Reaction Names – pyne.rxname

Python wrapper for rxname library.

The rxname module provides a string-based canonical form for reaction channel names, an integer identifier, labeling and documentation, and conversion to/from other conventions for these names.

Reaction Names: The names themselves are strings chosen such that they are valid variable names in most programming languages (including Python and C/C++). This strategy is known as natural naming and enables a namespace of reactions. Therefore, all names must match the regular expression [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*. For example, the elastic scattering cross section is simply “elastic” while the pair production reaction is given by “pair_prod”.

A number of patterns dictate how a reaction should be named. Foremost among these are particle names. Where required, “z” is a variable for any incident particle. The following table displays particle types and their names:


name (z)















From this we can see that a reaction which produces a neutron and a proton is called “np”. If multiple particles of the same type are produced, then the number precedes the particle type. Thus, one neutron and two protons are given by “n2p”. However if this would result in the name starting with a number, then the name is prepended with z_ to indicate any incident particle. For example, the reaction which yields two neutrons is “z_2n” (because “2n” is not a valid variable name in most programming languages).

Furthermore, if a reaction name ends in _[0-9]+ (underscore plus digits), then this means that the nucleus is left in the nth excited state after the interaction. For example, “n_0” produces a neutron and leaves the nucleus in the ground state, “n_1” produces a neutron and the nucleus is in the first excited state, and so on. However, “_continuum” means that the nucleus in an energy state in the continuum.

If a reaction name begins with erel_, then this channel is for the energy release from the reaction by the name without erel_. E.g. “erel_p” is the energy release from proton emission.

Reaction IDs: While the reaction names are sufficient for defining all possible reactions in a partially physically meaningful way, they do so using a variable length format (strings). It is often advantageous to have a fixed-width format, namely for storage. To this end, unique unsigned 32-bit integers are given to each name. These identifiers are computed based on a custom hash of the reaction name. This hash function reserves space for MT numbers by not producing values below 1000. It is recommended that the reaction identifiers be used for most performance critical tasks, rather than the names that they are calculated from.

Reaction Labels: Reaction labels are short, human-readable strings. These do not follow the naming convention restrictions that the names themselves are subject to. Additionally, labels need not be unique. The labels are provided as a convenience for building user interfaces with.

Reaction Docstrings: Similar to labels, reactions also come with a documentation string which gives a description of the reaction in a sentence or two. These provide more help and information for a reaction. This may be useful in a tool tip context for user interfaces.

Other Canonical Forms: This module provides mappings between other reaction canonical forms and the naming conventions and IDs used here. The most widespread of these are arguably the MT numbers. MT numbers are a strict subset of the reactions used here. Further information may be found at [Rd1688375fef6-NNDC], [Rd1688375fef6-NEA], [Rd1688375fef6-T2], and [Rd1688375fef6-JAEA].

The rxname module implements a suite of functions for computing or retrieving reaction names and their associated data described above. These functions have a variety of interfaces. Lookup may occur either by name, ID, MT number, a string of ID, or a string of MT number.

However, lookup may also occur via alternate names or abbreviations. For example, “tot” and “abs” will give the names “total” and “absorption”. Spelling out particles will also work; “alpha” and “duet” will give “a” and “d”. For a listing of all alternative names see the altnames variable.

Furthermore, certain reactions may be inferred from the nuclide prior and post reaction. For example, if an incident neutron hit U-235 and Th-232 was produced then an alpha production reaction is assumed to have occurred. Thus most of the functions in rxname will take a from nuclide, a to nuclide, and z – the incident particle type (which defaults to “n” neutron). Note that z may also be “decay”, indicating a radioactive decay occurrence.

Adding New Reaction Names

If for some reason the existing reaction names are insufficient, the following procedure will add a new reaction to the suite provided.

  1. Increment NUM_RX_NAMES in “rxname.h”.

  2. Add the name to the _names array at the top of “rxname.cpp”. Note the location in this array that the new name was added.

  3. In the _fill_maps() function in “rxname.cpp”, add the MT number to the _mts array at the same index the name was added in step 2. If the reaction does not have a corresponding MT number, add a zero (0) at this location instead.

  4. In the _fill_maps() function in “rxname.cpp”, add a short label to the _labels array at the same index the name was added in step 2.

  5. In the _fill_maps() function in “rxname.cpp”, add a docstring to the _docs array at the same index the name was added in step 2.

Repeat this procedure as necessary.





pyne.rxname.child(nuc, rx, z='n')

Gives the child nuclide that comes from a parent and a reaction.

nucstr or int

parent nuclide name or id.

rxstr or int

reaction name or id.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …).


a nuclide identifier.

pyne.rxname.doc(x, y=None, z='n')

Gives documentation string for the reaction.

xstr, int, or long

name, abbreviation, id, MT number, or from nuclide.

ystr, int, or None, optional

to nuclide.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …) when x and y are nuclides.


a reaction docstring.


Hashes a string to be used as a reaction id. This hash specifically reserves the h < 1000 for MT numbers., y=None, z='n')

Gives the unique reaction id. This is originally calculated as the hash of the name. This id may not be less than 1000, since these integers are reserved for MT numbers.

xstr, int, or long

name, abbreviation, id, MT number, or from nuclide.

ystr, int, or None, optional

to nuclide.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …) when x and y are nuclides.

rxidint or long

a unique reaction identifier.

pyne.rxname.label(x, y=None, z='n')

Gives a short reaction label, useful for user interfaces.

xstr, int, or long

name, abbreviation, id, MT number, or from nuclide.

ystr, int, or None, optional

to nuclide.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …) when x and y are nuclides.


a reaction label., y=None, z='n')

Gives the reaction MT number. This may not be greater than 1000.

xstr, int, or long

name, abbreviation, id, MT number, or from nuclide.

ystr, int, or None, optional

to nuclide.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …) when x and y are nuclides.

mtnumint or long

a unique MT number., y=None, z='n')

Gives the unique reaction name. Note that this name follows the ‘natural naming’ convention and may be used as a variable in most languages.

xstr, int, or long

name, abbreviation, id, MT number, or from nuclide.

ystr, int, or None, optional

to nuclide.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …) when x and y are nuclides.


a unique reaction name.

pyne.rxname.parent(nuc, rx, z='n')

Gives the parent nuclide that produces a child from a reaction.

nucstr or int

child nuclide name or id.

rxstr or int

reaction name or id.

zstr, optional

incident particle type (“n”, “p”, …).


a nuclide identifier.

Reaction Listing


reaction id description
'He3' 1225374 (z,3He) Production of He-3
'He3_0' 1334429201 (n,3He0)
'He3_1' 1334429200 (n,3He1)
'He3_10' 1086490656 (n,3He10)
'He3_11' 1086490657 (n,3He11)
'He3_12' 1086490658 (n,3He12)
'He3_13' 1086490659 (n,3He13)
'He3_14' 1086490660 (n,3He14)
'He3_15' 1086490661 (n,3He15)
'He3_16' 1086490662 (n,3He16)
'He3_17' 1086490663 (n,3He17)
'He3_18' 1086490664 (n,3He18)
'He3_19' 1086490665 (n,3He19)
'He3_2' 1334429203 (n,3He2)
'He3_20' 1086490691 (n,3He20)
'He3_21' 1086490690 (n,3He21)
'He3_22' 1086490689 (n,3He22)
'He3_23' 1086490688 (n,3He23)
'He3_24' 1086490695 (n,3He24)
'He3_25' 1086490694 (n,3He25)
'He3_26' 1086490693 (n,3He26)
'He3_27' 1086490692 (n,3He27)
'He3_28' 1086490699 (n,3He28)
'He3_29' 1086490698 (n,3He29)
'He3_3' 1334429202 (n,3He3)
'He3_30' 1086490722 (n,3He30)
'He3_31' 1086490723 (n,3He31)
'He3_32' 1086490720 (n,3He32)
'He3_33' 1086490721 (n,3He33)
'He3_34' 1086490726 (n,3He34)
'He3_35' 1086490727 (n,3He35)
'He3_36' 1086490724 (n,3He36)
'He3_37' 1086490725 (n,3He37)
'He3_38' 1086490730 (n,3He38)
'He3_39' 1086490731 (n,3He39)
'He3_4' 1334429205 (n,3He4)
'He3_40' 1086490757 (n,3He40)
'He3_41' 1086490756 (n,3He41)
'He3_42' 1086490759 (n,3He42)
'He3_43' 1086490758 (n,3He43)
'He3_44' 1086490753 (n,3He44)
'He3_45' 1086490752 (n,3He45)
'He3_46' 1086490755 (n,3He46)
'He3_47' 1086490754 (n,3He47)
'He3_48' 1086490765 (n,3He48)
'He3_5' 1334429204 (n,3He5)
'He3_6' 1334429207 (n,3He6)
'He3_7' 1334429206 (n,3He7)
'He3_8' 1334429209 (n,3He8)
'He3_9' 1334429208 (n,3He9)
'He3_continuum' 2532074717 (n,3Hec)
'He3_total' 4039916163 (z,X3He) Total He-3 production
'a' 1089 (z,a) Production of alpha
'a_0' 1184718 (z,a0)
'a_1' 1184719 (z,a1)
'a_10' 39095711 (z,a10)
'a_11' 39095710 (z,a11)
'a_12' 39095709 (z,a12)
'a_13' 39095708 (z,a13)
'a_14' 39095707 (z,a14)
'a_15' 39095706 (z,a15)
'a_16' 39095705 (z,a16)
'a_17' 39095704 (z,a17)
'a_18' 39095703 (z,a18)
'a_19' 39095702 (z,a19)
'a_2' 1184716 (z,a2)
'a_20' 39095676 (z,a20)
'a_21' 39095677 (z,a21)
'a_22' 39095678 (z,a22)
'a_23' 39095679 (z,a23)
'a_24' 39095672 (z,a24)
'a_25' 39095673 (z,a25)
'a_26' 39095674 (z,a26)
'a_27' 39095675 (z,a27)
'a_28' 39095668 (z,a28)
'a_29' 39095669 (z,a29)
'a_3' 1184717 (z,a3)
'a_30' 39095645 (z,a30)
'a_31' 39095644 (z,a31)
'a_32' 39095647 (z,a32)
'a_33' 39095646 (z,a33)
'a_34' 39095641 (z,a34)
'a_35' 39095640 (z,a35)
'a_36' 39095643 (z,a36)
'a_37' 39095642 (z,a37)
'a_38' 39095637 (z,a38)
'a_39' 39095636 (z,a39)
'a_4' 1184714 (z,a4)
'a_40' 39095610 (z,a40)
'a_41' 39095611 (z,a41)
'a_42' 39095608 (z,a42)
'a_43' 39095609 (z,a43)
'a_44' 39095614 (z,a44)
'a_45' 39095615 (z,a45)
'a_46' 39095612 (z,a46)
'a_47' 39095613 (z,a47)
'a_48' 39095602 (z,a48)
'a_5' 1184715 (z,a5)
'a_6' 1184712 (z,a6)
'a_7' 1184713 (z,a7)
'a_8' 1184710 (z,a8)
'a_9' 1184711 (z,a9)
'a_continuum' 3619292418 (n,ac)
'a_total' 445654364 (z,Xa) Total alpha production
'absorption' 3163131457 (n,abs) Absorption
'absorption_photoelectric' 2662420913 Photoelectric absorption
'antin' 1288426172 (z,Xn-) Total anti-neutron production
'antip' 1288426146 (z,Xp-) Total anti-proton production
'atomic_relaxation' 3898946525 Atomic relaxation data
'bminus' 4130566254 (z,b-)
'bminus_2n' 1794826605 (z,b-2n)
'bminus_3n' 1794826380 (z,b-3n)
'bminus_4n' 1794826539 (z,b-4n)
'bminus_a' 1355894000 (z,b-a)
'bminus_n' 1355894015 (z,b-n)
'bminus_p' 1355893985 (z,b-p)
'bminus_sf' 1794828612 (z,b-sf)
'bplus' 1296729272 (z,b+)
'bplus_2p' 164739045 (z,b+2p)
'bplus_3p' 164738820 (z,b+3p)
'bplus_a' 3388905638 (z,b+a)
'bplus_p' 3388905655 (z,b+p)
'bremsstrahlung' 83920519 Electro-atomic bremsstrahlung
'continuum' 4044931548 (z,contin) Total continuum reaction
'd' 1092 (z,d) Production of d
'd2a' 1190871 (z,d2a) Production of d and 2 alphas
'd_0' 1187787 (n,d0)
'd_1' 1187786 (n,d1)
'd_10' 39196986 (n,d10)
'd_11' 39196987 (n,d11)
'd_12' 39196984 (n,d12)
'd_13' 39196985 (n,d13)
'd_14' 39196990 (n,d14)
'd_15' 39196991 (n,d15)
'd_16' 39196988 (n,d16)
'd_17' 39196989 (n,d17)
'd_18' 39196978 (n,d18)
'd_19' 39196979 (n,d19)
'd_2' 1187785 (n,d2)
'd_20' 39196889 (n,d20)
'd_21' 39196888 (n,d21)
'd_22' 39196891 (n,d22)
'd_23' 39196890 (n,d23)
'd_24' 39196893 (n,d24)
'd_25' 39196892 (n,d25)
'd_26' 39196895 (n,d26)
'd_27' 39196894 (n,d27)
'd_28' 39196881 (n,d28)
'd_29' 39196880 (n,d29)
'd_3' 1187784 (n,d3)
'd_30' 39196920 (n,d30)
'd_31' 39196921 (n,d31)
'd_32' 39196922 (n,d32)
'd_33' 39196923 (n,d33)
'd_34' 39196924 (n,d34)
'd_35' 39196925 (n,d35)
'd_36' 39196926 (n,d36)
'd_37' 39196927 (n,d37)
'd_38' 39196912 (n,d38)
'd_39' 39196913 (n,d39)
'd_4' 1187791 (n,d4)
'd_40' 39197087 (n,d40)
'd_41' 39197086 (n,d41)
'd_42' 39197085 (n,d42)
'd_43' 39197084 (n,d43)
'd_44' 39197083 (n,d44)
'd_45' 39197082 (n,d45)
'd_46' 39197081 (n,d46)
'd_47' 39197080 (n,d47)
'd_48' 39197079 (n,d48)
'd_5' 1187790 (n,d5)
'd_6' 1187789 (n,d6)
'd_7' 1187788 (n,d7)
'd_8' 1187779 (n,d8)
'd_9' 1187778 (n,d9)
'd_continuum' 1800204551 (n,dc)
'd_total' 4092219993 (z,Xd) Total deuteron production
'da' 36005 (z,da) Production of d and a
'damage' 4043370667 (damage)
'decay' 1293730970 Radioactive Decay Data
'decay_14c' 1620221635 (z,14c)
'decay_2bminus' 2025579481 (z,2b-)
'decay_2bplus' 3314405935 (z,2b+)
'decay_2ec' 1620221105 (z,2ec)
'disappearance' 1859435552 (n,disap) Neutron disappearance
'ec' 35974 (z,ec)
'ec_2p' 1292747035 (z,ec2p)
'ec_3p' 1292747066 (z,ec3p)
'ec_bplus' 3182278881 (z,ec+b+)
'eca' 1187111 (z,eca)
'ecp' 1187126 (z,ecp)
'elastic' 3556114565 (z,z0) Elastic scattering
'energy_per_fission' 3061099522 Energy Release Due to Fission
'epsilon' 4013242370 Average logarithmic energy decrement
'erel_2a' 3947027250 Energy Release from (z,2a) Production of 2 alphas
'erel_2n' 3947027261 Energy Release from (z,2n) Production of 2n
'erel_2n2a' 3345391790 Energy Release from (z,2n2a) Production of 2n and 2 alphas
'erel_2na' 1402880700 Energy Release from (z,2na) Production of 2n and alpha
'erel_2nd' 1402880697 Energy Release from (z,2nd) Production of 2n and d
'erel_2np' 1402880685 Energy Release from (z,2np) Production of 2n and p
'erel_2p' 3947027235 Energy Release from (z,2p) Production of 2p
'erel_3a' 3947027283 Energy Release from (z,3a) Production of 3 alphas
'erel_3n' 3947027292 Energy Release from (z,3n) Production of 3n
'erel_3na' 1402881725 Energy Release from (z,3na) Production of 3n and alpha
'erel_3np' 1402881708 Energy Release from (z,3np) Production of 3n and p
'erel_4n' 3947027451 Energy Release from (z,4n) Production of 4n
'erel_He3' 1402767231 Energy Release from (z,3He) Production of He-3
'erel_a' 4024122528 Energy Release from (z,a) Production of alpha
'erel_absorption' 3322166016 Energy Release from (n,abs) Absorption
'erel_continuum' 603290173 Energy Release from (z,contin) Total continuum reaction
'erel_d' 4024122533 Energy Release from (z,d) Production of d
'erel_d2a' 1402798134 Energy Release from (z,d2a) Production of d and 2 alphas
'erel_da' 3947024676 Energy Release from (z,da) Production of d and a
'erel_disappearance' 2602749761 Energy Release from (n,disap) Neutron disappearance
'erel_elastic' 1885723876 Energy Release from (z,z0) Elastic scattering
'erel_fission' 4176363142 Energy Release from (z,fiss) Particle-induced fission
'erel_fission_first' 4075153411 Energy Release from (z,f) First- chance fission
'erel_fission_fourth' 1324687403 Energy Release from (z,3nf) Fourth-chance fission
'erel_fission_second' 602788105 Energy Release from (z,nf) Second chance fission
'erel_fission_third' 4049202458 Energy Release from (z,2nf) Third- chance fission
'erel_gamma' 2929686502 Energy Release from (z,gamma) Radiative capture
'erel_misc' 3342888245 Energy Release from (z,anything) Miscellaneous
'erel_n' 4024122543 Energy Release from (z,n) One neutron in exit channel
'erel_n2a' 1402808892 Energy Release from (z,n2a) Production of n and 2 alphas
'erel_n2p' 1402808877 Energy Release from (z,n2p) Production of n and 2p
'erel_n3a' 1402808925 Energy Release from (z,n3a) Production of n and 3 alphas
'erel_nHe3' 3343033393 Energy Release from (z,n3He) Production of n and He-3
'erel_n_0' 1402809568 Energy Release from (z,n0) Production of n, ground state
'erel_n_1' 1402809569 Energy Release from (z,n1) Production of n, 1st excited state
'erel_n_10' 3343042865 Energy Release from (z,n10) Production of n, 10th excited state
'erel_n_11' 3343042864 Energy Release from (z,n11) Production of n, 11th excited state
'erel_n_12' 3343042867 Energy Release from (z,n12) Production of n, 12th excited state
'erel_n_13' 3343042866 Energy Release from (z,n13) Production of n, 13th excited state
'erel_n_14' 3343042869 Energy Release from (z,n14) Production of n, 14th excited state
'erel_n_15' 3343042868 Energy Release from (z,n15) Production of n, 15th excited state
'erel_n_16' 3343042871 Energy Release from (z,n16) Production of n, 16th excited state
'erel_n_17' 3343042870 Energy Release from (z,n17) Production of n, 17th excited state
'erel_n_18' 3343042873 Energy Release from (z,n18) Production of n, 18th excited state
'erel_n_19' 3343042872 Energy Release from (z,n19) Production of n, 19th excited state
'erel_n_2' 1402809570 Energy Release from (z,n2) Production of n, 2nd excited state
'erel_n_20' 3343042834 Energy Release from (z,n20) Production of n, 20th excited state
'erel_n_21' 3343042835 Energy Release from (z,n21) Production of n, 21st excited state
'erel_n_22' 3343042832 Energy Release from (z,n22) Production of n, 22nd excited state
'erel_n_23' 3343042833 Energy Release from (z,n23) Production of n, 23rd excited state
'erel_n_24' 3343042838 Energy Release from (z,n24) Production of n, 24th excited state
'erel_n_25' 3343042839 Energy Release from (z,n25) Production of n, 25th excited state
'erel_n_26' 3343042836 Energy Release from (z,n26) Production of n, 26th excited state
'erel_n_27' 3343042837 Energy Release from (z,n27) Production of n, 27th excited state
'erel_n_28' 3343042842 Energy Release from (z,n28) Production of n, 28th excited state
'erel_n_29' 3343042843 Energy Release from (z,n29) Production of n, 29th excited state
'erel_n_3' 1402809571 Energy Release from (z,n3) Production of n, 3rd excited state
'erel_n_30' 3343042931 Energy Release from (z,n30) Production of n, 30th excited state
'erel_n_31' 3343042930 Energy Release from (z,n31) Production of n, 31st excited state
'erel_n_32' 3343042929 Energy Release from (z,n32) Production of n, 32nd excited state
'erel_n_33' 3343042928 Energy Release from (z,n33) Production of n, 33rd excited state
'erel_n_34' 3343042935 Energy Release from (z,n34) Production of n, 34th excited state
'erel_n_35' 3343042934 Energy Release from (z,n35) Production of n, 35th excited state
'erel_n_36' 3343042933 Energy Release from (z,n36) Production of n, 36th excited state
'erel_n_37' 3343042932 Energy Release from (z,n37) Production of n, 37th excited state
'erel_n_38' 3343042939 Energy Release from (z,n38) Production of n, 38th excited state
'erel_n_39' 3343042938 Energy Release from (z,n39) Production of n, 39th excited state
'erel_n_4' 1402809572 Energy Release from (z,n4) Production of n, 4th excited state
'erel_n_40' 3343042900 Energy Release from (z,n40) Production of n, 40th excited state
'erel_n_5' 1402809573 Energy Release from (z,n5) Production of n, 5th excited state
'erel_n_6' 1402809574 Energy Release from (z,n6) Production of n, 6th excited state
'erel_n_7' 1402809575 Energy Release from (z,n7) Production of n, 7th excited state
'erel_n_8' 1402809576 Energy Release from (z,n8) Production of n, 8th excited state
'erel_n_9' 1402809577 Energy Release from (z,n9) Production of n, 9th excited state
'erel_n_continuum' 292194604 Energy Release from (z,nc) Production of n in continuum
'erel_na' 3947025134 Energy Release from (z,na) Production of n and alpha
'erel_nd' 3947025131 Energy Release from (z,nd) Production of n and d
'erel_nd3a' 3343073049 Energy Release from (z,nd2a) Production of n, d, and alpha
'erel_nonelastic' 2946786027 Energy Release from (z,nonelas) Nonelastic neutron
'erel_np' 3947025151 Energy Release from (z,np) Production of n and p
'erel_npa' 1402811070 Energy Release from (z,npa) Production of n, p, and alpha
'erel_nt' 3947025147 Energy Release from (z,nt) Production of n and t
'erel_nt2a' 3343089640 Energy Release from (z,nt2a) Production of n, t, and 2 alphas
'erel_p' 4024122545 Energy Release from (z,p) Production of p
'erel_pa' 3947025072 Energy Release from (z,pa) Production of p and alpha
'erel_pd' 3947025077 Energy Release from (z,pd) Production of p and d
'erel_pt' 3947025061 Energy Release from (z,pt) Production of p and t
'erel_t' 4024122549 Energy Release from (z,t) Production of t
'erel_t2a' 1402814502 Energy Release from (z,t2a) Production of t and 2 alphas
'erel_total' 2949902819 Energy Release from (n,total) Neutron total
'excitation_electroatomic' 1895268442 Electro-atomic excitation cross section
'excited' 49749186 production of any excited state nucleus
'fission' 3909112679 (z,fiss) Particle-induced fission
'fission_first' 1560426786 (z,f) First-chance fission
'fission_fourth' 4238120298 (z,3nf) Fourth-chance fission
'fission_product_yield_cumulative' 1690515523 Cumulative Fission Product Yield
'fission_product_yield_independent' 1182308392 Independent fission product yield
'fission_second' 3437956488 (z,nf) Second chance fission
'fission_third' 1534549819 (z,2nf) Third-chance fission
'gamma' 1299806215 (z,gamma) Radiative capture
'gamma_0' 2444726152 (z,gamma0) Radiative capture, ground state
'gamma_1' 2444726153 (z,gamma1) Radiative capture, 1st excited state
'gamma_2' 2444726154 (z,gamma2) Radiative capture, 2st excited state
'gamma_delayed' 1504791020 Delayed Photon Data
'gamma_total' 3208512282 (z,Xgamma) Total gamma production
'heading' 1309825896 Descriptive Data
'it' 36125 (z,it)
'k_photoelectric' 974572603 K (1s1/2) subshell
'kaon0_long' 2240811086 (z,Xk0long) Total long-lived neutral kaon production
'kaon0_short' 952919734 (z,Xk0short) Total short-lived neutral kaon production
'kaonm' 1304543654 (z,Xk-) Total negative kaon production
'kaonp' 1304543675 (z,Xk+) Total positive kaon production
'l1_photoelectric' 1304990349 L1 (2s1/2) subshell
'l2_photoelectric' 726388046 L2 (2p1/2) subshell
'l3_photoelectric' 2152134415 L3 (2p3/2) subshell
'lumped_covar' 50137459 Lumped-Reaction Covariances
'm1_photoelectric' 650311916 M1 (3s1/2) subshell
'm2_photoelectric' 2739445167 M2 (3p1/2) subshell
'm3_photoelectric' 601219438 M3 (3p3/2) subshell
'm4_photoelectric' 1367786793 M4 (3d1/2) subshell
'm5_photoelectric' 3524528360 M5 (3d1/2) subshell
'misc' 39456052 (z,anything) Miscellaneous
'mubar' 1302752201 Average cosine of scattering angle
'muonm' 1302746804 (z,Xmu-) Total muon production
'muonp' 1302746793 (z,Xmu+) Total anti-muon production
'n' 1102 (z,n) One neutron in exit channel
'n1_photoelectric' 2595665743 N1 (4s1/2) subshell
'n2_photoelectric' 935855116 N2 (4p1/2) subshell
'n2a' 1201629 (z,n2a) Production of n and 2 alphas
'n2p' 1201612 (z,n2p) Production of n and 2p
'n3_photoelectric' 2458283469 N3 (4p3/2) subshell
'n3a' 1201596 (z,n3a) Production of n and 3 alphas
'n4_photoelectric' 362248330 N4 (4d3/2) subshell
'n5_photoelectric' 1174914891 N5 (4d5/2) subshell
'n6_photoelectric' 3810071560 N6 (4f5/2) subshell
'n7_photoelectric' 1037532617 N7 (4f7/2) subshell
'nHe3' 39666672 (z,n3He) Production of n and He-3
'nHe3_0' 247330751 (z,n3He-0) Production of n and He-3, ground state
'nHe3_1' 247330750 (z,n3He-1) Production of n and He-3, 1st excited state
'nHe3_2' 247330749 (z,n3He-2) Production of n and He-3, 2nd excited state
'n_0' 1202241 (z,n0) Production of n, ground state
'n_1' 1202240 (z,n1) Production of n, 1st excited state
'n_10' 39673968 (z,n10) Production of n, 10th excited state
'n_11' 39673969 (z,n11) Production of n, 11th excited state
'n_12' 39673970 (z,n12) Production of n, 12th excited state
'n_13' 39673971 (z,n13) Production of n, 13th excited state
'n_14' 39673972 (z,n14) Production of n, 14th excited state
'n_15' 39673973 (z,n15) Production of n, 15th excited state
'n_16' 39673974 (z,n16) Production of n, 16th excited state
'n_17' 39673975 (z,n17) Production of n, 17th excited state
'n_18' 39673976 (z,n18) Production of n, 18th excited state
'n_19' 39673977 (z,n19) Production of n, 19th excited state
'n_2' 1202243 (z,n2) Production of n, 2nd excited state
'n_20' 39674003 (z,n20) Production of n, 20th excited state
'n_21' 39674002 (z,n21) Production of n, 21st excited state
'n_22' 39674001 (z,n22) Production of n, 22nd excited state
'n_23' 39674000 (z,n23) Production of n, 23rd excited state
'n_24' 39674007 (z,n24) Production of n, 24th excited state
'n_25' 39674006 (z,n25) Production of n, 25th excited state
'n_26' 39674005 (z,n26) Production of n, 26th excited state
'n_27' 39674004 (z,n27) Production of n, 27th excited state
'n_28' 39674011 (z,n28) Production of n, 28th excited state
'n_29' 39674010 (z,n29) Production of n, 29th excited state
'n_3' 1202242 (z,n3) Production of n, 3rd excited state
'n_30' 39674034 (z,n30) Production of n, 30th excited state
'n_31' 39674035 (z,n31) Production of n, 31st excited state
'n_32' 39674032 (z,n32) Production of n, 32nd excited state
'n_33' 39674033 (z,n33) Production of n, 33rd excited state
'n_34' 39674038 (z,n34) Production of n, 34th excited state
'n_35' 39674039 (z,n35) Production of n, 35th excited state
'n_36' 39674036 (z,n36) Production of n, 36th excited state
'n_37' 39674037 (z,n37) Production of n, 37th excited state
'n_38' 39674042 (z,n38) Production of n, 38th excited state
'n_39' 39674043 (z,n39) Production of n, 39th excited state
'n_4' 1202245 (z,n4) Production of n, 4th excited state
'n_40' 39674069 (z,n40) Production of n, 40th excited state
'n_5' 1202244 (z,n5) Production of n, 5th excited state
'n_6' 1202247 (z,n6) Production of n, 6th excited state
'n_7' 1202246 (z,n7) Production of n, 7th excited state
'n_8' 1202249 (z,n8) Production of n, 8th excited state
'n_9' 1202248 (z,n9) Production of n, 9th excited state
'n_continuum' 2838001037 (z,nc) Production of n in continuum
'n_total' 4058975827 (z,Xn) Total neutron production
'na' 36463 (z,na) Production of n and alpha
'na_0' 39706144 (z,na0) Production of n and alpha, ground state
'na_1' 39706145 (z,na1) Production of n and alpha, 1st excited state
'na_2' 39706146 (z,na2) Production of n and alpha, 2nd excited state
'nd' 36458 (z,nd) Production of n and d
'nd3a' 39702232 (z,nd2a) Production of n, d, and alpha
'nd_0' 39705253 (z,nd0) Production of n and d, ground state
'nd_1' 39705252 (z,nd1) Production of n and d, 1st excited state
'nd_2' 39705255 (z,nd2) Production of n and d, 2nd excited state
'nonelastic' 2730041194 (z,nonelas) Nonelastic neutron
'np' 36478 (z,np) Production of n and p
'np_0' 39725745 (z,np0) Production of n and p, ground state
'np_1' 39725744 (z,np1) Production of n and p, 1st excited state
'np_2' 39725747 (z,np2) Production of n and p, 2nd excited state
'npa' 1203807 (z,npa) Production of n, p, and alpha
'npd' 1203802 (z,npd) Production of n, p, and d
'nt' 36474 (z,nt) Production of n and t
'nt2a' 39718633 (z,nt2a) Production of n, t, and 2 alphas
'nt_0' 39721653 (z,nt0) Production of n and t, ground state
'nt_1' 39721652 (z,nt1) Production of n and t, 1st excited state
'nt_2' 39721655 (z,nt2) Production of n and t, 2nd excited state
'nubar' 1310763978 Total Neutrons per Fission
'nubar_delayed' 3977280353 Delayed Neutron Data
'nubar_prompt' 451711281 Prompt Neutrons per Fission
'o1_photoelectric' 3090834094 O1 (5s1/2) subshell
'o2_photoelectric' 4292122989 O2 (5p1/2) subshell
'o3_photoelectric' 2057215276 O3 (5p3/2) subshell
'o4_photoelectric' 3904990955 O4 (5d3/2) subshell
'o5_photoelectric' 1670083242 O5 (5d5/2) subshell
'o6_photoelectric' 2871372137 O6 (5f5/2) subshell
'o7_photoelectric' 636464424 O7 (5f7/2) subshell
'o8_photoelectric' 2779431655 O8 (5g7/2) subshell
'o9_photoelectric' 544523942 O9 (5g9/2) subshell
'p' 1104 (z,p) Production of p
'p10_photoelectric' 2131725889 P10 (6h9/2) subshell
'p11_photoelectric' 609297536 P11 (6h11/2) subshell
'p1_photoelectric' 3455790865 P1 (6s1/2) subshell
'p2_photoelectric' 2877188562 P2 (6p1/2) subshell
'p3_photoelectric' 7967635 P3 (6p3/2) subshell
'p4_photoelectric' 4160557140 P4 (6d3/2) subshell
'p5_photoelectric' 581574421 P5 (6d5/2) subshell
'p6_photoelectric' 2972118 P6 (6f5/2) subshell
'p7_photoelectric' 1428718487 P7 (6f7/2) subshell
'p8_photoelectric' 991149144 P8 (6g7/2) subshell
'p9_photoelectric' 1707133721 P9 (6g9/2) subshell
'p_0' 1200095 (n,p0)
'p_1' 1200094 (n,p1)
'p_10' 39603118 (n,p10)
'p_11' 39603119 (n,p11)
'p_12' 39603116 (n,p12)
'p_13' 39603117 (n,p13)
'p_14' 39603114 (n,p14)
'p_15' 39603115 (n,p15)
'p_16' 39603112 (n,p16)
'p_17' 39603113 (n,p17)
'p_18' 39603110 (n,p18)
'p_19' 39603111 (n,p19)
'p_2' 1200093 (n,p2)
'p_20' 39603021 (n,p20)
'p_21' 39603020 (n,p21)
'p_22' 39603023 (n,p22)
'p_23' 39603022 (n,p23)
'p_24' 39603017 (n,p24)
'p_25' 39603016 (n,p25)
'p_26' 39603019 (n,p26)
'p_27' 39603018 (n,p27)
'p_28' 39603013 (n,p28)
'p_29' 39603012 (n,p29)
'p_3' 1200092 (n,p3)
'p_30' 39603052 (n,p30)
'p_31' 39603053 (n,p31)
'p_32' 39603054 (n,p32)
'p_33' 39603055 (n,p33)
'p_34' 39603048 (n,p34)
'p_35' 39603049 (n,p35)
'p_36' 39603050 (n,p36)
'p_37' 39603051 (n,p37)
'p_38' 39603044 (n,p38)
'p_39' 39603045 (n,p39)
'p_4' 1200091 (n,p4)
'p_40' 39602955 (n,p40)
'p_41' 39602954 (n,p41)
'p_42' 39602953 (n,p42)
'p_43' 39602952 (n,p43)
'p_44' 39602959 (n,p44)
'p_45' 39602958 (n,p45)
'p_46' 39602957 (n,p46)
'p_47' 39602956 (n,p47)
'p_48' 39602947 (n,p48)
'p_5' 1200090 (n,p5)
'p_6' 1200089 (n,p6)
'p_7' 1200088 (n,p7)
'p_8' 1200087 (n,p8)
'p_9' 1200086 (n,p9)
'p_continuum' 2288689427 (n,pc)
'p_total' 1499423053 (z,Xp) Total proton production
'pa' 36401 (z,pa) Production of p and alpha
'pair_prod' 1733039548 Total pair production
'pair_prod_elec' 2354795884 Pair production, electron field
'pair_prod_nuc' 3064829531 Pair production, nuclear field
'pd' 36404 (z,pd) Production of p and d
'photoexcitation' 2563929586 Photo-excitation cross section
'photon_coherent' 1316197777 Photon coherent scattering
'photon_incoherent' 3339980022 Photon incoherent scattering
'photon_total' 1734033407 Total photon interaction
'pion0' 1308389032 (z,Xpi0) Total pi0 meson production
'pionm' 1308389109 (z,Xpi-) Total pi- meson production
'pionp' 1308389096 (z,Xpi+) Total pi+ meson production
'pt' 36388 (z,pt) Production of p and t
'q1_photoelectric' 2801112432 Q1 (7s1/2) subshell
'q2_photoelectric' 595278387 Q2 (7p1/2) subshell
'q3_photoelectric' 2752019954 Q3 (7p3/2) subshell
'resonance_parameters' 886604009 Resonance Parameters
'scattering' 2754005670 Total scattering
'scattering_electroatomic' 320951906 Electro-atomic scattering
'scattering_factor_imag' 2637498473 Imaginary scattering factor
'scattering_factor_real' 2638379601 Real scattering factor
'sf' 36565 (z,sf)
'stopping_power' 2669049960 Total charged-particle stopping power
't' 1108 (z,t) Production of t
't2a' 1207239 (z,t2a) Production of t and 2 alphas
't_0' 1204187 (z,t0)
't_1' 1204186 (z,t1)
't_10' 39738154 (z,t10)
't_11' 39738155 (z,t11)
't_12' 39738152 (z,t12)
't_13' 39738153 (z,t13)
't_14' 39738158 (z,t14)
't_15' 39738159 (z,t15)
't_16' 39738156 (z,t16)
't_17' 39738157 (z,t17)
't_18' 39738146 (z,t18)
't_19' 39738147 (z,t19)
't_2' 1204185 (z,t2)
't_20' 39738057 (z,t20)
't_21' 39738056 (z,t21)
't_22' 39738059 (z,t22)
't_23' 39738058 (z,t23)
't_24' 39738061 (z,t24)
't_25' 39738060 (z,t25)
't_26' 39738063 (z,t26)
't_27' 39738062 (z,t27)
't_28' 39738049 (z,t28)
't_29' 39738048 (z,t29)
't_3' 1204184 (z,t3)
't_30' 39738088 (z,t30)
't_31' 39738089 (z,t31)
't_32' 39738090 (z,t32)
't_33' 39738091 (z,t33)
't_34' 39738092 (z,t34)
't_35' 39738093 (z,t35)
't_36' 39738094 (z,t36)
't_37' 39738095 (z,t37)
't_38' 39738080 (z,t38)
't_39' 39738081 (z,t39)
't_4' 1204191 (z,t4)
't_40' 39738255 (z,t40)
't_41' 39738254 (z,t41)
't_42' 39738253 (z,t42)
't_43' 39738252 (z,t43)
't_44' 39738251 (z,t44)
't_45' 39738250 (z,t45)
't_46' 39738249 (z,t46)
't_47' 39738248 (z,t47)
't_48' 39738247 (z,t48)
't_5' 1204190 (z,t5)
't_6' 1204189 (z,t6)
't_7' 1204188 (z,t7)
't_8' 1204179 (z,t8)
't_9' 1204178 (z,t9)
't_continuum' 2322247959 (n,tc)
't_total' 2066453065 (z,Xt) Total triton production
'total' 1313192322 (n,total) Neutron total
'y' 1113 Average xi^2/(2*xi)
'z_2a' 40080214 (z,2a) Production of 2 alphas
'z_2n' 40080217 (z,2n) Production of 2n
'z_2n2a' 697681866 (z,2n2a) Production of 2n and 2 alphas
'z_2n_0' 697680598 (z,2n0) Production of 2n, ground state
'z_2n_1' 697680599 (z,2n1) Production of 2n, 1st excited state
'z_2n_2' 697680596 (z,2n2) Production of 2n, 2nd excited state
'z_2na' 1322647064 (z,2na) Production of 2n and alpha
'z_2nd' 1322647069 (z,2nd) Production of 2n and d
'z_2np' 1322647049 (z,2np) Production of 2n and p
'z_2p' 40080199 (z,2p) Production of 2p
'z_2p_0' 697666376 (z,2p0) Production of 2p, ground state
'z_2p_1' 697666377 (z,2p1) Production of 2p, 1st excited state
'z_2p_2' 697666378 (z,2p2) Production of 2p, 2nd excited state
'z_3a' 40080247 (z,3a) Production of 3 alphas
'z_3n' 40080248 (z,3n) Production of 3n
'z_3n_0' 697714487 (z,3n0) Production of 3n, ground state
'z_3n_1' 697714486 (z,3n1) Production of 3n, 1st excited state
'z_3n_2' 697714485 (z,3n2) Production of 3n, 2nd excited state
'z_3na' 1322648089 (z,3na) Production of 3n and alpha
'z_3np' 1322648072 (z,3np) Production of 3n and p
'z_4n' 40079903 (z,4n) Production of 4n
'z_4n_0' 697338256 (z,4n0) Production of 4n, ground state
'z_4n_1' 697338257 (z,4n1) Production of 4n, 1st excited state

Reaction Aliases:

alias reaction
'*' 'excited'
'14c' 'decay_14c'
'2b+' 'decay_2bplus'
'2b-' 'decay_2bminus'
'2ec' 'decay_2ec'
'2n' 'z_2n'
'2p' 'z_2p'
'3HE' 'He3'
'3He' 'He3'
'3h' 't'
'3he' 'He3'
'HE-3' 'He3'
'HE3' 'He3'
'abs' 'absorption'
'alpha' 'a'
'b+' 'bplus'
'b+2p' 'bplus_2p'
'b+3p' 'bplus_3p'
'b+a' 'bplus_a'
'b+p' 'bplus_p'
'b-' 'bminus'
'b-2n' 'bminus_2n'
'b-3n' 'bminus_3n'
'b-4n' 'bminus_4n'
'b-a' 'bminus_a'
'b-n' 'bminus_n'
'b-p' 'bminus_p'
'b-sf' 'bminus_sf'
'deut' 'd'
'deuterium' 'd'
'deuteron' 'd'
'e' 'elastic'
'ec+b+' 'ec_bplus'
'ec2p' 'ec_2p'
'ec3p' 'ec_3p'
'elas' 'elastic'
'fis' 'fission'
'fiss' 'fission'
'g' 'it'
'h' 'He3'
'he-3' 'He3'
'he3' 'He3'
'i' 'n'
'inel' 'n'
'inelastic' 'n'
'proton' 'p'
's' 'scattering'
'scat' 'scattering'
'tot' 'total'
'trit' 't'
'tritium' 't'
'triton' 't'