Nuclear Data¶
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Nuclear Data¶
PyNE provides a top-level interface for a variety of basic nuclear data needs. This aims to provide quick access to very high fidelity data. Values are taken from the nuc_data.h5
library. The basic suite of data comes from public sources. However if you have access to proprietary or export-controlled data, such as CINDER cross sections, then PyNE will attempt to provide an interface to this as well.
All functionality may be found in the data module:
from pyne import data
The usual suspects follow.
Atomic Mass [amu]¶
Finds the atomic mass of a nuclide
Natural Abundance Ratios¶
Finds the natural abundance of a nuclide
Half Lives (s) & Decay Constants (1/s)¶
Finds the amount of time for half of the radionuclide to decay (half life). Decay constant is another measure of the rate of radioactive decay.
Decay Children¶
from pyne import nucname
print("Rb86 decayse to two isotopes,", "\n")
print("The first daughter is",, "\n")
print("The second daughter is",, "\n")
print("It decays to ",, " with a branch ratio of ", data.branch_ratio('Rb86', 360860000))
Neutron Scattering Lengths [cm]¶
Finds the bound scattering length; the generic value is computed from the coherent and incoherent scattering data:
$$b = \sqrt{\left| b_{\mbox{coh}} \right|^2 + \left| b_{\mbox{inc}} \right|^2}$$data.b('H1')
Half-life Plot¶
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('font', family='serif', size=14)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pyne import nucname, nuc_data
import tables as tb
f = tb.open_file(nuc_data)
# get a map between nucleon numbers and half-lives
#anums = map(nucname.anum, f.root.decay.level_list[:]['nuc_id'])
#anums = map(nucname.anum, data.half_life_map.keys())
NuclearName= list(map(lambda x:int(x),f.root.decay.level_list[:]['nuc_id']))
anums = map(nucname.anum, NuclearName)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,7))
plt.semilogy(list(anums), f.root.decay.level_list[:]['half_life'], 'ko', ms=1, alpha=0.3)
plt.ylabel('Half-life [s]')
ENSDF decay data¶
In addition to the basic ENSDF data interface shown above, there is an extended interface that provides access to a large portion of the decay data in the ENSDF dataset. For example lets look at Cs-137:
# we can look up most decay data by parent or by decay energy
# returns a list of gamma ray level pairs from ENSDF decay data from a given parent's state id.
decay_pairs = data.gamma_from_to_byparent(551370000)
print("The decay pairs are ", decay_pairs, ",\n")
# this resturns a list of gamma ray energies given a parent
energies = data.gamma_energy(551370000)
print("and they have these energies (paired with errors):", (energies), ".\n")
# these are relative gamma intensities
intensities = data.gamma_photon_intensity(551370000)
# This converts the relative intensities to decays per 100 decays of the parent
photonbr, photonbr_error = data.decay_photon_branch_ratio(551370000,561370000)
final_intensities = []
for item in intensities:
# compute the intensities by multiplying the branch ratio and the relative intensity; ignore the errors
print(, "gamma decays to",, "with intensities", final_intensities, "\n")
# Alpha intensities a bit trickier because we need to get the reaction
from pyne import rxname
# This is intensity per 100 alpha decays with no errors
a_intensities = data.alpha_intensity(922290000)
# Find the alpha branch intensity
a_br = data.branch_ratio(922290000,rxname.child(922290000,'a')) #alpha decay
# Calculate the intensities of each alpha per 100 decays of the parent
a_final_intensities = []
for item in a_intensities:
print(, "decays to",,'a')),"with intensities", a_final_intensities, "\n")
Another possible use is the search for candidate gamma rays¶
# The default range is +- 1 keV, which returns a lot of stuff
possible_parents = data.gamma_parent(661.657)
print("number of possible parents of 661.657 +- 1keV decay is", len(possible_parents), "\n")
# Or, return gamma ray level pairs based on gamma ray energy (another way to do it)
from_to = data.gamma_from_to_byen(661.657)
# Or, a list of gamma ray intensities from a given gamman ray energy (another way to do it)
intensity_list = data.gamma_photon_intensity_byen(661.657)
# we can downselect from this
import numpy as np
from pyne import nucname
hls = []
final_ints = []
parents = []
for i, item in enumerate(possible_parents):
# Temporary fix for bug
if from_to[i][0] < 0:
# gammas that don't have from-to pairs get lost here
phbr = data.decay_photon_branch_ratio(item,nucname.groundstate(from_to[i][0]))
# Select non-zero branch ratios, intensities over 5% of all decays, and half lives over 10 days
if phbr[0] > 0.0 and intensity_list[i][0]*phbr[0] > 5.0:
if nucname.groundstate(from_to[i][0]) != item and data.half_life(item,False) > 60.*60.*24.*10.:
# now we have a managably short list
for i, item in enumerate(parents):
# Temporary fix for bug
if item < 0:
print("possible candidate: {0}".format(
print("half life: {0} s/ {1} days/ {2} years".format(hls[i],hls[i]/(60.*60.*24.),hls[i]/(60.*60.*24.*365.25)))
print("intensity: {0} %".format(final_ints[i]))