Source code for pyne.dbgen.atomic_mass

"""This module provides a way to grab and store raw data for atomic mass."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import pkgutil
from pyne.utils import QA_warn

import numpy as np
import tables as tb

from pyne import nucname
from pyne.dbgen.api import BASIC_FILTERS
from pyne.dbgen.isotopic_abundance import get_isotopic_abundances


# Note that since ground state and meta-stable isotopes are of the same atomic mass,
# the meta-stables have been discluded from the following data sets.

MASS_FILE = 'mass.mas16'

[docs]def copy_atomic_mass_adjustment(build_dir=""): """Copies the atomic mass evaluation originally from the Atomic Mass Data Center. These are courtesy of Georges Audi and Wang Meng via a private communication, November 2012.""" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir, MASS_FILE)): return mass = pkgutil.get_data('pyne.dbgen', MASS_FILE) with open(os.path.join(build_dir, MASS_FILE), 'wb') as f: f.write(mass)
# Note, this regex specifically leaves our free neutrons # amdc_regex = re.compile('[ \d-]*? (\d{1,3})[ ]{1,4}(\d{1,3}) [A-Z][a-z]? .*? (\d{1,3}) ([ #.\d]{10,11}) ([ #.\d]{1,10})[ ]*?$') amdc_regex = re.compile('[ \d-]*? (\d{1,3})[ ]{1,4}(\d{1,3}) [A-Z][a-z]? .*? (\d{1,3}) ([ #.\d]{5,12}) ([ #.\d]+)[ ]*?$')
[docs]def parse_atomic_mass_adjustment(build_dir=""): """Parses the atomic mass adjustment data into a list of tuples of the nuclide, atomic mass, and error.""" f = open(os.path.join(build_dir, MASS_FILE), 'r') atomic_masses = [] for line in f: m = if m is None: continue nuc = (10000000 * int( + (10000 * int( mass = float( + 1E-6 * float('#', '')) error = 1E-6 * float('#', '')) atomic_masses.append((nuc, mass, error)) f.close() return atomic_masses
atomic_mass_desc = { 'nuc': tb.IntCol(pos=1), 'mass': tb.FloatCol(pos=2), 'error': tb.FloatCol(pos=3), 'abund': tb.FloatCol(pos=4), } atomic_mass_dtype = np.dtype([ ('nuc', int), ('mass', float), ('error', float), ('abund', float), ])
[docs]def make_atomic_mass_table(nuc_data, build_dir=""): """Makes an atomic mass table in the nuc_data library. Parameters ---------- nuc_data : str Path to nuclide data file. build_dir : str Directory to place html files in. """ # Grab raw data atomic_abund = get_isotopic_abundances() atomic_masses = parse_atomic_mass_adjustment(build_dir) A = {} # Add normal isotopes to A for nuc, mass, error in atomic_masses: if nuc in atomic_abund: A[nuc] = nuc, mass, error, atomic_abund[nuc] else: A[nuc] = nuc, mass, error, 0.0 # Add naturally occuring elements for element in nucname.name_zz: nuc = A[nuc] = nuc, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for nuc, abund in atomic_abund.items(): zz = nucname.znum(nuc) element_zz = element = nucname.zz_name[zz] _nuc, nuc_mass, _error, _abund = A[nuc] elem_zz, elem_mass, _error, _abund = A[element_zz] new_elem_mass = elem_mass + (nuc_mass * abund) A[element_zz] = element_zz, new_elem_mass, 0.0, float(0.0 < new_elem_mass) A = sorted(A.values(), key=lambda x: x[0]) # Open the HDF5 File kdb = tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'a', filters=BASIC_FILTERS) # Make a new the table Atable = kdb.create_table("/", "atomic_mass", atomic_mass_desc, "Atomic Mass Data [amu]", expectedrows=len(A)) Atable.append(A) # Ensure that data was written to table Atable.flush() # Close the hdf5 file kdb.close()
[docs]def make_atomic_mass(args): """Controller function for adding atomic_mass.""" nuc_data, build_dir = args.nuc_data, args.build_dir if os.path.exists(nuc_data): with tb.open_file(nuc_data, 'r') as f: if hasattr(f.root, 'atomic_mass'): print("skipping atomic mass data table creation; already exists.") return # Then grab mass data print("Copying AME 2016 atomic mass data.") copy_atomic_mass_adjustment(build_dir) # Make atomic mass table once we have the array print("Making atomic mass data table.") make_atomic_mass_table(nuc_data, build_dir)