Source code for pyne.mesh

from __future__ import print_function, division
from future.utils import implements_iterator
from pyne.material import Material, MultiMaterial
from pyne.material_library import MaterialLibrary
import sys
import copy
import itertools
    from import Iterable, Sequence
except ImportError:
    from collections import Iterable, Sequence
from warnings import warn
from pyne.utils import QA_warn, check_iterable

import numpy as np
import tables as tb


    from pymoab import core as mb_core, hcoord, scd, types
    from pymoab.rng import subtract
    from pymoab.tag import Tag
    from pymoab.types import _eh_py_type, _TAG_TYPE_STRS
    HAVE_PYMOAB = True

except ImportError:
    HAVE_PYMOAB = False
    warn("The PyMOAB optional dependency could not be imported. "
         "Some aspects of the mesh module may be incomplete.", ImportWarning)


if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    basestring = str

# dictionary of lamba functions for mesh arithmetic
_ops = {"+": lambda val_1, val_2: (val_1 + val_2),
        "-": lambda val_1, val_2: (val_1 - val_2),
        "*": lambda val_1, val_2: (val_1 * val_2),
        "/": lambda val_1, val_2: (val_1 / val_2)}

err__ops = {"+": lambda val_1, val_2, val_1_err, val_2_err:
            (1/(val_1 + val_2)*np.sqrt((val_1*val_1_err)**2
                                       + (val_2*val_2_err)**2)),
            "-": lambda val_1, val_2, val_1_err, val_2_err:
            (1/(val_1 - val_2)*np.sqrt((val_1*val_1_err)**2
                                       + (val_2*val_2_err)**2)),
            "*": lambda val_1, val_2, val_1_err, val_2_err:
            (np.sqrt(val_1_err**2 + val_2_err**2)),
            "/": lambda val_1, val_2, val_1_err, val_2_err:
            (np.sqrt(val_1_err**2 + val_2_err**2))}

_INTEGRAL_TYPES = (int, np.integer, np.bool_)
_SEQUENCE_TYPES = (Sequence, np.ndarray)

[docs]class Tag(object): """A mesh tag, which acts as a descriptor on the mesh. This dispatches access to intrinsic material properties, PyMOAB tags, and material metadata attributes. """ def __init__(self, mesh=None, name=None, doc=None): """Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh, optional The PyNE mesh to tag. name : str, optional The name of the tag. doc : str, optional Documentation string for the tag. """ if mesh is None or name is None: self._lazy_args = {'mesh': mesh, 'name': name, 'doc': doc} return self.mesh = mesh = name mesh.tags[name] = self if doc is None: doc = "the {0!r} tag".format(name) self.__doc__ = doc if hasattr(self, '_lazy_args'): del self._lazy_args def __str__(self): return "{0}: {1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, def __repr__(self): return "{0}(name={1!r}, doc={2!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.__doc__) def __get__(self, mesh, objtype=None): return self def __set__(self, mesh, value): if not isinstance(value, Tag): raise AttributeError("can't set tag from non-tag objects, " "got {0}".format(type(value))) if != raise AttributeError("tags names must match, found " "{0} and {1}".format(, self[:] = value[:] def __delete__(self, mesh): del mesh.tags[] del self[:] def delete(self, mesh=None): if mesh == None: mesh = self.mesh del self[:] del mesh.tags[]
[docs]class MaterialPropertyTag(Tag): """A mesh tag which looks itself up as a material property (attribute). This makes the following expressions equivalent for a given material property name::[i] == mesh.mats[i].name It also adds slicing, fancy indexing, boolean masking, and broadcasting features to this process. """ def __getitem__(self, key): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): return getattr(mats[int(key)], name) elif isinstance(key, slice): return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name) for i in range(*key.indices(size))]) elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError( "boolean mask must match the length of the mesh.") return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name) for i, b in enumerate(key) if b]) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name) for i in key]) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): setattr(mats[key], name, value) elif isinstance(key, slice): idx = range(*key.indices(size)) if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == len(idx): for i, v in zip(idx, value): setattr(mats[i], name, v) else: for i in idx: setattr(mats[i], name, value) elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match " "the length of the mesh.") idx = np.where(key)[0] if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == key.sum(): for i, v in zip(idx, value): setattr(mats[i], name, v) else: for i in idx: setattr(mats[i], name, value) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == len(key): for i, v in zip(key, value): setattr(mats[i], name, v) else: for i in key: setattr(mats[i], name, value) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __delitem__(self, key): msg = ("the material property tag {0!r} may " "not be deleted").format( raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs]class MaterialMethodTag(Tag): """A mesh tag which looks itself up by calling a material method which takes no arguments. This makes the following expressions equivalent for a given material method name::[i] == mesh.mats[i].name() It also adds slicing, fancy indexing, boolean masking, and broadcasting features to this process. """ def __getitem__(self, key): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): return getattr(mats[key], name)() elif isinstance(key, slice): return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name)() for i in range(*key.indices(size))]) elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the " "length of the mesh.") return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name)() for i, b in enumerate(key) if b]) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return np.array([getattr(mats[i], name)() for i in key]) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): msg = "the material method tag {0!r} may not be set".format( raise AttributeError(msg) def __delitem__(self, key): msg = ("the material method tag {0!r} may not be " "deleted").format( raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs]class MetadataTag(Tag): """A mesh tag which looks itself up as a material metadata attribute. Tags of this are untyped and may have any size. Use this for catch-all tags. This makes the following expressions equivalent for a given material property. name::[i] == mesh.mats[i].metadata['name'] It also adds slicing, fancy indexing, boolean masking, and broadcasting features to this process. """ def __getitem__(self, key): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): return mats[key].metadata[name] elif isinstance(key, slice): return [mats[i].metadata[name] for i in range(*key.indices(size))] elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") return [mats[i].metadata[name] for i, b in enumerate(key) if b] elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return [mats[i].metadata[name] for i in key] else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): mats[key].metadata[name] = value elif isinstance(key, slice): idx = range(*key.indices(size)) if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == len(idx): for i, v in zip(idx, value): mats[i].metadata[name] = v else: for i in idx: mats[i].metadata[name] = value elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") idx = np.where(key)[0] if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == key.sum(): for i, v in zip(idx, value): mats[i].metadata[name] = v else: for i in idx: mats[i].metadata[name] = value elif isinstance(key, Iterable): if isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES) and len(value) == len(key): for i, v in zip(key, value): mats[i].metadata[name] = v else: for i in key: mats[i].metadata[name] = value else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __delitem__(self, key): name = mats = self.mesh.mats if mats is None: RuntimeError("Mesh.mats is None, please add a MaterialLibrary.") size = len(self.mesh) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): del mats[key].metadata[name] elif isinstance(key, slice): for i in range(*key.indices(size)): del mats[i].metadata[name] elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") for i, b in enumerate(key): if b: del mats[i].metadata[name] elif isinstance(key, Iterable): for i in key: del mats[i].metadata[name] else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key))
[docs]class NativeMeshTag(Tag): """A mesh tag which looks itself up as a tag on a PyMOAB core instance. This makes the following expressions equivalent for a given PyNE/PyNE Mesh tag name:: mesh.tag_name[i] == mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(mesh.mesh.tag_get_handle(name), mesh.mesh.get_entities_by_type( mesh.mesh.get_root_set(), types.MBHEX))[i] It also adds slicing, fancy indexing, boolean masking, and broadcasting features to this process. """ def __init__(self, size=1, dtype='f8', default=0.0, mesh=None, name=None, doc=None): """Parameters ---------- size : int, optional The number of elements of type dtype that this tag stores. dtype : np.dtype or similar, optional The data type of this tag from int, float, and byte. See PyMOAB tags for more details. default : dtype or None, optional The default value to fill this tag with upon creation. If None, then the tag is created empty. mesh : Mesh, optional The PyNE mesh to tag. name : str, optional The name of the tag. doc : str, optional Documentation string for the tag. """ super(NativeMeshTag, self).__init__(mesh=mesh, name=name, doc=doc) if mesh is None or name is None: self._lazy_args['size'] = size self._lazy_args['dtype'] = dtype self._lazy_args['default'] = default return self.size = size self.dtype = dtype self.pymbtype = types.pymoab_data_type(self.dtype) self.default = default # if the tag already exists, pick up its properties try: self.tag = self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_handle( self.size = self.tag.get_length() self.dtype = self.tag.get_dtype() self.pymbtype = types.pymoab_data_type(self.dtype) self.default = self.tag.get_default_value() except RuntimeError: self.tag = self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_handle(, self.size, self.pymbtype, types.MB_TAG_DENSE, create_if_missing=True, default_value=default) if default is not None: self[:] = default def __delete__(self, mesh): super(NativeMeshTag, self).__delete__(mesh) mesh.mesh.tag_delete(self.tag) def delete(self, mesh=None): if mesh == None: mesh = self.mesh super(NativeMeshTag, self).delete() mesh.mesh.tag_delete(self.tag) def _collect_iterables(self, key, miter): ves = list(miter) list_of_ves = [] # support either indexes or entityhandles for k in key: if isinstance(k, _eh_py_type): list_of_ves.append(k) elif isinstance(k, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): list_of_ves.append(ves[k]) else: raise TypeError("{0} contains invalid element references " "(non-ints, non-handles)".format(key)) return list_of_ves def __getitem__(self, key): m = self.mesh.mesh size = len(self.mesh) mtag = self.tag miter = self.mesh.iter_ve() # special case, get data on mesh's root set if isinstance(key, Mesh) and key == self.mesh: return self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, self.mesh.mesh.get_root_set(), flat=True) elif isinstance(key, _eh_py_type): return self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, key, flat=True) elif isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): if key >= size: raise IndexError("key index {0} greater than the size of the " "mesh {1}".format(key, size)) for i_ve in zip(range(key+1), miter): pass return self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, i_ve[1], flat=True) elif isinstance(key, slice): flat = True if self.size == 1 else False ents = list(miter)[key] data = self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, ents, flat=flat) return data elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") return self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, [ve for b, ve in zip(key, miter) if b], flat=True) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): ves_to_get = self._collect_iterables(key, miter) return self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_data(self.tag, ves_to_get, flat=True) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # get value into canonical form tsize = self.size value = np.asarray(value, self.tag.get_dtype()) value = np.atleast_1d(value) if tsize == 1 else np.atleast_2d(value) # set up mesh to be iterated over m = self.mesh.mesh msize = len(self.mesh) mtag = self.tag miter = self.mesh.iter_ve() # special case: tag the mesh's root set if isinstance(key, Mesh) and key == self.mesh: self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data( self.tag, self.mesh.mesh.get_root_set(), value) elif isinstance(key, _eh_py_type): self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data(self.tag, key, value) elif isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): if key >= msize: raise IndexError("key index {0} greater than the size of the " "mesh {1}".format(key, msize)) for i_ve in zip(range(key+1), miter): pass self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data( self.tag, i_ve[1], value if tsize == 1 else value[0]) elif isinstance(key, slice): key = list(miter)[key] v = np.empty((len(key), tsize), self.tag.get_dtype()) if tsize == 1 and len(value.shape) == 1: v.shape = (len(key), ) v[...] = value self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data(mtag, key, v) elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != msize: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") key = [ve for b, ve in zip(key, miter) if b] v = np.empty((len(key), tsize), self.tag.get_dtype()) if tsize == 1 and len(value.shape) == 1: v.shape = (len(key), ) v[...] = value self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data(mtag, key, v) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): if tsize != 1 and len(value) != len(key): v = np.empty((len(key), tsize), self.tag.get_dtype()) v[...] = value value = v ves_to_tag = self._collect_iterables(key, miter) self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data(mtag, ves_to_tag, value) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __delitem__(self, key): m = self.mesh.mesh size = len(self.mesh) mtag = self.tag miter = self.mesh.iter_ve() # special case, look up mesh's root set if isinstance(key, Mesh) and key == self.mesh: self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data(mtag, self.mesh.mesh.get_root_set()) elif isinstance(key, _eh_py_type): self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data(mtag, key) elif isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): if key >= size: raise IndexError("key index {0} greater than the size of the " "mesh {1}".format(key, size)) for i_ve in zip(range(key+1), miter): pass self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data(mtag, i_ve[1]) elif isinstance(key, slice): self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data(mtag, list(miter)[key]) elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the " "length of the mesh.") self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data( mtag, [ve for b, ve in zip(key, miter) if b]) elif isinstance(key, Iterable): ves_to_del = self._collect_iterables(key, miter) self.mesh.mesh.tag_delete_data(mtag, ves_to_del) else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key))
[docs] def expand(self): """This function creates a group of scalar tags from a vector tag. For a vector tag named <tag_name> of length N, scalar tags in the form: <tag_name>_000, <tag_name>_001, <tag_name>_002... <tag_name>_N are created and the data is tagged accordingly. """ if self.size < 2: raise TypeError("Cannot expand a tag that is already a scalar.") for j in range(self.size): data = [x[j] for x in self[:]] tag = self.mesh.mesh.tag_get_handle("{0}_{1:03d}".format(, j), 1, self.pymbtype, storage_type=types.MB_TAG_DENSE, create_if_missing=True) self.mesh.mesh.tag_set_data(tag, list(self.mesh.iter_ve()), data)
[docs]class ComputedTag(Tag): '''A mesh tag which looks itself up by calling a function (or other callable) with the following signature:: def f(mesh, i): """mesh is a pyne.mesh.Mesh() object and i is the volume element index to compute. """ # ... do some work ... return anything_you_want This makes the following expressions equivalent for a given computed tag name::[i] == f(mesh, i) It also adds slicing, fancy indexing, boolean masking, and broadcasting features to this process. Notes ----- The results of computed tags are not stored and the function object itself is also not persisted. Therefore, you must manually re-tag the mesh with the desired functions each session. ''' def __init__(self, f, mesh=None, name=None, doc=None): """Parameters ---------- f : callable object The function that performs the computation. mesh : Mesh, optional The PyNE mesh to tag. name : str, optional The name of the tag. doc : str, optional Documentation string for the tag. """ doc = doc or f.__doc__ super(ComputedTag, self).__init__(mesh=mesh, name=name, doc=doc) if mesh is None or name is None: self._lazy_args['f'] = f return self.f = f def __getitem__(self, key): m = self.mesh f = self.f size = len(m) if isinstance(key, _INTEGRAL_TYPES): if key >= size: raise IndexError("key index {0} greater than the size of the " "mesh {1}".format(key, size)) return f(m, key) elif isinstance(key, slice): return [f(m, i) for i in range(*key.indices(size))] elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray) and key.dtype == np.bool: if len(key) != size: raise KeyError("boolean mask must match the length " "of the mesh.") return [f(m, i) for i, b in enumerate(key) if b] elif isinstance(key, Iterable): return [f(m, i) for i in key] else: raise TypeError("{0} is not an int, slice, mask, " "or fancy index.".format(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): msg = "the computed tag {0!r} may not be set".format( raise AttributeError(msg) def __delitem__(self, key): msg = "the computed tag {0!r} may not be deleted".format( raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs]class MeshError(Exception): """Errors related to instantiating mesh objects and utilizing their methods. """ pass
[docs]class Mesh(object): """This class houses a PyMOAB core instance and contains methods for various mesh operations. Special methods exploit the properties of structured mesh. Attributes ---------- mesh : PyMOAB core instance structured : bool True for structured mesh. structured_coords : list of lists A list containing lists of x_points, y_points and z_points that make up a structured mesh. structured_ordering : str A three character string denoting the iteration order of the mesh (e.g. 'xyz', meaning z changest fastest, then y, then x.) """ def __init__(self, mesh=None, structured=False, structured_coords=None, structured_set=None, structured_ordering='xyz', mats=()): """Parameters ---------- mesh : PyMOAB core instance or str, optional Either a PyMOAB core instance or a file name of a PyMOAB mesh file. structured : bool, optional True for structured mesh. structured_coords : list of lists, optional A list containing lists of x_points, y_points and z_points that make up a structured mesh. structured_set : PyMOAB entity set handle, optional A preexisting structured entity set on an PyMOAB core instance with a "BOX_DIMS" tag. structured_ordering : str, optional A three character string denoting the iteration order of the mesh (e.g. 'xyz', meaning z changest fastest, then y, then x.) mats : MaterialLibrary or dict or Materials or None, optional This is a mapping of volume element handles to Material objects. If mats is None, then no empty materials are created for the mesh. Unstructured mesh instantiation: - From PyMOAB core instance by specifying: <mesh> - From mesh file by specifying: <mesh_file> Structured mesh instantiation: - From PyMOAB core instance with exactly 1 entity set (with BOX_DIMS tag) by specifying <mesh> and structured = True. - From mesh file with exactly 1 entity set (with BOX_DIMS tag) by specifying <mesh_file> and structured = True. - From a PyMOAB instance with multiple entity sets by specifying <mesh>, <structured_set>, structured=True. - From coordinates by specifying <structured_coords>, structured=True, and optional pre-existing PyMOAB core instance <mesh> The "BOX_DIMS" tag on PyMOAB core instances containing structured mesh is a vector of floats in the following form: [i_min, j_min, k_min, i_max, j_max, k_max] where each value is a volume element index number. Typically volume elements should be indexed from 0. The "BOX_DIMS" information is stored in self.dims. """ # if Mesh is made and no parameters passed, raise MeshError if (mesh is None) and (not structured) and (structured_coords is None) \ and (structured_set is None) and (structured_ordering == 'xyz') \ and (mats == ()): raise MeshError("Trivial mesh instantiation detected. " "For structured mesh instantiation, " "supply exactly one of the following:\n" "A. PyMOAB instance\n" "B. Mesh file\n" "C. Mesh coordinates\n" "D. Structured entity set AND PyMOAB instance") if mesh is None: self.mesh = mb_core.Core() elif isinstance(mesh, basestring): self.mesh = mb_core.Core() self.mesh.load_file(mesh) else: self.mesh = mesh self.structured = structured if self.structured: self.scd = scd.ScdInterface(self.mesh) self.structured_coords = structured_coords self.structured_ordering = structured_ordering # if a MOAB mesh instance exists and no structured coords # or structured set is provided, search for a single # structured set if (mesh is not None) and not structured_coords \ and not structured_set: # check for the structured box tag on the instance try: box_tag = self.mesh.tag_get_handle(_BOX_DIMS_TAG_NAME) except RuntimeError as e: print("BOX_DIMS not found on MOAB mesh instance") raise e # find all entity sets with the structured box tag count = 0 root_set = self.mesh.get_root_set() for ent_set in self.mesh.get_entities_by_type(root_set, types.MBENTITYSET): try: self.mesh.tag_get_data(box_tag, ent_set) except RuntimeError: pass else: self.structured_set = ent_set count += 1 if count == 0: raise MeshError("Found no structured meshes in " "file {0}".format(mesh)) elif count > 1: raise MeshError("Found {0} structured meshes." " Instantiate individually using" " from_ent_set()".format(count)) # from coordinates elif (mesh is None) and structured_coords and not structured_set: # check for single vertex coordinates here? it seems we only support volumetric mesh -PCS extents = [0, 0, 0] + [len(x) - 1 for x in structured_coords] low = hcoord.HomCoord([0, 0, 0]) high = hcoord.HomCoord([len(x) - 1 for x in structured_coords]) # get coordinates as array xs = np.asarray(structured_coords[0]) ys = np.asarray(structured_coords[1]) zs = np.asarray(structured_coords[2]) # generate array coords = np.empty( (xs.size * ys.size * zs.size * 3,), dtype=np.float64) # set mesh values coords[0::3] = np.tile(xs, ys.size * zs.size) coords[1::3] = np.tile(np.repeat(ys, xs.size,), zs.size) coords[2::3] = np.repeat(zs, xs.size * ys.size) # construct the structured mesh scd_box = self.scd.construct_box(low, high, coords) self.structured_set = scd_box.box_set() # from mesh and structured_set: elif not structured_coords and structured_set: # check for the structured box tag on the instance try: box_tag = self.mesh.tag_get_handle(_BOX_DIMS_TAG_NAME) except types.MB_TAG_NOT_FOUND as e: print("BOX_DIMS not found on MOAB mesh instance") raise e # check that the structured_set found is tagged as a structured set try: self.mesh.tag_get_data(box_tag, structured_set) except: print("Supplied entity set does not contain BOX_DIMS tag") raise e self.structured_set = structured_set else: raise MeshError("For structured mesh instantiation, need to" "supply exactly one of the following:\n" "A. PyMOAB instance\n" "B. Mesh file\n" "C. Mesh coordinates\n" "D. Structured entity set AND PyMOAB instance") self.dims = list(self.mesh.tag_get_data(self.mesh.tag_get_handle(_BOX_DIMS_TAG_NAME), self.structured_set, flat=True)) self.vertex_dims = list(self.dims[0:3]) \ + [x + 1 for x in self.dims[3:6]] if self.structured_coords is None: self.structured_coords = [self.structured_get_divisions("x"), self.structured_get_divisions("y"), self.structured_get_divisions("z")] else: # Unstructured mesh cases # Error if structured arguments are passed if structured_coords or structured_set: MeshError("Structured mesh arguments should not be present for\ unstructured Mesh instantiation.") # sets mats mats_in_mesh_file = False if isinstance(mesh, basestring) and len(mats) == 0: with tb.open_file(mesh) as h5f: if '/mat_name' in h5f: mats_in_mesh_file = True mat_path = '/mat_name' elif ('/materials' in h5f) or ('/material_library/materials' in h5f): mats_in_mesh_file = True mat_path = '/materials' if mats_in_mesh_file: mats = MaterialLibrary(mesh, datapath=mat_path) if mats is None: pass elif len(mats) == 0 and not mats_in_mesh_file: mats = MaterialLibrary() elif not isinstance(mats, MaterialLibrary): mats = MaterialLibrary(mats) self.mats = mats # tag with volume id and ensure mats exist. ves = list(self.iter_ve()) tags = self.mesh.tag_get_tags_on_entity(ves[0]) tags = set(tag.get_name() for tag in tags) if 'idx' in tags: tag_idx = self.mesh.tag_get_handle('idx') else: tag_idx = self.mesh.tag_get_handle('idx', 1, types.MB_TYPE_INTEGER, types.MB_TAG_DENSE, create_if_missing=True) # tag elements with index idxs = np.arange(0, len(ves)) self.mesh.tag_set_data(tag_idx, ves, idxs) # check for and populate materials if mats is not None: for i in range(len(ves)): if i not in mats: mats[i] = Material() self._len = len(ves) # Default tags self.tags = {} if mats is not None: # metadata tags, these should come first so they don't accidentally # overwite hard coded tag names. metatagnames = set() for mat in mats.values(): metatagnames.update(mat.metadata.keys()) for name in metatagnames: setattr(self, name, MetadataTag(mesh=self, name=name)) # PyMOAB tags tagnames = set() for ve in ves: tagnames.update(t.get_name() for t in self.mesh.tag_get_tags_on_entity(ve)) for name in tagnames: setattr(self, name, NativeMeshTag(mesh=self, name=name)) if mats is not None: # Material property tags self.atoms_per_molecule = MaterialPropertyTag(mesh=self, name='atoms_per_molecule', doc='Number of atoms per molecule') self.metadata = MaterialPropertyTag(mesh=self, name='metadata', doc='metadata attributes, stored on the material') self.comp = MaterialPropertyTag(mesh=self, name='comp', doc='normalized composition mapping from nuclides to ' 'mass fractions') self.mass = MaterialPropertyTag(mesh=self, name='mass', doc='the mass of the material') self.density = MaterialPropertyTag(mesh=self, name='density', doc='the density [g/cc]') # Material method tags methtagnames = ('expand_elements', 'mass_density', 'molecular_mass', 'mult_by_mass', 'number_density', 'sub_act', 'sub_fp', 'sub_lan', 'sub_ma', 'sub_tru', 'to_atom_frac') for name in methtagnames: doc = "see Material.{0}() for more information".format(name) setattr(self, name, MaterialMethodTag(mesh=self, name=name, doc=doc)) def get_all_tags(self): return [getattr(self, t) for t in dir(self) if isinstance(getattr(self, t), Tag)] def __len__(self): return self._len def __iter__(self): """Iterates through the mesh and at each step yield the volume element index i, the material mat, and the volume element itself ve. """ mats = self.mats if mats is None: for i, ve in enumerate(self.iter_ve()): yield i, None, ve else: for i, ve in enumerate(self.iter_ve()): yield i, mats[i], ve
[docs] def iter_ve(self): """Returns an iterator that yields on the volume elements.""" if self.structured: return self.structured_iterate_hex(self.structured_ordering) else: return iter(list(self.mesh.get_entities_by_dimension(self.mesh.get_root_set(), 3, True)))
def __contains__(self, i): return i < len(self) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if isinstance(value, Tag) and hasattr(value, '_lazy_args'): # some 1337 1Azy 3\/a1 kwargs = value._lazy_args kwargs['mesh'] = self if kwargs['mesh'] is None else kwargs['mesh'] kwargs['name'] = name if kwargs['name'] is None else kwargs['name'] value = type(value)(**kwargs) super(Mesh, self).__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def tag(self, name, value=None, tagtype=None, doc=None, size=None, dtype=None): """Adds a new tag to the mesh, guessing the approriate place to store the data. Parameters ---------- name : str The tag name value : optional The value to initialize the tag with, skipped if None. tagtype : Tag or str, optional The type of tag this should be any of the following classes or strings are accepted: NativeMeshTag, MetadataTag, ComputedTag, 'nat_mesh', 'metadata', or 'computed'. doc : str, optional The tag documentation string. size : int, optional The size of the tag. This only applies to NativeMeshTags. dtype : numpy dtype, optional The data type of the tag. This only applies to NativeMeshTags. See PyMOAB for more details. """ if name in self.tags: raise KeyError('{0} tag already exists on the mesh'.format(name)) if tagtype is None: if callable(value): tagtype = ComputedTag elif size is None and dtype is not None: size = 1 tagtype = NativeMeshTag elif size is not None and dtype is None: dtype = 'f8' tagtype = NativeMeshTag elif value is None: size = 1 value = 0.0 dtype = 'f8' tagtype = NativeMeshTag elif isinstance(value, float): size = 1 dtype = 'f8' tagtype = NativeMeshTag elif isinstance(value, int): size = 1 dtype = 'i' tagtype = NativeMeshTag elif isinstance(value, str): tagtype = MetadataTag elif isinstance(value, _SEQUENCE_TYPES): raise ValueError('ambiguous tag {0!r} creation when value is a' ' sequence, please set tagtype, size, ' 'or dtype'.format(name)) else: tagtype = MetadataTag if tagtype is NativeMeshTag or tagtype.lower() == 'nat_mesh': t = NativeMeshTag(size=size, dtype=dtype, mesh=self, name=name, doc=doc) elif tagtype is MetadataTag or tagtype.lower() == 'metadata': t = MetadataTag(mesh=self, name=name, doc=doc) elif tagtype is ComputedTag or tagtype.lower() == 'computed': t = ComputedTag(f=value, mesh=self, name=name, doc=doc) else: raise ValueError('tagtype {0} not valid'.format(tagtype)) if value is not None and tagtype is not ComputedTag: t[:] = value setattr(self, name, t)
def get_tag(self, tag_name): return getattr(self, tag_name) def delete_tag(self, tag): if isinstance(tag, Tag): tag_name = tag_handle = tag elif isinstance(tag, str): tag_name = tag tag_handle = self.tags[tag_name] else: raise ValueError( '{0} is neither a Tag object nor a string'.format(tag)) tag_handle.delete() if hasattr(self, tag_name): delattr(self, tag_name) def __iadd__(self, other): """Adds the common tags of other to the mesh object.""" tags = self.common_ve_tags(other) return self._do_op(other, tags, "+") def __isub__(self, other): """Substracts the common tags of other to the mesh object.""" tags = self.common_ve_tags(other) return self._do_op(other, tags, "-") def __imul__(self, other): """Multiplies the common tags of other to the mesh object.""" tags = self.common_ve_tags(other) return self._do_op(other, tags, "*") def __idiv__(self, other): """Divides the common tags of other to the mesh object.""" tags = self.common_ve_tags(other) return self._do_op(other, tags, "/") def __itruediv__(self, other): """Divides the common tags of other to the mesh object.""" tags = self.common_ve_tags(other) return self._do_op(other, tags, "/") def _do_op(self, other, tags, op, in_place=True): """Private function to do mesh +, -, *, /.""" # Exclude error tags in a case a StatMesh is mistakenly initialized as # a Mesh object. tags = set(tag for tag in tags if not tag.endswith('_error')) if in_place: mesh_1 = self else: mesh_1 = copy.copy(self) for tag in tags: for ve_1, ve_2 in \ zip(zip(iter(meshset_iterate(mesh_1.mesh, mesh_1.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3))), zip(iter(meshset_iterate(other.mesh, other.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3)))): mesh_1_tag = mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag) other_tag = other.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag) val = _ops[op](mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_data(mesh_1_tag, ve_1, flat=True)[0], other.mesh.tag_get_data(other_tag, ve_2, flat=True)[0]) mesh_1.mesh.tag_set_data(mesh_1_tag, ve_1, _ops[op](mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_data(mesh_1_tag, ve_1, flat=True)[0], other.mesh.tag_get_data(other_tag, ve_2, flat=True)[0])) return mesh_1
[docs] def common_ve_tags(self, other): """Returns the volume element tags in common between self and other.""" self_it = MeshSetIterator(self.mesh, self.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3) self_tags = self.mesh.tag_get_tags_on_entity(next(self_it)) other_it = MeshSetIterator(other.mesh, other.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3) other_tags = other.mesh.tag_get_tags_on_entity(next(other_it)) self_tags = set(x.get_name() for x in self_tags) other_tags = set(x.get_name() for x in other_tags) intersect = self_tags & other_tags intersect.discard('idx') return intersect
def __copy__(self): # first copy full pymoab instance pymb_copy = mb_core.Core() # now create Mesh objected from copied PyMOAB instance mesh_copy = Mesh(mesh=pymb_copy, structured=copy.copy(self.structured)) return mesh_copy # Non-structured volume methods
[docs] def elem_volume(self, ve): """Get the volume of a hexahedral or tetrahedral volume element Approaches are adapted from MOAB's measure.cpp. Parameters ---------- ve : PyMOAB EntitySet handle A volume element Returns ------- .. : float Element's volume. Returns None if volume is not a hex or tet. """ coord = self.mesh.get_coords( self.mesh.get_connectivity(ve)).reshape(-1, 3) num_coords = coord.shape[0] if num_coords == 4: return abs(np.linalg.det(coord[:-1] - coord[1:])) / 6.0 elif num_coords == 8: b = coord[np.array([[0, 1, 3, 4], [7, 3, 6, 4], [4, 5, 1, 6], [1, 6, 3, 4], [2, 6, 3, 1]])] return np.sum(np.abs(np.linalg.det(b[:, :-1] - b[:, 1:]))) / 6.0 else: return None
[docs] def ve_center(self, ve): """Finds the point at the center of any tetrahedral or hexahedral mesh volume element. Parameters ---------- ve : PyMOAB EntitySet handle Any mesh volume element. Returns ------- center : tuple The (x, y, z) coordinates of the center of the mesh volume element. """ ve_handle = _eh_py_type(ve) coords = self.mesh.get_coords( self.mesh.get_connectivity(ve_handle)).reshape(-1, 3) center = tuple([np.mean(coords[:, x]) for x in range(3)]) return center
# Structured methods:
[docs] def structured_get_vertex(self, i, j, k): """Return the handle for (i,j,k)'th vertex in the mesh""" self._structured_check() n = _structured_find_idx(self.vertex_dims, (i, j, k)) return _structured_step_iter(meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, entity_type=types.MBVERTEX), n)
[docs] def structured_get_hex(self, i, j, k): """Return the handle for the (i,j,k)'th hexahedron in the mesh""" self._structured_check() n = _structured_find_idx(self.dims, (i, j, k)) return _structured_step_iter( meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, types.MBHEX, 3), n)
[docs] def structured_hex_volume(self, i, j, k): """Return the volume of the (i,j,k)'th hexahedron in the mesh""" self._structured_check() handle = self.structured_get_hex(i, j, k) h = self.mesh.get_connectivity(handle) coord = self.mesh.get_coords(list(h)) coord = coord.reshape(8, 3) # assumes a "well-behaved" hex element dx = max(coord[:, 0]) - min(coord[:, 0]) dy = max(coord[:, 1]) - min(coord[:, 1]) dz = max(coord[:, 2]) - min(coord[:, 2]) return dx * dy * dz
[docs] def structured_iterate_hex(self, order="zyx", **kw): """Get an iterator over the hexahedra of the mesh The order argument specifies the iteration order. It must be a string of 1-3 letters from the set (x,y,z). The rightmost letter is the axis along which the iteration will advance the most quickly. Thus "zyx" -- x coordinates changing fastest, z coordinates changing least fast-- is the default, and is identical to the order that would be given by the structured_set.iterate() function. When a dimension is absent from the order, iteration will proceed over only the column in the mesh that has the lowest corresonding (i/j/k) coordinate. Thus, with order "xy," iteration proceeds over the i/j plane of the structured mesh with the smallest k coordinate. Specific slices can be specified with keyword arguments: Keyword args:: x: specify one or more i-coordinates to iterate over. y: specify one or more j-coordinates to iterate over. z: specify one or more k-coordinates to iterate over. Examples:: structured_iterate_hex(): equivalent to mehset_iterator over hexes in mesh structured_iterate_hex("xyz"): iterate over entire mesh, with k-coordinates changing fastest, i-coordinates least fast. structured_iterate_hex("yz", x=3): Iterate over the j-k plane of the mesh whose i-coordinate is 3, with k values changing fastest. structured_iterate_hex("z"): Iterate over k-coordinates, with i=dims.imin and j=dims.jmin structured_iterate_hex("yxz", y=(3,4)): Iterate over all hexes with j-coordinate = 3 or 4. k-coordinate values change fastest, j-values least fast. """ self._structured_check() # special case: zyx order is the standard pytaps iteration order, # so we can save time by simply returning an iterator # if no kwargs were specified if order == "zyx" and not kw: return meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, entity_type=types.MBHEX, dim=3) indices, ordmap = _structured_iter_setup(self.dims, order, **kw) return _structured_iter(indices, ordmap, self.dims, meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, entity_type=types.MBHEX, dim=3))
[docs] def structured_iterate_vertex(self, order="zyx", **kw): """Get an iterator over the vertices of the mesh See structured_iterate_hex() for an explanation of the order argument and the available keyword arguments. """ self._structured_check() # special case: zyx order without kw is equivalent to an iterator if order == "zyx" and not kw: return meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, entity_type=types.MBVERTEX) indices, ordmap = _structured_iter_setup(self.vertex_dims, order, **kw) return _structured_iter(indices, ordmap, self.vertex_dims, meshset_iterate(self.mesh, self.structured_set, entity_type=types.MBVERTEX))
[docs] def structured_iterate_hex_volumes(self, order="zyx", **kw): """Get an iterator over the volumes of the mesh hexahedra See structured_iterate_hex() for an explanation of the order argument and the available keyword arguments. """ self._structured_check() indices, _ = _structured_iter_setup(self.dims, order, **kw) # Use an inefficient but simple approach: call structured_hex_volume() # on each required i,j,k pair. # A better implementation would only make one call to getVtxCoords. for A in itertools.product(*indices): # the ordmap returned from _structured_iter_setup maps to kji/zyx # ordering, but we want ijk/xyz ordering, so create the ordmap # differently. ordmap = [order.find(L) for L in "xyz"] ijk = [A[ordmap[x]] for x in range(3)] yield self.structured_hex_volume(*ijk)
[docs] def iter_structured_idx(self, order=None): """Return an iterater object of volume element indexes (idx) for any iteration order. Note that idx is assigned upon instantiation in the order of the structured_ordering attribute. This method is meant to be used when the order argument is different from structured_ordering. When they are the same, the iterator (0, 1, 2, ... N-1) is returned. Parameters ---------- order : str, optional The requested iteration order (e.g. 'zyx'). """ self._structured_check() if not order: order = self.structured_ordering ves = self.structured_iterate_hex(order) tag = self.mesh.tag_get_handle('idx') for ve in ves: yield self.mesh.tag_get_data(tag, ve, flat=True)[0]
[docs] def structured_get_divisions(self, dim): """Get the mesh divisions on a given dimension Given a dimension "x", "y", or "z", return a list of the mesh vertices along that dimension. """ self._structured_check() ## sometimes the dim is the ascii of the 'x', 'y', 'z' if len(dim) == 1 and dim in "xyz": idx = "xyz".find(dim) return [self.mesh.get_coords(v)[idx] for v in self.structured_iterate_vertex(dim)] else: raise MeshError("Invalid dimension: {0}".format(str(dim)))
def _structured_check(self): if not self.structured: raise MeshError("Structured mesh methods cannot be called from " "unstructured mesh instances.")
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, filename, write_mats=True): """Writes the mesh to an hdf5 file.""" self.mesh.write_file(filename) if write_mats and self.mats is not None: self.mats.write_hdf5(filename)
[docs] def cell_fracs_to_mats(self, cell_fracs, cell_mats): """This function uses the output from dagmc.discretize_geom() and a mapping of geometry cells to Materials to assign materials to each mesh volume element. Parameters ---------- cell_fracs : structured array The output from dagmc.discretize_geom(). A sorted, one dimensional array, each entry containing the following fields: :idx: int The volume element index. :cell: int The geometry cell number. :vol_frac: float The volume fraction of the cell withing the mesh ve. :rel_error: float The relative error associated with the volume fraction. The array must be sorted with respect to both idx and cell, with cell changing fastest. cell_mats : dict Maps geometry cell numbers to Material objects that represent what material each cell is made of. """ for i in range(len(self)): mat_col = {} # Collection of materials in the ith ve. for row in cell_fracs[cell_fracs['idx'] == i]: mat_col[cell_mats[row['cell']]] = row['vol_frac'] mixed = MultiMaterial(mat_col) self.mats[i] = mixed.mix_by_volume()
[docs] def tag_cell_fracs(self, cell_fracs): """This function uses the output from dagmc.discretize_geom() and a mapping of geometry cells to set the cell_fracs_tag. Parameters ---------- cell_fracs : structured array The output from dagmc.discretize_geom(). A sorted, one dimensional array, each entry containing the following fields: :idx: int The volume element index. :cell: int The geometry cell number. :vol_frac: float The volume fraction of the cell withing the mesh ve. :rel_error: float The relative error associated with the volume fraction. The array must be sorted with respect to both idx and cell, with cell changing fastest. """ num_vol_elements = len(self) # sort cell_fracs cell_fracs = _cell_fracs_sort_vol_frac_reverse(cell_fracs) # Find the maximum cell number in a voxel max_num_cells = -1 for i in range(num_vol_elements): max_num_cells = max(max_num_cells, len(cell_fracs[cell_fracs['idx'] == i])) # create tag frame with default value cell_largest_frac_number = [-1] * num_vol_elements cell_largest_frac = [0.0] * num_vol_elements voxel_cell_number = np.empty(shape=(num_vol_elements, max_num_cells), dtype=int) voxel_cell_fracs = np.empty(shape=(num_vol_elements, max_num_cells), dtype=float) voxel_cell_number.fill(-1) voxel_cell_fracs.fill(0.0) # set the data for i in range(num_vol_elements): for (cell, row) in enumerate(cell_fracs[cell_fracs['idx'] == i]): voxel_cell_number[i, cell] = row['cell'] voxel_cell_fracs[i, cell] = row['vol_frac'] # cell_largest_frac_tag cell_largest_frac[i] = max(voxel_cell_fracs[i, :]) largest_index = \ list(voxel_cell_fracs[i, :]).index(cell_largest_frac[i]) cell_largest_frac_number[i] = \ int(voxel_cell_number[i, largest_index]) # create the tags self.tag(name='cell_number', value=voxel_cell_number, doc='cell numbers of the voxel, -1 used to fill vacancy', tagtype=NativeMeshTag, size=max_num_cells, dtype=int) self.tag(name='cell_fracs', value=voxel_cell_fracs, tagtype=NativeMeshTag, doc='volume fractions of each cell in the ' 'voxel, 0.0 used to fill vacancy', size=max_num_cells, dtype=float) self.tag(name='cell_largest_frac_number', value=cell_largest_frac_number, tagtype=NativeMeshTag, doc='cell number of the cell with largest volume fraction in ' 'the voxel', size=1, dtype=int) self.tag(name='cell_largest_frac', value=cell_largest_frac, tagtype=NativeMeshTag, doc='cell fraction of the cell with ' 'largest cell volume fraction', size=1, dtype=float)
[docs]class StatMesh(Mesh): """This class extends the basic Mesh class by modifying the standard mathematical operations that are performed on multiple meshes. A StatMesh assumes that each value being operated upon also has a statistical error associaed with it, and forces operations on the statistical error as well. For any tag with name `tag_name` the StatMesh assumes that there is also a tag with name `tag_name_rel_error`. For example, when to quantities are added together, c = a + b, the statistical error of c is found by combining the statistical errors of a and b. """ def __init__(self, mesh=None, structured=False, structured_coords=None, structured_set=None, mats=()): super(StatMesh, self).__init__(mesh=mesh, structured=structured, structured_coords=structured_coords, structured_set=structured_set, mats=mats) def _do_op(self, other, tags, op, in_place=True): """Private function to do mesh +, -, *, /. Called by operater overloading functions. """ # Exclude error tags because result and error tags are treated # simultaneously so there is not need to include both in the tag # list to iterate through. error_suffix = "_rel_error" tags = set(tag for tag in tags if not tag.endswith(error_suffix)) if in_place: mesh_1 = self else: mesh_1 = copy.copy(self) for tag in tags: for ve_1, ve_2 in \ zip(zip(iter(meshset_iterate(mesh_1.mesh, mesh_1.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3))), zip(iter(meshset_iterate(other.mesh, other.structured_set, types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=3)))): mesh_1_err_tag = mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag + error_suffix) other_err_tag = other.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag + error_suffix) mesh_1_tag = mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag) other_tag = other.mesh.tag_get_handle(tag) mesh_1_val = mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_data( mesh_1_tag, ve_1, flat=True)[0] other_val = other.mesh.tag_get_data( other_tag, ve_2, flat=True)[0] mesh_1_err = mesh_1.mesh.tag_get_data( mesh_1_err_tag, ve_1, flat=True)[0] other_err = other.mesh.tag_get_data( other_err_tag, ve_2, flat=True)[0] new_err_val = err__ops[op]( mesh_1_val, other_val, mesh_1_err, other_err) mesh_1.mesh.tag_set_data(mesh_1_err_tag, ve_1, new_err_val) new_val = _ops[op](mesh_1_val, other_val) mesh_1.mesh.tag_set_data(mesh_1_tag, ve_1, new_val) return mesh_1
[docs]class MeshTally(StatMesh): """This class stores all information from a single mesh tally that exists within some meshtal or state point file. Header information is stored as attributes and the "mesh" attribute is a PyNE mesh object tagged with all result and relative error data. This class inherits from StatMesh, exposing all statistical mesh manipulation methods. Attributes ---------- tally_number : int The tally number. For mesh tally from MCNP, it must end with 4 (e.g. 4, 14, 214). For mesh tally from OpenMC, it could be any int. particle : string Either "neutron" for a neutron mesh tally or "photon" for a photon mesh tally. dose_response : bool True if the tally is modified by a dose response function. x_bounds : tuple of floats The locations of mesh vertices in the x direction. y_bounds : tuple of floats The locations of mesh vertices in the y direction. z_bounds : tuple of floats The locations of mesh vertices in the z direction. dims : list Dimensions of the mesh. num_ves : int Number of volume elements. e_bounds : tuple of floats The minimum and maximum bounds for energy bins. num_e_groups: int Number of energy groups. mesh : An PyMOAB core instance tagged with all results and relative errors. tag_names : iterable Four strs that specify the tag names for the results, relative errors, total results, and total relative error. Notes ----- All Mesh/StatMesh attributes are also present via a super() call to StatMesh.__init__(). """ def __init__(self): """Create an empty MeshTally object and set default values.""" if not HAVE_PYMOAB: raise NotImplementedError("PyMOAB is not available, " "unable to create Meshtally Mesh.") self.tally_number = None self.particle = 'neutron' self.set_default_tag_names() @property def tag_names(self): return self._tag_names @tag_names.setter def tag_names(self, tag_names): _check_meshtally_tag_names(tag_names) self._tag_names = tag_names
[docs] def set_default_tag_names(self): """Set default tag_names according to particle type.""" self.tag_names = ("{0}_result".format(self.particle), "{0}_result_rel_error".format(self.particle), "{0}_result_total".format(self.particle), "{0}_result_total_rel_error".format(self.particle))
[docs] def tag_flux_error_from_tally_results(self, result, rel_err, res_tot, rel_err_tot): """ This function uses the output tally result, rel_err, res_tot and the rel_err_tot to set the flux and error tags. Parameters ---------- result : numpy array This numpy array contains the flux data read from MCNP meshtal or OpenMC state point file. The shape of this numpy array is (ves, num_e_groups). rel_err : numpy array This numpy array contains the relative error data read from MCNP meshtal or OpenMC state point file. The shape of this numpy array is (num_ves, num_e_groups). res_tot : list The total results. rel_err_tot : list Relative error of total results. """ num_ves = len(self) self.tag(name=self.tag_names[0], value=result, doc='{0} flux'.format(self.particle), tagtype=NativeMeshTag, size=self.num_e_groups, dtype=float) # set result_rel_error tag self.tag(name=self.tag_names[1], value=rel_err, doc='{0} flux relative error'.format(self.particle), tagtype=NativeMeshTag, size=self.num_e_groups, dtype=float) # set result_total tag self.tag(name=self.tag_names[2], value=res_tot, doc='total {0} flux'.format(self.particle), tagtype=NativeMeshTag, size=1, dtype=float) # set result_total_rel_error tag self.tag(name=self.tag_names[3], value=rel_err_tot, doc='total {0} flux relative error'.format(self.particle), tagtype=NativeMeshTag, size=1, dtype=float)
###################################################### # private helper functions for structured mesh methods ###################################################### def _structured_find_idx(dims, ijk): """Helper method fo structured_get_vertex and structured_get_hex. For tuple (i,j,k), return the number N in the appropriate iterator. """ dim0 = [0] * 3 for i in range(0, 3): if (dims[i] > ijk[i] or dims[i + 3] <= ijk[i]): raise MeshError(str(ijk) + " is out of bounds") dim0[i] = ijk[i] - dims[i] i0, j0, k0 = dim0 n = (((dims[4] - dims[1]) * (dims[3] - dims[0]) * k0) + ((dims[3] - dims[0]) * j0) + i0) return n def _structured_step_iter(it, n): """Helper method for structured_get_vertex and structured_get_hex Return the nth item in the iterator. """ it.step(n) r = next(it) it.reset() return r def _structured_iter_setup(dims, order, **kw): """Setup helper function for StrMesh iterator functions Given dims and the arguments to the iterator function, return a list of three lists, each being a set of desired coordinates, with fastest-changing coordinate in the last column), and the ordmap used by _structured_iter to reorder each coodinate to (i,j,k). """ # a valid order has the letters "x", "y", and "z" # in any order without duplicates if not (len(order) <= 3 and len(set(order)) == len(order) and all([a in "xyz" for a in order])): raise MeshError("Invalid iteration order: " + str(order)) # process kw for validity spec = {} for idx, d in enumerate("xyz"): if d in kw: spec[d] = kw[d] if not isinstance(spec[d], Iterable): spec[d] = [spec[d]] if not all(x in range(dims[idx], dims[idx + 3]) for x in spec[d]): raise MeshError("Invalid iterator kwarg: " "{0}={1}".format(d, spec[d])) if d not in order and len(spec[d]) > 1: raise MeshError("Cannot iterate over" + str(spec[d]) + "without a proper iteration order") if d not in order: order = d + order spec[d] = spec.get(d, [dims[idx]]) # get indices and ordmap indices = [] for L in order: idx = "xyz".find(L) indices.append(spec.get(L, range(dims[idx], dims[idx + 3]))) ordmap = ["zyx".find(L) for L in order] return indices, ordmap def _structured_iter(indices, ordmap, dims, it): """Iterate over the indices lists, yielding _structured_step_iter(it) for each. """ d = [0, 0, 1] d[1] = (dims[3] - dims[0]) d[0] = (dims[4] - dims[1]) * d[1] mins = [dims[2], dims[1], dims[0]] offsets = ([(a - mins[ordmap[x]]) * d[ordmap[x]] for a in indices[x]] for x in range(3)) for ioff, joff, koff in itertools.product(*offsets): yield _structured_step_iter(it, (ioff + joff + koff)) if HAVE_PYMOAB: def mesh_iterate(mesh, mesh_type=3, topo_type=types.MBMAXTYPE): return meshset_iterate(mesh, 0, topo_type, mesh_type, recursive=True) def meshset_iterate(pymb, meshset=0, entity_type=types.MBMAXTYPE, dim=-1, arr_size=1, recursive=False): return MeshSetIterator(pymb, meshset, entity_type, dim, arr_size, recursive) class MeshSetIterator(object): def __init__(self, inst, meshset, entity_type, dim=-1, arr_size=1, recursive=False): self.pymb = inst self.meshset = meshset self.ent_type = entity_type self.dimension = dim self.arr_size = arr_size self.recur = recursive self.reset() def reset(self): # if a specific dimension is requested, return only that dimension if(self.ent_type != types.MBMAXTYPE): ents = self.pymb.get_entities_by_type( self.meshset, self.ent_type, self.recur) # if a specific type is requested, return only that type elif(self.dimension != -1): ents = self.pymb.get_entities_by_dimension( self.meshset, self.dimension, self.recur) # otherwise return everything else: ents = self.pymb.get_entities_by_handle(self.meshset, self.recur) self.pos = 0 self.size = len(ents) self.entities = ents def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.pos >= self.size: raise StopIteration else: self.pos, value = self.pos + 1, self.entities[self.pos] return value # for Python2 compatability def next(self): return self.__next__() def step(self, num_steps): self.pos += int(num_steps) # protecting from Python 3 auto-promotion at_end = False if self.pos >= self.size: self.pos = self.size - 1 at_end = True return at_end def _cell_fracs_sort_vol_frac_reverse(cell_fracs): """ Sort cell_fracs according to the order of increasing idx and decreasing with vol_frac. Parameters ---------- cell_fracs : structured array The output from dagmc.discretize_geom(). A sorted, one dimensional array, each entry containing the following fields: :idx: int The volume element index. :cell: int The geometry cell number. :vol_frac: float The volume fraction of the cell withing the mesh ve. :rel_error: float The relative error associated with the volume fraction. The array must be sorted with respect to both idx and cell, with cell changing fastest. Returns ------- cell_fracs : structured array Sorted cell_fracs. """ # sort ascending along idx and vol_frac # ndarray.sort can't sort using desending sequence. # Multiply the vol_frac to -1.0 to sort the vol_frac in reverse order. cell_fracs['vol_frac'] *= -1.0 cell_fracs.sort(order=['idx', 'vol_frac']) cell_fracs['vol_frac'] *= -1.0 return cell_fracs def _check_meshtally_tag_names(tag_names): """Make sure tag_names is an iterable of 4 strings.""" # check iterable if not check_iterable(tag_names): raise ValueError("The given tag_names is not an Iterable.") # check length of 4 if len(tag_names) != 4: raise ValueError("The length of tag_names is not 4.") # check content strings for item in tag_names: if not isinstance(item, str): raise ValueError("The content of tag_names " "should be strings") # tag_names should be a string with length of 4 if isinstance(tag_names, str): raise ValueError("The tag_names should not be a single string") return True