module implements access to various different sets of
fundamental nuclear data stored in the nuc_data.h5 HDF5 database. These
include the following distinct datasets:
Fundamental constants common to nuclear engineering problems
Atomic mass data (JAEA)
Natural isotopic abundance data (IUPAC2009)
Energy/fission (ORIGEN-S)
Gamma Energy/fission (ORIGEN-S)
Simple cross sections (KAERI)
Dose factors for air, inhalation, soil, ingestion, uptake in fluids and lungs (Hanford report)
Coherent/incoherent/total bound scattering lengths (NIST)
Fission product yield from WIMSD and NDS (IAEA)
X-ray conversion coefficients (BNL)
ENSDF decay and level data (BNL)
Additional Information¶
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