work ...
return anything_you_want
Here is a somewhat silly example which squares the density.
m.density2 = ComputedTag(lambda mesh, i: mesh.density[i]**2)
Note that the bounds on the color bar have changed.
pf = PyneMoabHex8StaticOutput(m)
s = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', 'density2', origin='native')
Here is a more serious example which uses PyNE's cross section tools to compute the one-group total cross section $\sigma_t$ everywhere on the mesh.
m.sigma_t = ComputedTag(lambda mesh, i: sigma_t(mesh.mats[i], group_struct=[10.0, 1e-6], phi_g=[1.0])[0])
pf = PyneMoabHex8StaticOutput(m)
s = SlicePlot(pf, 'z', 'sigma_t', origin='native')
Yes, that was only one line of code.